B3 - Infection and Response Flashcards
List 4 ways pathogens/disease can Spread.
▪︎Pathogens can spread by air droplets/airborne particles (cough or sneezing).
▪︎Salmonella (contaminated food).
▪︎Cholera (contaminated water).
▪︎Direct skin Contact (Bare foot walking)
Pathogens are microorganisms that enter the body and can cause disease.
Name 4 pathogens
What is a communicable disease
When pathogens can spread from person to person
What are 4 ways we can Prevent disease from spreading
▪︎Hygiene e.g.washing hands
▪︎Kill the vectors - using insecticides
▪︎ Isolation/quarantine
What is a vector
A vector is a living organism that transmits a pathogen from an infected organism to another organism
How does hygiene reduce the spread of pathogens
Washing things kills the pathogens on them. This stops the pathogens from spreading and infecting other people
What are mosquitos and what do they carry
Mosquitos are vectors and they carry malaria
What is measles and what does it cause.
Measles is a viral disease. Spread by droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze, people with measles will develop a red skin rash and get a fever.
However most people in the UK are vaccinated against measles when there young
What’s a virus
A virus are not living, infectious agents that can only replicate inside the living cells of an organism
What is HIV
HIV is a virus spread by sexual contact, or by exchanging bodily fluids such as blood when people share needles
What symptoms come from HIV.
• What can medication can they be controlled by
HIV can cause flu like symptoms such as fevers, tiredness and aches.
HIV can be controled with antiretroviral drugs early on, which will stop the virus from replicating in the body.
How can AIDS result from HIV
If you have had HIV for a long time without the use of antiretroviral drugs or treatment the viral cells will keep replicating and badly damage the the body’s immune system, at this point the immune system will no longer be able to cope with other infections or cancers, this stage is known as aid.
What is tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
Tobacco mosaic virus is a virus that affects many species of plants e.g. tobacco and tomato plants by leaving a mosaic pattern of patches on the leaves so the parts of the leaves become discoloured.
What is the problem with TMV on leaves
TMV leaves patches that cause discolouration on leaves. This means the plant can’t carry out photosynthesis as well on these discoloured patches leaving the plant unable to produce enough sugars for proper growth.
What is rose black splot
Rose Black spot is a fungus that causes purple or black spots to develop on leaves of rose plants, spready through the enviroment in water or the wind. The leaves can then turn yellow and drop off
What is the problem with rose black spot
The black and purple spots they produce cause the leaves to turn yellow and drop off which reduces the plants ability to photosynthesis so they don’t grow so well
What may farmers do to treat Rose Black spot.
They can chop of any infected leaves ensuring they are destroyed so there’s no chance of the fungus spreading to other rose plants.
They can also treat the disease using/ spraying fungucides which kill any fungus
Name the 3 viral diseases
Name the fungal disease
Rose black spot
What are pathogens
Pathogens are microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease
What is bacteria
Bacteria are very small cells which can reproduce rapidly inside your body and make us feel ill by producing toxins that damage your cells and tissues.