B to B Flashcards
What are the 5 specific areas of interest in the governmental model? (4)
- Governance Process
- Management Process
- Service Delivery Section
- Feedback Loop 1
- Feedback Loop 2 (Poop-Loop)
The Governance Process is primarily concerned with answering the question of? (4)
The Management Process is primarily concerned with answering the question of? And how are they most commonly addressed? (4)
Strategic Business plan
The service delivery section is composed of who? What is it’s primary concern?(4)
Employees and supervisors
Implementation or day-to-day delivery of the hows
What is the difference between feedback loop 1 and feedback loop 2? (4)
1 = delivery section to management and governance process 2= poor service means citizens go directly to politicians
To be effective, organizations must have a DIVISION OF LABOR. In functional organizations, that is represented by what four things? (6)
- Job descriptions
- Span of control
- Chain of command
- Rank structures
What 3 specific things do we do in the fire service? (6)
- We operate the system (provide service)
- We improve the system (evaluate/improve operations, policy, people, etc.)
- We create the future
What are certain things done to “create the future?” (6)
- Look at long range goals
- Evaluate immediate and midrange threats
- Engage the management and governance portions of the model
- Create, simplify, and communicate vision
How is change always driven? (7)
Bottom up, never top down
One of the greatest skills for a battalion level officer is the ability to communicate in what 3 ways? (8)
- Effectively
- Frequently
- Honestly
like “HEF” to playmates
What is the first sign of lack of trust and the first sign that they have been promoted to a level beyond their capability or simply lack the competence to operate at the current level and revert to the previous comfort zone? (9)
What must organizations have to create a method of decision making that is fair, honest, creates trust, and shows a level of respect and accountability for all members? What are some examples of these? (15)
- Caring, Trust, Integrity, Honesty
To understand the essence of leadership, we must understand that there are two forms of leadership that are: (17)
- Organizational Leadership
2. Individual Leadership
What is included in the foundational aspects of organizational leadership? (18)
- Converting words into actions
- Creating a sound executive leadership team
- Recognizing that staff support operations
- Developing and communicating a plan
- Developing a life-long leadership legacy
- Create a learning environment- FINAL AND MOST IMPORTANT
What are classic “Peter Principles?” (20)
- Inability to work effectively in the position because lack of KSAs or education to function effectively
- Cannot let go of the perceived power and trust no decisions but their own
What must you practice to be an true expert? (8 items) (23)
- Diversify your knowledge base
- Educate yourself
- Learn from outsiders
- Learn from insiders
- Listen, hear and respect
- Know yourself
- Have empathy
- Have fun
What is the meaning of “centralized control with decentralized execution?” (26)
People have to engage and believe to get things done
Communications in senior leadership takes on what 2 forms? In what way is feedback critical on the chain of command? (27)
- Informal skull sessions - “leadership by walking around”
- Formal communications - structures complementing chain of command
- Feedback is critical to movement up and down the chain of command
In many organizations, WHO believes that the most productive method of getting members on board with a plan or new course of action is to dedicate themselves to ensuring the members learn new behaviors? (31)
Managers, NOT LEADERS!
What are the 3 pillars of success through which everything we do should be filtered? The ultimate “win” satisfies all three. (40)
- Customer
- Organization
- Members (team or individual)
Creating a vision in people is a function of _____, _____, _____, and ______ blended in a way that allows people to absorb it as if it were their own. (43)
- Morale
- Communications
- Belief
- Basic Human initiative
What can a supervisor do to pull together an unlikely group of collaborators? (46)
- Change it up - keep work exciting and varied
- Present them with an irresistible challenge
- Create a feeling of being more than themselves
What methods are needed to succeed in the principles of a successful unlikely group of collaborators? (46)
- Share as much information as you can
- Provide the right amount of guidance
- Stretch your members beyond their current skills
- Have some fun
- Help people see and feel the challenge
What kind of people use politics and behavior to further their own agenda at the expense of others in the workplace? This kind of person is a ____, ____, ____, ____, and ____. (47)
- Cain-Like people
- Liar
- Backstabber
- Self-involved
- Manipulative
- Ruthless
What is the essence of leadership? (54)
When you list the reasons behind good and bad morale, what 3 items are encountered most often? (54)
- Most morale issues are issues of the soul; how they feel based on how treated
- Improvement of morale is usually a matter of providing little items that make people feel good
- Things that improve morale are typically those that through action tell members, “I’m listening to you.”
