B2--content vocab #1 ch. 4 Flashcards
Civil Liberties
Freedoms we have to think and to act without government interference or fear of unfair treatment
4.1 content vocab
Banning printed materials and film merely because they contain alarming and offensive ideas.
Formal request
Spreading spoken lies
Lies that are printed
4.2 content vocab
Search warrant
Court order allowing law enforcement officers to search a suspect’s home or business and take specific items as evidence.
A formal charge by a group of citizens
Grand Jury
People that review the evidence against the accused
Double jeopardy
People that are accused of a crime and judged not guilty may not be put on trial again for the same crime
Due process
Following established legal procedures
Eminent domain
The right of the government to take private property-usually land- for public use
Sum of money used as a security deposit
4.3 content vocab