B1.4 - Adaptations Flashcards
What is a general adaptation?
e.g - having legs to walk
What is a specific adaptation?
e.g - special features so an animal can survive in its environment.
List some adaptations for animals in cold environments.
Thick fur coats provide insulation.
Layer or blubber under the skin to conserve heat and act as an energy reserve in the winter.
White fur helps them to camouflage and sneak up on prey.
Fur on the soles of the feet reduce heat loss to the snow.
Small surface area to volume ratio to prevent heat loss.
List some adaptions for animals in dry environments.
Long legs to spread heat
Nocturnal based lifestyle so they have an increased iris size to see prey
Some can store food for an extreme amount of time because of scarce amounts of food
High surface area to volume ratio to conserve heat
Has concentrated urine and sweats minimally to prevent water loss
A sandy colour gives good camouflage to help them hide from predators or seek prey.
What is an extremophile?
Organisms that are adapted to live in extreme conditions.
What are warning adaptations?
They are signs that an organism gives off to protect its territory, such as poisonous skin or spikes.
What are some adaptations for predators?
Claws to attack prey
Heightened senses to find prey
Fast and agile to help catch prey
Binocular vision
What are some adaptions for prey?
Live in large groups
Eyes to the side of the head to help prey to see predators (monocular vision)
Defences such as poisons or stings
Warning adaptations
What do plants fight for?
What do animals fight for?
What are indicator species?
They are normally invertebrates that can signify pollution or changes in an environment.
What is an adaptation?
An adaptation is special feature or behaviour that makes an organism particularly suited to its habitat.
What are some adaptations for desert plants?
Cactus -
Small surface area compared to volume
They have spines to reduce heat loss
Water is stored in their stems
They have extensive roots to find water deep underground
State three changes in the environment that can affect animals and plants.
Presence of competitors
Rainfall levels
Describe how lichens can be used as air-pollution indicators.
Lichens are sensitive to air pollution such as sulfur dioxide.
High levels of lichens tell us that there is a low level of air pollution.