The “military” chain of command sets up barriers to listening and hearing, thereby affecting out ability to help _____, _____, and _____. (57)
- Personnel
- Our Organization
- Our Customers
The frontline company officer’s job is to provide ____ and ____ about what works and what doesn’t, as well as what needs improvement. (58)
- Feedback
2. Communications
The battalion chief’s job is to _____, _____, and ____ that information, fixing what they can at the lowest level of the organization. (58)
- Listen to
- Filter
- Evaluate
To listen to and hear a person, you must pay attention to the ____, ____, and ____. (59)
- Face
- Posture
- Soul
What is the real problem when you are rules driven, instead of values driven? What is the real risk?(62)
- You limit choices in favor of consistency
2. So into the rules that you lose sight of taking care of the customer
The primary mission of a _________ is achieving a successful outcome and making decisions that are consistent with the values of the department. (62)
Values-based organization
Once core values are established, they provide the organization and its members with a ___________________________. (63)
Decision making tool to address all aspects of the job
Your mission or vision statement is not an end goal, it’s a ________. (67)
Way of doing business
Frontline officers should _______, _________. (68)
Look LARGE, lead small
_______ are the most influential members of our department and accomplish so much for our organization that we must invest in them, our members and our future. (69)
Frontline officers
_______ implies a level of self-awareness (72)
Ego balance
What is the most important attribute of the “set of guidelines by Colin Powell?” And whats it about?(72)
About what you DO, NOT what you SAY
The UNIVERSAL THREE are three critical aspects of leadership that apply no matter what the situation. What are they?(77)
- When in charge, take charge
- People want you to take charge, but when you do so, they will resist it
- It’s a natural thing; get over it
What are the ABCs of leadership? (77)
A - Trust your subordinates B - Develop a vision C - Keep your cool D - Encourage risk E - Be an expert F - Invite dissent G - Simplify
_________, __________, and _________ are leadership skills that you must muster. (91)
- Taking care of people
- Understanding people
- Being able to interact with people
Do people quit the organization or other people first? What is the 1st question to ask in an exit interview? (93)
- People quit people
- Ask WHY
People need to know things (the critical aspects of our work that the team must achieve). The main things must be communicated and supported through ____, ____, and ____. (93)
- Actions
- Resources
- Communications
As a leader at any level, you need to create ____, ____, and ____ that enable you and your team to celebrate success. (95)
- Methods
- Processes
- Ideas
____, ______, and ____ are all valid concepts that must be espoused by officers, because success is a collective endeavor. (95)
- Morale
- Esprit de corps
- Integrity
People who make the same mistakes over and over again are ____, ____, ____ or _____. (97)
- Compulsive
- Addictive
- Stupid
- Arrogant
The vast majority who make it through the hiring process are _____ and ______. (98)
- Competent
2. Committed
People will initially test your resolve and expectations in at least 4 ways: (99)
- Station procedures and informal policy
- Formal policy, as well as your interpretation and enforcement
- Response guidelines and expectations
- Past supervisor actions
What is the ultimate test of your credibility, reinforcing your expectations? (105)
What you DO, NOT what you SAY
What are the 6 critical steps to establish a strong leadership role? (105)
- State your expectations of members early
- Identify your members’ expectations of you early
- Enforce policies universally and fairly
- Maintain open and constant communication
- Plan effectively
- Mentor rookie and personnel with a need
If you want people to meet your expectations, you may need to provide ____. ____, ____, and ____. (105)
- Training
- Mentoring
- Reinforcement
- Assistance
Consider the following aspects of ORDERS and their content:
- Intent is _________.
- End state is an __________.
- Main effort is __________.
- Rules of engagement is ___________. (107)
Intent is what needs to be done.
End State is an indication of what the end product, the outcome of the action, should be
Main effort is the MOST IMPORTANT ITEM that needs to be accomplished as a given time
Rules of engagement is NOT what to do but what to avoid doing in the process of doing whatever you are assigned to do.
Acronym used in MAYDAY situations (107)
ASLIP - Air, Situation, Location, Intent and PAR
What are 5 ways to “make deposits” into people’s “bank accounts?” (109)
- Go first
- Stay in touch (most powerful = physical presence)
- Make meaning
- Teach through stories
- Reflect on moments of learning (no better way to learn, stay alive, and be successful at the same time than by reviewing history)
What are the lessons about “keeping the kittens in the box?” (116)
- Officer training is critical (they must be willing to evaluate and handle policy violations at the lowest level)
- Battalion chiefs are supposed to teach and should be smarter than that
- Give a second chance
- Officers are supposed to be filters (done through chain of command and at lowest level possible)
Education can be broken down into 2 categories: (119)
- Training
2. Experience
Two essential characteristics of a great fire and rescue service are _______ and ________. (119)
- Training
2. Discipline
The primary task of a frontline officer if to ensure that the crew is _________ to and __________ any event. ( 121)
- Ready to respond
2. Safely mitigate
_______ is having the KSAs to do all of the job, not just part of it. (121)
______ as an officer is largely based on expertise, and that expertise is displayed in what 2 ways? (121)
- Displayed in your actions that are required of your job
- Displayed through how you train your personnel, the methods you use to pass on the KSAs your members need in order to grow, thrive and survive.
