B206L Operating Limitations Flashcards
Transient limits
Intentional use of transient limtis is prohibited.
Seat configuration and operation type
Seven place seating.
Day or night VFR nonicing conditions.
Doors off operations
Any combination of doors off approved.
(90 KIAS max with any doors off)
Flight crew
Minimum crew is 1 pilot in the right seat.
Minimum crew weight is 170 lbs.
Left seat may be used for additional pilot with duals installed.
Max gross weight for takeoff and landing.
4150 lbs
Airspeed limitations
- Vne 130 KIAS up to 3000’ DA. See placard.
- Vne is 84 KIAS at 85-100% TORQUE takeoff power.
- Vne is 90 KIAS with any doors off.
Max operating altitude
20,000 feet pressure altitude.
Ambient air temperature limitations
Max at sea level: 51.7 C /125 F and decreases at 2 C / 3.6 F per 1000 feet pressure altitude.
Maneuver limitation
Aerobatic maneuvers are prohibited.
Generator limitations
0-90% DC load continuous operation.
90% DC load maximum
Allison model 250-C30P.
Selective passenger loading
When both crew seats are occupied, only 1 mid passenger is permitted unless there are 2 aft passengers.
When only 1 crew seat is occupied, no more than 2 aft passengers are permitted unless there is 1 mid passenger.
Baggage compartment
250 lbs max
86 lbs/sq. ft. max
Gas producer (N1)
Continuous operation 63-105%
Max transient 106% (10 seconds)
Gas producer (N1)
Continuous operation 63-105%
Maximum 105%
Max transient 106% (10 seconds)
Power turbine RPM (N2)
Minimum 90%
Continuous 97-100%
Maximum 100%
Transient overspeed range: 100-103%
Turbine Outlet Temperature (TOT)
Continuous: 100-716 C.
Max continuous: 716 C.
5 min takeoff range: 716-768 C.
Max takeoff (5 min): 768 C.
Max power transient: 871 C (Do not exceed 12 sec above 768 C).
Begin start transient time limit: 826 C (red triangle, 10 seconds)
Max for start and shutdown: 927 C.
(WARNING: Exceeding 768 TOT or 100% torque can result in rotor RPM droop).
Engine torque
Continuous: 0-85%
Max continuous: 85%
5 min takeoff: 85-100%
Max takeoff: 100%
Max transient: 105% (5 seconds)
Fuel pressure
Minimum: 4 PSI
Continuous: 4-25 PSI
Maximum: 25 PSI
Minimum below 0 deg F for A, A1, JP5: 8 PSI.
Engine oil pressure
Min below 79% N1: 50 PSI
Min for 79-94% N1: 90 PSI
Min at or above 94% N1: 115 PSI
Max: 130 PSI
Engine oil temperature
Continuous: 0-107 C.
Maximum: 107 C.
Anti Ice
- ON when flight in visible moisture in temps below 4.4 C (40 F).
- Do not use above 4.4 C (40 F)
Starter time limitations
40 sec ON
30 sec OFF
40 sec ON
30 sec OFF
40 sec ON
60 sec ON
60 sec OFF
60 sec ON
60 sec OFF
60 sec ON
Transmission oil pressure
Min 30 PSI
Continuous 40-70 PSI
Max 70 PSI
Transmission oil temperature
Continuous 15-110 C.
Maximum 110 C.
Rotor RPM - Power on
Min transient 95% (5 sec)
Min 97%
Continuous 97-100%
Max continuous 100%
Max transient - low power descent, 5 min: 103%
Rotor RPM - Power off
Min 90%
Max 107%
Floor loading
75 lbs/sq foot
Diamond J Gauges
O E will flash twice per second after exceedence.