B787 EP Notes Flashcards
Land Impact Drills - Capt
Memory Items
- Complete Non-Normal Checklist “Evacuation”
- Take Torch
- Monitor and oversee evacuation
- When all assistance rendered, evacuate
EP Actions
- Upon receipt of Evac Order/Signal move to door
- “Evacuate Evacuate Evacuate. Seat belts off. High heels off” (repeat)
- Check door safe to open
- Open door armed
- Ensure correct inflation. Guard until inflated.
- Once inflated grasp assist handle, stand clear of door and direct pax.
- “Come this way. Get out” or
- “Blocked Exit” (then once hear “Come this way”)
- “Go back/forward/across”
Ditch Impact Drills- Capt
Memory Items
- Complete Non-Normal Checklist “Ditching”
- Fit Lifejacket and take torch
- Proceed to cabin and oversee evacuation
- When all assistance rendered, evacuate
EP Actions
- Upon ditching instruction issue commands and fit lifejacket
- “Seat belts off. Fit lifejacket. High Heels off” (Repeat)
- Check door safe to open.
- Open door armed
- Ensure correct inflation. Guard until inflated.
- Once inflated grasp assist handle, stand clear of door and direct pax.
- “Come this way. Get out. Pull tags”
- “Blocked Exit” (then once hear “Come this way”)
- “Go back/forward/across”
Comms - Flight Deck
Cabin to Flight deck
- Push 31
- Single Hi/Low + “CABIN CALL” EICAS
Cabin to Flight deck (PP)
- Push **
- Single Hi/Low + “CABIN ALERT” EICAS
- Push 55 (Stay alive)
- Single Hi/Low + “CABIN CALL” EICAS
Lav Smoke
OFCR Smoke
- Master Caution + Aural + EICAS + “SMOKE REST UPR DR 1/2”
Comms - Cabin Lights
Pink - Cabin to Cabin
Amber - Lav smoke
Blue - Pax call light
Green - Flight Deck
Red - Lav Smoke (in lav)
Comms - Cabin Calls
55 (Stay Alive)
From Cabin
- 3 Hi/Low chimes + flashing pink
From Flight Deck
- 3 Hi/Low chimes + flashing green
54 (All Call) + Attendant to Attendant
- 1 Hi/Low chime + steady pink
Priority PA
- 4* + PTT
Lav Service Call
- Hi Chime + Steady Amber
Lav Smoke
- Alternate Hi Chime + Flashing Amber
OFCR Smoke
- Amber smoke alarm/call light above entrance door flashes
- Alt Hi chime
- Master call lights flash at
- OFCR 1L + 1R + Door 2 galley
- OFAR 4L + 4R + Door 4 galley
Time of Useful Consciousness
43 000’ - 10 seconds
40 000’ - 15 seconds
35 000’ - 45 seconds
30 000’ - 1 minute
25 000’ - 3 minutes
20 000’ - 10 minutes
Flight Deck Emergency Access
- No response call again after 1 minute
- Contact CSM/CSS
- Proceed to flight deck
- Emergency code then ENTER
- After 30 seconds door will unlock
Flight Deck Indications - EICAS warning “FD DOOR AUTO UNLOCK”
- Master warning light/siren
- Flight crew to always deny access
Counter Threat Response Model
Level 1 (Verbal abuse) - Verbal defuse
Level 2 (Physical Assult) - Verbal Defuse, ABP, Use Necessary force to manage, Evasion and separation
Level 3 (Life Threatening) - Evac or escape, ABP, Use Necessary force to repel/subdue, Evasion and separation, Hostage survival techniques.
Level 4 (Attack on Flightdeck) - Evac or escape, ABP, Use Necessary force to repel/subdue, Maintain control of aircraft at all costs.
Flight Deck Lockdown
Level 1 or 2 at discretion of PF
Level 3 or 4 always
Must remain in Lockdown until aircraft is on ground
Equipment at all Primary Positions
T - Torch
O - Oxy
P - PBE (Essex)
H - Halon Extinguisher
I - Impact Drill + depress
L - Lifejacket
L - Laerdal Mask
Halon + PBE Locations
All doors + Flight deck + 1LA + 2R + 4LA
Heat Resistant Gloves Locations
Flight deck + 4R
Crash Axe Location
Flight deck
Oxy Locations
Pulse + Single Outlet at all doors (2L in Centre stowage) + additional Pulse 1R + 4R
Additional Oxy Masks Locations
2R Coat Cupboard + 4L Inboard stowage
Laerdal Masks Location
At all Primary positions
Physicians Kit + Defib Locations
Mid Cabin RHS Dogbox
Emergency First Aid Kit Locations
1L + 2L + 4L Inboard Stowage
Beacon Locations
1L + 4L
Infant + Spare Lifejacket Locations
Infant - Mid Cabin LHS dogbox
Spare Adult - Mid Cabin Centre Dogbox
Restraint Locations
Infant/Extension (Push Button) - 1L
Infant/Extension (Normal + Inflatable) - Mid Cabin Centre Dog Box
Restraint Pack - Mid Cabin Centre Dog Box
Megaphone Locations
2L + 4L
DG Spill Kit + SAAP + Bio Hazard Kit Locations
Mid Cabin Centre Dog Box
OFCR Equipment
- PBE + Halon
- Flashlight
- Lifejacket
Type A Dual Lane (Doors 2 + 4)
Type C Single Lane (Doors 1 + 3)
Power assist failure push door out
Inflation failure pull manual inflation handle
- Lift girt bar flap
- Pull white handle
- Cut mooring line
Survival Kit at door end (has canopy and sea anchor)
Emerg Evacuation System
- Evac Command Switches located on Flight Deck + all door Attendant Switch Panels
- Flight deck switch OFF disables all Cabin switches
Emerg Lighting System
- Switch on Flight Deck + 2L MSP
- activated when all power lost, + door opened in armed + switched on
- Duration 10 minutes
IFE Smoke/Fire Event
- IFE POWER on VCS to OFF (also on Flight Deck)
- Must stay off for remainder of flight if selected off
- VCS selected off in cabin no EICAS message
Fixed Oxy System
- 78 Minutes duration
- No requirement to pull down to activate
- Green LED flow indicator