B602; Implications of Humanity’s Special Responsibility Flashcards
Why do Christians believe that they have special responsibility towards creation?
Because God created all humans in his own image
What does the responsibility of stewardship involve?
Not abusing the planet, instead protecting both the environment and the animals in preparation for future generations.
What does the responsibility of dominion involve?
Christians accept the responsibility of trying to look after the environment- this can take form in a number of ways. Because God placed the Earth in their hands.
What are the main human responsibilities?
Save Energy
Support the work of a charity such as AROCHA and GREENPEACE
Caring/Protecting Animals
Ensuring a protected world for future generations
What part do Christians believe they have to play in this world?
Christians believe that the earth and all that is on it belongs to God. They should therefore play a part in
protecting the earth as best they can for future generations. This takes place in everyday decisions like recycling
and transport, as well as bigger decisions like choice of energy and sustainable communities.
What are some quotes about The Earth?
“The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”
“And God saw that it was good”
What can Christians join to show they are being good stewards to God and what he created?
Christians may get involved in conservation groups or environmental campaigns in order to show they are being
good stewards of the environment.
What is AROCHA ?
A Christian Nature Conservation organisation
Its aim is to show God’s love for creation through practical projects e.g. turning wasteland sites into
country parks.
It works with local councils and communities to promote looking after the environment and respecting
God’s creation.
What do Christians believe about the differences between humans and animals?
For many Christians the account in Genesis suggests that Humanity is set apart from animals, that humans are to be seen as a higher with rights and duties that are not shared by other animals.
What is a quote from Genesis that sets apart human from animals?
“God breathed life into the nostrils of man‟ (Genesis 2:7)
This passage suggests that humans have a special
connection with God.
There is also another quote from Genesis about the difference between animals and humans, what is it?
“Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He
brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature,
that was its name‟ (Genesis 2:19)
What does this quote suggest?
That humans have control (dominion) over animals and therefore some Christians believe we can use animals to our benefit.
What do Christians accept the use of animals for?
Food, Medical Advancements etc
But what do they do as stewards?
They have a responsibility to ensure animals are not mistreated, abused or kept in unacceptable conditions.
Unnecessary or abusive use of animals goes against the teaching
What quote supports their choices towards animals?
“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”.
How is this quote appropriate?
Many Christians will be against using animals for cosmetic testing or non-essential clothing
What views do the Roman Catholic Church have regarding animals?
Medical and scientific experimentation on animals is morally acceptable if it remains within reasonable
limits and contribute to saving human lives. Unnecessary suffering though should not be brought upon the animals.
What view does the Church of England have regarding animals?
We should care for animals and look after their welfare, however it may be necessary to use animals in experiments for new drug/diseases medication that will help humans. Any suffering towards animals must
be kept to a minimum, even in medical experimentations.