If time and staffing constraints were to prioritize service delivery, a list could be made of the 3 critical aspects of the job a fire department does. They are: (121)
- Response
- Department training
- Physical training
An OFFICER’s primary RESPONSIBILITY is for the _____ and ______ of personnel. (122)
Health and Safety
What is Negligent appointment? (124)
Failure to check background or qualifications prior to employment
What is Negligent retention? (124)
Keeping a person in a job that he/she has demonstrated an inability to do.
What is Negligent assignment? (124)
Assignment of a person to undertake a job that he/she cannot do, is not qualified to do or has not been trained to do.
What is Negligent entrustment? (124)
Ordering or allowing someone to use or operate a piece of equipment that he/she is not adequately trained on
What is Failure to direct? (124)
Can result from a failure to provide rules, regs, guidelines, SOPs, and/or instruction, as well as the failure to enforce.
We must commit as officers to training that is ______, _____, _____, and _____. (126)
Documented, Verifiable, Ongoing, Realistic
_______ training means that you have established an accepted standard and that you can cross-reference that training to some KSA level. (126)
_______ involves matching your training to a verifiable standard, code, ordinance, requirement, or skill that is accepted nationally, regionally or locally. (126)
When you are limited in the amount of time that you have to make a critical decision, it had better be made on the basis of _______ and ________. (127)
Training and Experience
Once you determine the problem, you choose a ______, which drives _____, which drives _______. (127)
Strategy, Tactics, Tasks
Continuing education should be two pronged: (128)
- Frontline officers and BCs develop and present real training and multiple-company training
- Mass training is completed by the organization in the form of in-service
Consider the following concepts when delivering a company- and battalion-level training plan: (128)
- Train on basics from time to time
- High-risk/Low-frequency issues
- Multiple-company drills
In reality, _______, ________ people are your most valuable asset. (129)
Trained, Competent people
What are some ways to keep your people trained at the company level? (131)
- Ask (what training is needed)
- Career dig
- Teaching is learning twice
- Teach by assignment
- Dedicate (time)
What are some ways to keep your people trained at the organizational level? (131)
- Let them know what the main thing is (most important things to accomplish daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly in order to be successful)
- Adjust
- Lay it out
- In-Service
- Specialty training
- Officer training (BIGGEST GAP that most organizations have)
- Rookie manual
“Your name on a policy” is a very poor method of creating policy because: (140)
- If safety is at stake, it should fall under another category of policy making
- The real solution to isolated issues, violations, and problems is to go directly to the source and correct the problem with the individual or the shift
SCBA fit test is ______ and _____ in nature (141)
Qualitative and Quantitative
Most of the policies have to do with the health, safety and welfare of our members and our customers. What kind of policies are these? (141)
Good sound policies
Good sound policy is created with 2 principles in mind: (141)
- First and foremost is the safety and survival of our members and customers
- A service or product should be delivered in the most efficient manner and in a consistent manner.
AKA blood policies, or crisis/reaction decision making. This kind of policy results from a situation where a void in policy or procedure is recognized and is fill in after the fact. What are these policies caller? (142)
Crisis Policy
How can I influence policy and have an impact on policy direction? (143)
You have to get in a position to influence the decision
What are the key methods to expanding influence? (144)
- Promote
- Committee
- Expertise
- Change Geography
- Political
What are the “golden rules” regarding policy, procedures and rule enforcement? (147)
- Argue at the right time
- Don’t talk bad about policy in front of the troops
- You don’t have to like it; you just have to do it
- Know the process and the policy
- Don’t pick and choose the policies you want to enforce
- Don’t allow or have a “look over the fence” mentality
_______ organizations are designed to limit the choices that their members can make in favor of consistent decision making. (152)
Rules-driven organizations
_________ decision making operates around a core set of values. (153)
Values-based decision making
The values system focuses on ______ instead of the ______—–a massive change from the way in which rules systems operate. (153)
outcomes, process
What are the 3 critical issues related to pay for performance? (161)
- An evaluation system must define qualitative measurements that can be documented to measure levels of performance.
- A number system lends itself too much on the good-ole-boy system of giving people something that they didn’t earn without justification based on hard data.
- Supervisors must commit to and be trained on completing the evaluations in such a manner and with sufficient qualitative data to justify the raise.
