B1.3 Flashcards
When to apply CSI (Which stage)
CSI is something that should be applied throughout the lifecycle for new or amended services as they are conceived (service strategy), designed (service design), rolled out (service transition) and used (service operation)
SLR part of design service
Setting requirements for minimum levels of service (SLRs) such as this are considered in ITIL to be part of the design of a service rather than CSI.
measurements of how well services are being provided
service degradation
Keeping services exactly as they are at the moment would lead very quickly to loss of market share, poorer business outcomes and reduced value to customers, simply because everybody else would be improving their service provision.
Deming cycle
‘Plan–Do–Check–Act’ (PDCA) cycle
- deciding what you want to do and how you can achieve it (Plan)
- implementing whatever change you have planned (Do)
- evaluating the impact of your implementation – did it work, how well, etc. (Check)
- deciding whether you now need to make further changes (Act).
CSI Approach is missing the Do stage. Why is that?
The ‘DO’ stage has to do with the implementation which can take the form of a project. That’s not part of service management. ITIL is concerned with the management of change and service improvement, rather than with the technical implementation.
What makes a good metric
it’s simply a question of choosing metrics that are relevant and appropriate, and that actually tell you something about the way a service is performing. Knowing how well a service is performing
CSI uses three types of metric
- Technology metrics (underlying components performance)
- Process metrics (service management process effectiveness)
- Service metrics (effectiveness of service provided to customers)
Pre-collected data that the impact of a change can be measured against.
CFS - Critical Success Factors
CSFs are things that are necessary for the vision to be realised
KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
key performance indicators (KPIs) describe the extent to which a CSF has been achieved.
KPI threshold
KPI target threshold will normally be some change from its current value. However, services are unlikely to be able to change immediately, so we might aim to achieve the threshold by the end of a particular period.
critical success factors
things that must be happening in order to achieve that outcome
critical success factors aren’t usually measurable
so we look for metrics we can use to confirm how well we’re meeting the CSFs
seven-step improvement process
The seven steps in the process are:
- Identify the strategy for improvement. (P)
- Define what is to be measured. (P)
- Gather the data. (D)
- Process the data. (C)
- Analyse the information.(C)
- Present and use the information. (A)
- Implement improvement. (A)
CSI register
The CSI approach may suggest several possible service improvements. These are recorded in the CSI register, whether or not they are selected for immediate implementation.
CSI is about…
looking at (which often means measuring) the services you are offering to customers and users, and identifying and implementing improvements to those services.
CSI focuses …
specifically on the services themselves and not on the technology.