Alarms and Sprinklers Flashcards
Name four types of smoke detectors
Point type ionistation and photoelectric
Beam type
Air sampling type
Household type
What are the advantages/disadvantages of photoelectric smoke detectors?
The advantages of photoelectric detectors are:
They provide early fire warning
Sensitive to slow burning, smouldering fires
Not affected by moving air.
The disadvantages of photoelectric detectors are:
They have higher current consumption than
ionisation detectors.
Less sensitive to flaming fires than ionisation
What type of smoke alarms are preferred by the fire service in Aus and why?
- Photoelectric type smoke alarms as:
➢ Provide early fire warning
➢ Sensitive to slow burning, smouldering fires
➢ Not affected by moving air
What are the Operational Procedures when attending a FIP?
- Locate the FIP
- Access FIP cabinet and control facility
- Record areas in alarm from the LCD screen
- Acknowledge alarms
- Reset alarm(s) in activation
- Isolate alarm(s) that will not reset
- Isolate ASE
List 6 types of sprinkler systems?
Wet pipe
Dry pip
Alternate wet and dry pipe
Pre-action/dry pipe
What are the main components of sprinkler system?
1 - Main stop valve
2 -Non-return valves
3- Alarm valves
4- Local alarm device (LWG)
5 -Transponder (ASE)
6- Retard chambers (see alarm valve operation)
7 -Pressure gauges
8 -Anti-tamper devices (VMA)
9 -Pressure switches/ flow switches
10 - Jacking pumps
The basic function of a sprinkler system is to?
Detect the presence of fire.
Attack the fire.
Contain or extinguish the fire.
Raise the alarm for occupants within the building and with the fire brigade
What is a FIP and how does it work?
Fire indicator panel, contains controls and indicators for the fire detectors and
various detection and suppression systems in a structure
What are 2 advantages of household smoke alarms?
- Low installation cost
- Low maintenance