Issues about financial reward and evaluations in government organizations include: (162)
- First issue is Compression
- Second issue is the aspect of steps within the pay range. As long as employees reach “the bar,” they get the step raise. “The bar” = minimum standards
The key values of supervisory evaluation are demonstrated by Colin Powell’s performance principles: (164)
- Make performance and change top organizational priorities
- Define the new game, and expect everyone to play it
- Make sure that your best performers are more satisfied that your poor performers
- Get rid of non-performers
- Consider the possibility that if nobody’s upset, you may not be pushing hard enough
Organizations need to ensure that _____, ____, and _____ performance is top priority. (164)
Individual, Team, and Department
Getting rid of non-performers REQUIRES _____, _____, and __________. (164)
Time, Patience, Thorough Documentation
Evaluations are ultimately about helping employees to reach their potential and perform their best. Done right, evaluations — both verbal and written– are tools for _______ and _______. (165)
Growing and Learning
The most important aspect of the evaluation process form a values and culture standpoint is to ensure everyone in the organization ________________________________. (165)
Clearly understands the expectations of both the organization and their supervisor.
_______ is the key to beginning an evaluation. (167)
Human-level contact
Officers should meet with their team members individually at least once a _____________ to review accomplishments, as well as potential areas for improvement, is imperative. (167)
Positive evaluations should be used as an effective communications tool to: (168)
- Reinforce the performance of your members
- Set goals for next year
- Create a process whereby an employee can let you know about career goals/aspirations
- Provide a two-way conversation about each other’s performance
Always ________________; NEVER _____________, because you will always come up short. (169)
ALWAYS UNDERcommit and overdeliver;
NEVER OVERcommit and underdeliver
What are two options that are commonly used for dealing with “fringe employees?” (171)
- Transfer, keep em moving so no one supervisor/shift has to deal with them for too long
- Send fringe employees to the “fixer”
What are the minimum standards that you want to adhere to when documenting behavior? (173)
- State what was done wrong
- What rule(s) or Policy did this violate? exact verbatim
- What should have occurred?
- What will happen if this occurs again?
- What is expected in the future?
- What will you and the employee do to make this happen? (WORK PLAN)
- Specific statement regarding right to appeal/grievance
- Signature page
Personnel files are the connection between the _____, the ______, and the _____ when it comes to lifelong employment history. (176)
Organization, Supervisor, Employee
Most personnel file records fall into one of three categories: (176)
- The main personnel file
- Documents the employee, but not the supervisor may access
- Documents an employee may usually not inspect
General rules for record retention: (177)
- Pension records retained _______.
- Employee medical records retained _______.
- Occupational safety log retained ________.
- Payroll records retained _______.
- Unemployment, S/S, Tax retained ________.
- Family/Medical leave retained _________.
- Immigration forms retained __________.
- Employment applications (not hired) retained ______.
- Pension = permenantly
- Medical = 30 years
- Safety = 5 years
- Payroll = 6 years
- S/S = 4 years
- Family = 3 years
- Immigration = 2 years after date of hire
- Not hired applications = 2 years
There are currently ____ specific regulations, ranging from provisions on age discrimination to the ADA, that fall into the equal employment category. (189)
What are the 2 types of sexual harassment? (191)
- Quid pro quo - something for something (usually a supervisor/subordinate act)
- Hostile work environment- covers regular and repeated actions
To determine whether an act is or is not sexual harassment, the courts use a set of behavioral standards to evaluate the claim. The behavioral standards are: (193)
- The first behavioral standard is SEVERITY
- The next applied is PERVASIVENESS
- Next is REASONABLE-PERSON standard
- Finally, courts will ask if act was UNWELCOME
What do you do when you get a complaint that alleges sexual harassment? (194)
- Sit down with the policy and look at it
2. Consult the chain of command and seek guidance and advice
What process do you go through when investigating a complaint? What question should you avoid?(194)
- First ask WHO was involved
- Then, ask WHAT happened
- Next, ask WHERE this happened
- Finally, ask WHEN this happened
The most important development in the U.S. with regards to censorship and the Internet has been the __________ that was voted unanimously into law in 1996. (195)
Communications Decency Act (CDA)
Who determines what pornography is? (197)
Usually determined by community standards
Violence in the workplace in the most extreme form, homicide, is the ______ leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the U.S. (199)
Outside the fire service, homicide is the _____ leading cause of death on the job, second only to MVCs. (200)
NIOSH definition: ________ is a physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting. (201)
Workplace Violence
When a threat is made, supervisors have a ________. (209)
Duty to Warn
What two rules apply to violent situations? (209)
- Keep your cool
- Open up dialogue by asking what’s wrong or simply listening, without comment or judgment, to the aggrieved party air his/her grievance.
