B318.2 Fire Watch (03/09/2016) Flashcards
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
On scene personnel will determine the need for establishment of a fire watch using the AFD Fire Watch Guidelines, in conjunction with consultation from who?
Emergency Prevention Division
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Fire watch will normally be conducted by who?
Licensed security officer or building employees
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Who may require a fire watch to ensure the safety of the occupants in circumstances not covered by the Fire Watch Guidelines?
Emergency Prevention
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Where can a printable version of the AFD Fire Watch Guidelines be obtained?
Emergency Prevention’s website on Firenet
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Who should the Company Officer contact if a system is found to be impaired or inoperable?
On-call Inspector
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Where should it be documented if it is determined that a fire watch is required?
On the AFD Inspection Form
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
When fire watch is required, the fire code violation documented should be listed as:
5S - Fire protection system/life safety system does not meet AFD approval
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
When turning over a fire watch to an approved person, their name and contact number should be given to who:
The on-call inspector
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Following completion, the inspection report info should be entered in RMS as a:
Complaint Inspection
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
When entering it in RMS, Lock the inspection as ________ and refer it to ______ _______ in order to create a pending inspection. A follow up ______ should be sent to prevention advising of the situation:
- Unsatisfactory
- Fire Prevention
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Who should be notified when an operations company is required to conduct a fire watch?
Shift Commander
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
If an operations company will be needed to perform fire watch for an extended period of time, what should be utilized?
A reserve apparatus and added time personnel
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Who is responsible for billing the property owner?
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
When a fire watch is established, the On-call Prevention Inspector should notify Fire Dispatch to request what kind of incident be created in CAD?
Fire Protection System (FPS)
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Who will approve discontinuing fire watch?
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Who determines the number of people required for a fire watch?
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Building/Occupancy employees and/or licensed security personnel conducting fire watch must have what?
2-way communication capabilities to alert 911
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
A licensed security company contracted to perform fire watch duties is required to:
Notify AFD in writing that they have been hired to perform the duties
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
What will be included in the notification from the security company when submitting for fire watch?
- Address
- Business/Occupancy name
- Dates
- Times
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
Fire watch personnel are required to keep a ______ and log all activities every _____ minutes:
- Journal
- 30 minutes
[B318.2 Fire Watch]
When can in-house personnel be able to perform fire watch of a place that is required to have a licensed security company perform fire watch (3)?
- After normal business hours
- Weekends
- Holidays