B1.1 - Keeping Healthy Flashcards
What does a healthy diet contain?
The right balance of all the different food groups and the right amount of energy for a particular person.
What are carbohydrates, fats and proteins used for?
To release energy and build cells.
What are mineral ions and vitamins needed for?
Healthy functioning of the body
When is a person malnourished?
When their diet is not balanced
What can being malnourished lead to?
Being overweight or underweight
What can an unbalanced diet lead to?
Deficiency diseases or conditions such as Type 2 diabetes.
How does a person lose mass?
When the energy content of the food take in is less then the energy expended.
What effect does exercise have on the amount of energy expended?
It increases it.
What is metabolic rate?
The rate at which all the chemical reactions in the body take place.
What factors affect metabolic rate?
The amount of activity you do and the proportion of muscle to fat in the body. Also, inherited factors.
Give an example of in inherited factor which could affect a person’s health:
Cholesterol level
What are pathogens?
Microorganisms which cause infectious diseases
How can bacteria and viruses make us feel ill?
By reproducing rapidly and producing toxins
What effect do viruses have on cells?
They reproduce inside the cell, damaging it.
Which cells help to protect the body against diseases?
White blood cells
What are the 3 types of white blood cell?
Phagocyte, Lymphocyte and Neutrophil
What do Phagocytes do?
They engulf the pathogens
What do Lymphocytes do?
They produce antibodies, which destroy particular bacteria or viruses.
What do Neutrophil do?
They produce antitoxins, which neutralise the toxins produced by the pathogens.
How can pathogens become immune?
The body produces specific antibodies to target the pathogen, which the pathogen is exposed to for long periods of time
What can happen if a large proportion of the population is immune to a pathogen?
The spread of the pathogen is greatly reduced
How did Ignaz Semmelweis help develop understanding of the spread diseases?
Semmelweis recognised the importance of hand-washing in the prevention of spreading some infectious diseases. By insisting that doctors washed their hands before examining patients, he greatly reduced the number of deaths from infectious diseases in his hospital.
What effect do painkillers have on pathogens?
None. They can relieve the pain but will not harm pathogens.
What are antibiotics?
Medicines that help to cure bacterial disease by killing infectious bacteria inside the body.
Name one antibiotic
Can antibiotics be used to treat viruses?
Why can’t antibiotics be used to destroy viral pathogens?
They live and reproduce inside cells
How do different bacteria have to be treated differently with antibiotics?
Different bacteria can only be destroyed using certain antibiotics
Why has bacteria’s resistance to antibiotics increased over the years?
Due to overuse and inappropriate use of antibotics
Name one strain of bacteria that has developed a resistance to antibiotics:
How is resistance developed?
Through natural selection and mutations
How are new strains of bacteria produced?
Through mutation
Why do new strains of bacteria spread rapidly?
People aren’t immune to it and there is no effective treatment
What effect do antibiotics have on non resistant strains?
They destroy individual pathogens of the non resistant strain
What effect o antibiotics have on resistant strains?
The individual pathogens survive and reproduce, so the population of the resistant strain increases.
How do vaccinations work?
By introducing small quantities of dead or inactive forms of the pathogen into the body. White blood cells then produce antibodies that destroy the pathogens, making the person immune to future infections by the microorganism. The body can respond by rapidly making the correct antibody, in the same way as if the person had previously had the disease.
What does the MMR vaccine protect against?
Measles, mumps and rubella
What are uncontaminated cultures of microorganisms required for?
Investigating the action of disinfectants and antibiotics
How is the investigation into the action of disinfectants and antibiotics carried out?
- Petri dishes and culture media must be sterilised before use to kill unwanted microorganisms
- inoculating loops used to transfer microorganisms to the media must be sterilised by passing them through a flame
- the lid of the Petri dish should be secured with adhesive tape to prevent microorganisms from the air contaminating the culture.
What temperature should cultures of bacteria be kept at as a maximum in schools and colleges?
25 degrees
Why is a maximum temperature for growing cultures at put in place for schools and colleges?
It greatly reduces the likelihood of growth of pathogens that might be harmful to humans
Why are higher temperatures used to grow cultures in industry?
It speeds up growth