_______ is the primary neurotransmitter for the facilitation and regulation of pleasure. (214)
_____ decision making applies to those groups of tasks needed in order to accomplish the strategic objective. (216)
Tactical decision making
Decision-making guidelines of Colin Powell (216)
- Don’t get stampeded by first reports
- Don’t let your judgment run ahead of your facts
- Even with the supposed facts in your hands, question them if they don’t add up
- Something deeper and wiser than bits of data informs our instincts
- Get the facts out as soon as possible, even when new facts contradict the old. Untidy truth is better than smooth lies that unravel in the end anyway.
Completed staff work accomplished two important aims: (221)
- The boss is protected from half-baked items, voluminous memos and immature oral presentations.
- The staff member who has a bona fide idea to sell more readily finds the market.
______ and ______ are methods by which we evaluate what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. (221)
Choices and decisions
The place where you will pay the highest price for decision making is on the fire ground. This is because it is primarily paid for in _______ and as a secondary tax in _______. (224)
Primarily lives
Secondary Property
When you make decisions and choices on the fire/EMS grounds, consider: (224)
- Choose to be aggressive enough early enough
- Be aggressively defensive
- Bring It! (additional resources as needed)
- Don’t let your ego override your gold!
- Have a backup! (plan A, plan B, even plan C)
Each time a decision is made, the following areas all come into play at one point or another: (226)
- Emotions
- Past experience
- Values
- Loyalty
- Politics
- Financial considerations
Choices based on politics are usually ______. (227)
Quid pro quo choices, or something for something.
When money is involved, the choice that is made is NOT the correct choice, but the _______ one. (227)
Human failures at all levels of the organization occur for one of four reasons: (234)
- Standards failure - unclear, impractical, nonexistent
- Training failure - they exist but not known, ignored
- Leadership failure - standards known, not enforced
- Individual failure - standards known, not followed
________ that allows people to see who you are is the most effective method of establishing trust. (235)
Simple human interaction
To build more trusting relationships with your crew, consider the following behaviors: (237)
- Lead by walking around
- Take the time to actively listen
- Build relationships early
- Be positive
The quickest ways to lose trust are to inconsistently apply and enforce rules and to allow your personal feelings to dictate what you will and won’t enforce. To avoid these pitfalls, consider these 4 things: (238)
- Be consistent
- Undercommit and overdeliver
- Don’t surround yourself with yes-men or yes-women
- Follow through
What are some suggestions on how to develop trust through communications? (240)
- Communicate frequently, honestly and openly
- Fill the vacuum before it fills itself
- Remember that a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its shows on
Your expertise, or maturity, is a combination of _____ and_____. _____ means you have the KSAs to do your job and is reflected in your everyday decision making. _____ involves choosing a course of action and sticking with it. (240)
Competence and commitment.
Competence means you have the KSAs to do your job and is reflected in your everyday decision making.
Commitment involves choosing a course of action and sticking with it.
Foster trust by demonstrating your abilities and commitment through _____, _____, and ______. (242)
- Let the crew run the ship
- When you need help, reach out
- Seek knowledge and training
_________ should be about the way we work and about how we live out organizational lives everyday we cone to the job. (244)
To diagnose this disease (Lack of accountability), a set of a baseline norms and abnormal observations are required in ordered to make a tentative diagnosis: (245)
- Wait and see attitude (lack initiative)
- Please tell me what to do (no self motivation)
- It’s not my job (know something needs to be done, but doesn’t do it)
- Ignore and deny (incompetent people don’t know so they go on as they have in under control)
- Finger-pointing (shift blame or responsibility)
- Cover your tail (Excessive SOPs, Emails)(lower end = “duck and hide”)
The definition of accountability from “The Oz Principle”:
A personal choice to rise above one’s circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving desired results– to ___ it, ___ it, ___ it and ____ it. (249)
see it, own it, solve it and do it
Why is the definition of accountability from “The Oz Principle” important? (249)
- Suggests that accountability is not something we demand of people when something goes wrong, but rather a way of living your organizational life
- Indicates that there is joint accountability from all team members for the success or failure of any given event, mission, or customer contact.
- Finally, accountability is about what the organization can do to help the company officer be a success.
