B Flashcards
Balanced scorecard
Performance management tool that depicts an organization’s overall performance, as measured against goals, lagging indicators, and leading indicators.
Balance sheet
Statement of an organization’s financial position at a specific point in time, showing assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity.
Process by which an organization identifies performance gaps and sets goals for performance improvement by comparing its data, performance levels, and/or processes against those of other organizations.
Mandatory or voluntary payments or services provided to employees, typically covering retirement, health care, sick pay/disability, life insurance, and paid time off.
Proposal presented to a legislative body for possible enactment as a statute.
Blended learning
Planned approach to learning that includes a combination of instructor-led training, self-directed study, and/or on-the-job training.
Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
Factor (such as religion, gender, national origin, etc.) that is reasonably necessary, in the normal operations of an organization, to carry out a particular job function.
Exchange of anything of value to gain greater influence or preference.
Combining several salary grades or job classifications with narrow pay ranges into one band with a wider salary spread.
Burlington Industries, Inc. v. Ellerth
U.S. court ruling that distinguished between supervisor harassment that results in tangible employment action and supervisor harassment that does not.
Business case
Presentation to management that establishes that a specific problem exists and argues for a proposed solution.
Business intelligence
Ability to use information to gain a deeper understanding of an organization and make sound business decisions.