B3 - Infection and response Flashcards
What is the difference and similarities between a virus and bacteria ( 5 marks)
Virus - A lot smaller than bacteria
Virus lives inside cell and replicates themselves then bursts - releasing new viruses
Cell damage makes u feel ill
Bacteria - Make you feel ill by producing toxins that damage cells and tissues - outside cell
Both reproduce rapidly
What are protists and how can they make someone feel ill
Single-celled eukaryotes
Some protists are parasites - live on or inside other organisms and can cause damage
What is a vector
Organism that carries a protist but doesn’t get the disease itself
How do fungi make someone feel ill ( 2 marks)
Grow and penetrate human skin and the surface of plants causing diseases
How can pathogens spread (3 marks)
Water - drinking or bathing in dirty water
Air - breathed in - sneeze or cough
Direct contact - touching contaiminated surfaces
What is it
How does it spread
Precaution against it
Droplets from an infected person’s sneeze or cough
Fever, red skin rash
Vaccination as a child
What is late stage HIV/AIDS
Body’s immune system is badly damaged and can’t cope with other infections or cancer
What is it/happens
How does it spread
Virus attacks immune cells
Sexual contact/exchange in bodily fluids - when drug users share needles
Flu-like symptoms
Antiretroviral drugs - stops virus replicating in the body
What is it/happens
How does it spread
Bacteria producing toxins
Fever, cramp, vomiting, diarrhoea
Food prepared in unhygienic conditions or not cooked properly
Improve food hygiene, wash hands, cook food thoroughly
UK - most poultry are vaccinated against salmonella
What is it/happens
How does it spread
Caused by a protist
Part of malarial protist’s life cycle takes place inside mosquito
By vector (mosquito)
Prevent breeding of mosquitoes/use mosquito nets to avoid being bitten
Recurrent fever
Name the parts of our defence system and their function (6 marks)
Nose hairs - trap particles that contain pathogens
Trachea/Bronchi - release mucus to trap pathogens
Cillia - move mucus up to the throat to be swallowed
Stomach - produces hcl - kills most indigested pathogens
Skin - stops pathogen getting in
Rose black spot:
What is it/happens
How does it spread
Causes purple or black spots to develop on leaves of rose plants - leaves turn yellow then drop off
Less photosynthesis can happen - plant doesn’t grow very well
Spreads through environment in water or wind
Fungicides/removing affected leaves and destroying them
What is it/happens
How does it spread
Affects many species of plant e.g tomatoes
Causes mosaic pattern on leaves of plant - part of the leaves become discoloured
Discolouration means plant carries out less photosynthesis
Contaminated surfaces/ seed transmission
What is it/happens
How does it spread
Sexual contact
Pain in urination/thick yellow or green discharge from genitals
Antibiotics - usage of barrier methods of contraception
Describe four ways the spread of disease can generally be reduced/prevented
Being hygienic - washing hands thoroughly
Destroying vectors - can no longer breed
Isolating infected individuals - prevents them from passing it on to someone else
Vaccination - Can’t develop infection and then pass it on