How do you foster an environment and practice behaviors that assist you in maintaining your personal and team accountability, when there are forces at work that push the traits aside? (251)
- Stay engaged with the issue or problem
2. Explore creative and innovative alternatives to make a success out of a difficult situation
You have to be a motivated driver of _____, _____, and ______ to demonstrate that you’re accountable and responsible. (255)
Issues, ideas, and character
Your _____ and _____, what you stand for, will be judged by your actions, not your words. (256)
Character and commitment
As a frontline supervisor, ____________, on both the fire ground and around the station, is your breath and heartbeat. (256)
Technical competence
There are multiple jobs that an officer must learn well, but none is as important as being able to ___________. (259)
Command a fire or rescue ground
The fire and rescue scene success is determined almost exclusively by the ______, ______, and ______ of the first-due company officer. (260)
Initial decisions, communications, and commitment
_________ are the most influential people we have in our organizations. (260)
Company officers (Frontline officer on pg 69 = most influential in the Department)
The biggest mistake a first-arriving officer can make is failing to ___________, which must be engaged immediately if the outcome of the event is going to be good. (261) At what level do they go bad if failure happens? (262)
Identify the main problem
Failing to identify the main problem, things go bad at the TASK level
Your very first job at any incident is to communicate _______, ________, and with as little _______ as possible. (262)
clearly, effectively and with as little emotion as possible
When orders are not given or not clearly understood, crews will do 1 of 2 things: (263)
- They will ENGAGE in what they believe needs to be done, which might not be what actually needs to be done
- They will AWAIT ORDERS, wasting valuable time as the fire intensifies and/or the rescue grows more complicated
The problem for most officers is that the fire ground is full of ________. (265)
Some forms of fire ground friction are:
________ : indecision over a course of action
________ : terrain obstacles, construction features, and access problems
________ : terrain, construction, and weather problems
________ : WMDs, HAZMAT, secondary devices, and ambushes(265)
Mental friction: indecision over a course of action
Physical friction: terrain obstacles, construction features,
and access problems
External friction: terrain, construction, and weather
Asymmetrical friction : WMDs, HAZMAT, secondary
devices, and ambushes
We also create our own friction that affects our ability to identify and act on the main problem: (5 items) (266)
- Lack of a clearly defined goal
- Lack of coordination
- Unclear or complicated plans
- Complex task organizations or command relationships
- Complicated communications systems
Because firefighting and EMS is a human enterprise, friction will always have a _________, as well as _______, impact on the fire ground. (267)
Psychological, as well as physical
Another circumstance that affects the company officer’s ability to identify the main problem is _______. (267)
To address uncertainty on the fire ground, we must develop strategy and tactics based on _______, not _______. (268)
Probabilities, not possibilities
Judgements based on probabilities offer us the ______ and most _______ method to design a strategy and apply tactics. (268)
Safest and the most effective method
To overcome uncertainty, remember the following when responding to a fire or EMS incident: (269)
Develop simple, flexible plans
Plan for contingencies
Develop SOPs
Foster initiative among subordinates
________ occurs in fire and rescue incidents as part of the ongoing cycle of decision, result, and outcome. (270)
______, _______, ______, and _____ all affect the men and women who fight the fire, respond to the rescue, or work the structural collapse. (271)
Fear, danger, exhaustion, and privation
Two critical events during fire and rescue operations require our members to be completely dialed in which include: (272)
- Search and rescue of trapped civilians
2. Search and rescue of trapped firefighters
Screaming into the radio reflects a lack of ______, a lack of _______, and the inability to ____________. (273)
Lack of Professionalism, lack of control and the inability to communicate effectively
_______ is a state of mind, reflected in your actions (274)
Operations (suppression, EMS, and special operations) account for _____ of all customer contacts. (281)
Team efficiency can be enhanced or undermined by what _______, ______ or _____ say and do. (283)
company officers, managers, and organizational leaders
What are the two types of “fire service teams?”
- Task Teams: engine, truck, inspections, education
2. Specialty teams: TRT, Hazmat
What we discover when looking at team life cycles is that the performance capabilities are dependent on 8 factors: (285)
- Personnel
- Training
- Equipment
- Resources
- Leadership
- Succession planning
- Morale
- Organizational support
Effective leaders require credibility;
Credibility = _____ + _____ (285)
Trust + Respect = Credibility
Phases of a Team (5 Phases) (286-292)
- Development (vision team needs development)
- Buildup (absorb vision and mission)
- Fine-tuning (displaying high performance)
- Drawdown (turnover)
- Buildup (retraining/training new members)
The development phase is identified with what benchmarks? (286)
- Mission statement (FIRST STEP)
- Personnel selection
- Identification of the success-octagon requirements
- High Morale
- Low efficiency/performance
The 1st buildup phase(Phase II) is identified with what benchmarks? (287)
- Mission implementation
- Organizational culture change
- Development of a team culture
- Intense training
- Specialty identification (weaknesses and strengths)
- Leadership established
- Morale high/performance marginal
- Little failure/big wins
- Deposits in the experience bank
The fine-tuning phase is identified with what
benchmarks? (289)
- High level of training and experience
- Strong team identity
- Strong team-monitoring
- Planning for team succession
- High performance/High morale
The drawdown phase is identified with what
benchmarks? (291)
- Personnel leadership/turnover
- Marginal morale/moderate performance
- Necessary increases in the succession-octagon
factors - Learning new leadership
The 2nd buildup phase(Phase V) is identified with what benchmarks? (292)
- New ideas and methods
- Increased-tempo training
- Moderate-to-high morale/moderate performance
- Managing the octagon
Team life cycles are like the tide, ______ and ______ (293)
