B601; Repentance and Forgiveness Flashcards
A passage from the parable of the goats and sheep
At the end of the world everybody will stand in front of God and he will separate people like a
shepherd separates his sheep from the goats.
He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Then Jesus will say to those on his right “Come to Heaven with me because when I was
hungry you gave me something to eat, when I was thirsty you gave me a drink, when I was a
stranger you invited me in and when I needed clothes, you clothed me. When I was sick, you
cared for me and when I was in prison you came to visit me! “
Then those on the right will say “But Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or visit you
in prison?”
Jesus says “Whenever you did this for other people you did this for me.”
Then Jesus will say to those on his left “You are cursed and will go to Hell to be with the Devil
and his angels. When I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat, when I was thirsty you gave
me nothing to drink and when I was sick and in prison you did not look after me”
They will answer “But Jesus when did we see you like this?! Jesus will answer “Whenever you
did not do this for anyone else you did not do this for me.”
What does the parable of the sheep and the goats show?
It paints a grim picture of eternal damnation for those
who have sinned.
What do Christians not believe in?
Christians do not believe they will be eternally punished for their failings – if they choose to repent.
Why do they believe God will accept this?
As God is omnibenevolent and forgiving He will
remove our punishments and sins through confession.
What does John say about repentance and forgiveness?
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all
unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
Although God is forgiving what should Christians not continuously do?
Sin and expect God to forgive. A Christian’s belief in forgiveness should encourage them to live morally, according to God’s Law. Any sin committed must be confessed and must, with greatest intention, not be