Inevitable and predictable
______ teams provide response services.
______ teams evaluate and provide equipment specifications or building specifications.
______ teams are responsible for the implementation and evaluation of strategic plans. (295)
Support Service
From a linear perspective, the are two extremes when it comes to teams: (297)
- At one end is the highly functioning team that is functionally greater than the sum of its parts
- At the other end if the dysfunctional team that is essentially wasting the individual member’s time and effort.
The purpose of team decision making is threefold: (297)
- To create a method that allows teams to progress from the dysfunctional or developmental side to the highly functional side of the model
- To teach team members how to evaluate their decision making as a team
- To teach supervisors how to seek and recognize behaviors and characteristics of the team that indicates they are moving.
Continual feedback from trained observers is critical for the following reasons: (related to team decision making) (299)
- You want the team to own and improve any process that they use to complete their task
- You want each team member to understand the habits and behaviors that are necessary for a team to own a process.
All training has a very similar goal, regardless what you set out to accomplish: (4 items) (299)
- The requirements of the training, what we call the KSAs are identified
- The medium for experience (lecture, PP, etc.) is chosen
- The target behaviors of the team must be observed (where most programs fall flat)
- Based on that observation, the adequacy of the performance is judged and feedback is provided.
_________, _________, and _______ that starts as quickly as possible prepares the ground for training. (300)
Understanding the processes, Observing them and providing ongoing feedback
Decisions made by teams are based on _______, ______, ______, _______, ______, _______, and other such concepts (301)
Cooperation, leadership, coordination, shared mental models, technical understanding, organizational process, and other such concepts
The model of Klein, Zsambok, and Thordsen has three primary components: (301)
- Team identity
- Team conceptual level
- Team self-monitoring
The characteristic of team identity has four behaviors that are observable: (305)
- Defining roles and functions
- Engaging
- Compensating
- Avoiding micromanagement
There are four behaviors for team conceptual level: (305)
- Envisioning goals and plans
- Focusing
- Directing gaps and ambiguity
- Seeking divergence and convergence
The are two behaviors related to team self-monitoring: (307)
- Adjusting
2. Managing time
________ strategic planning limits decision making, does not address issues that occur in a timely manner, and often results in no decision making at all because some of the stuff is just too hard (310)
Calender-based strategic planning
Failure to plan at any level can result in very negative results–in particular, frustration at every level:
First, ________
Next, ________
Finally, _________ (311)
First, the people who work for you will become frustrated
Next, the people you work for will be frustrated
Finally, you will get frustrated
A couple of rules apply to planning at the company level: (312)
- First and foremost, be flexible
- Second, plan to get the main things done first; prioritize what is important
- Understand that planning means decision-making
The first purpose of the planning meeting is to ________ and see if they are all ready to play the game today. (312)
Evaluate your team
As an officer, there are key issues that you need to start planning for as a rookie firefighter: (315)
- Start planning for your retirement
2. Plan for your education, both formal and resume structuring.
A great leader removes obstacles to change and drives the plan to implementation by allowing members to ______, _______, _______, and _______. (316)
engage, implement, evaluate, and change
What we want to avoid at all costs is the _________ that creeps into planning and implementation. (316)
Paralysis by analysis
Recognizing, evaluating, enacting, and sustaining change has a lot to do with __________. (319)
Decision making
If change is driven for the wrong reason(s), it presents many pitfalls to the company officer which include: (320)
- The message that accompanies the change may not be one in which the officer and the stakeholders really believe.
- Organizational change may necessitate a change in the way you walk the walk, when you talk the talk, thereby putting your credibility on the line and jeopardizing the trust you earned.
If you reflect on all the great changes and discoveries, two commonalities are evident: (321)
- They all broke with the status quo, the way things had always been done
- Lasting change was always driven from the bottom up, never from the top down
So how does organizational change affect our development of future and current leaders? It boils down to two specific issues: (322)
- Trust in the organization by individual members, work groups, and teams
- Learning by environmental absorption
It is the responsibility of the _______, as communicated by ________, to ensure accountability for actions and walking the walk by his senior staff, midlevel managers, and company officers (322)
Fire chief, senior staff
Change requires _______, _______, and ______ who buy in; ultimately the leadership must aim to for the change to be successful in reality, not just on paper. (325)
Focused leadership, educated messengers, and stakeholders
_______, ______, ______, and ______ are learned traits. (328)
Trust, respect, credibility and loyalty are learned traits
You have to clear the decision-making bottlenecks by ensuring a ______-____-_____-____-_____-_____-_____ system, allowing decisions to be made according to the plans that have been laid down already. (328)
Recommend-agree-input-decide-implement-evaluate-tweak system
Garvin and Cizik outline 3 stages of change in their book “Learning in Action” that include: (329)
- The organization articulates the challenges that are motivating it to change. It designs a response and establishes goals.
- The actual change takes place. It’s in the details of this stage that the proverbial devil lurks. This stage is one of execution and adjustment to hard, practical realities.
- The organization reviews what it has won and lost. This stage is about acceptance of limitations and adjustments to the new realities of the postchange work.
The two main reasons that change efforts create organizational learning gaps and have an impact on our future leaders are as follows: (329)
- Poor design
2. Poor communications
Leaders responsible for communicating change have to be prepared to give the same speech as least ______. (329)
At least 6 times
______, ______, ______, ______ – all of these valuable traits are cast out when change is blocked. (331)
Morale, trust, credibility, respect
Organizational reality tells us that _____ of your people will do _____ of the work. (332)
20% of your people will do 80% of the work
There will always be restraints that keep you from doing what you want to do. These might be _______, ______, ______, _______, or __________. (335)
Fiscal, political, geographical, resource or staffing limitations
Change is not simple, it is a highly complex game of _______, ______, _______, ________, and ______ that you must understand and educate leaders about. (336)
anticipation, estimation, evaluation, human endeavor, and risk
_____ of the time is when what might happen actually happens (339)
There are two “cardinal rules” and breaking either is unforgivable. They include: (339)
- Always take care of the customer
2. Perform your job at the highest level of technical competency
__________ guides the selection of operational tactics. To remain flexible, you must understand the strategical and tactical situation you are engaged in; you must understand the rhythm of the event; and you must have a plan, as well as a backup plan to address changes in rhythm. (345)
Ordered flexibility
The efficacy of your _____ is contingent on the ability and willingness of your members to perform in critical situations. (345)
There are many specific reasons why leadership fails, but they can be distilled into 3 main issues: (348)
- Individual failure
- Organizational failure to educate
- Poor application of the small team and of their energy toward the organization
Organizations fail to develop leaders for 3 reasons: (348)
- The inability of senior leadership to understand teams and the critical importance of operations
- Many officers reach a level in an organization that they simply have no business occupying (“peter principle”) - where individuals reach their level of incompetence
- Organizations are failing to create future leaders
Education without ______, _______, and _______ sets one up for failure. There must be a balance, and the balance must be measurable. (352)
Practical knowledge, physical capability and good ole common sense
Operations is the most appropriate place to learn how to deal with the difficult issues that fire service leadership face, including ________, ______, _____, ______, and ______. (356)
human resource issues, evaluations, diversity, violence in the workplace, and human social interactions
The job of the company officer is to _____, _____, and _____, not to work on the same tasks as the firefighters. (358)
plan, supervise and direct
The molding of _______ should begin when they enter the _________ and continue when they ________. (358)
- Company officers
- Enter the department as rookies and continue when they receive their first promotions.
Those who manage create a career path dedicated entirely to themselves; this is called the ________. (358)
What are the basic rules for leading by example? (359)
- Establish expectations
- Understand that morale is important
- Expect accountability and responsibility
- Be visible: keep in touch
- Keep your word: follow up
If we eliminate the people who won’t change, who don’t care or who have decided that they are not going to do anything to begin with, we are left with two forms of leadership failure at the human level: (363)
- The inability to develop a relationship, respect, trust, and communications between boss and subordinate
- Those who have been promoted or appointed beyond their ability their competency level cannot function effectively at that level
_________ is usually best applied as a strategy when it is your direct supervisor who is failing. (364)
Leading up
Leading up involves developing a pattern of interaction, a relationship, between _______ and _________ that will deliver the best possible results for the organization. (364)
you and your boss
When you and your boss have tried to understand each other, but the division between you is too wide, then adopting a _________ is the next step. (366)
Bunker mentality
When one decides on bunker mentality, there are 3 pitfalls that must be avoided: (366)
- You must not neglect your duty to develop new firefighters and upcoming officers.
- You must continue to plan for and meet organizational goals.
- Never let the customer know your frustration
There are two forms of moving on from failing leadership: (368)
- Transfer to another station, shift, battalion, division
2. Leave the organization
The _________ is the most influential position for internal influence. (369)
Company officer level (frontline officer = department; company officer = organization and internal influence)
To lead effectively, you have to be a good _______. A leader, based on ______, _____, ______, _______, _____, and _____, earns followership. (370)
actions, direction, character, credibility, ethics and commitment