axial skeleton Flashcards
Sphenoid bone
very back inside of eye socket with wing outside
Nasal bone
top of nose bridge underneath glabella
Ethmoid bone
enside eye corner, next to lacrimal bone
Lacrimal bone
lateral, outside at corner of eye next to ethmoid
Temporal bone
think temporal lobe
Zygomatic bone
on cheekbone area, makes up part of orbital
Hyoid bone
neck area, not connected to anything looks like a u
top jaw
lower jaw, chin
Occipital bone
think occipital lobe
Parietal bone
think parietal lobe
Sagittal suture
squiggly line on top of skull, think sperm and saggy balls
Squamous suture
squiggly line in inner side of skull
Lamboid suture
squiggly line below sagittal suture
External occipital proturbance
little sticky outy part of occipital lobe
Mastoid process
lobe looking thing adjacent to styloid process
Styloid process
little sprig adjacent to mastoid process
Zygomatic process
bridges zygomatic bone to temporal bone
Cribriform plate
spongy looking plate thing on roof of skull
Crista galli
little line down cribriform plate
Sella turcica
kind of vertebrae looking thing on roof of skull
Optic canal
a little above sella turcica, hole?
Jugular foramen
hole/dent on sides next to foramen magnum and below carotid canal
Carotid canal
hole/dent on sides next to foramen magnum and above jugular foramen
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
line going down center of nasal cavity
Posterior cranial fossa
dents diagonally down from foramen magnum
Foramen magnum
big hole in skull
Anterior frontanelle
diamond star hole thing in fetus skull in between frontal bone and parietal bone
Frontal bone
think frontal lobe
Posterior frontanelle
diamond star hole thing in fetus skull in between parietal bone and occipital bone
Palatine bone
back of the roof of the mouth
Palatine process of the maxilla
front part of the roof of the mouth
part of the roof of the mouth that is like where the uvula would be, the dick where the two holes are the balls
Superior articular facet
pad looking things, round in axis, long in atlas (like longitude)
Anterior arch
front, thinner smaller arch in atlas, in between superior articular facets
other two sides of vertebra on the triangle
Transverse process
the bit of edge jutting out or just on the outside side of the superior articular facets
Vertebral foramen
big hole in vertebrae
Transverse foramen
little side holes in atlas
stick up part in axis in between superior articular facets
opposite of transverse process, diagonally up inner edge of bone to superior articular facets
Spinous process
top tip on all but atlas
Sacral foramina
all the side holes on sacrum
Median sacral crest
center ridge on posterior view of sacrum
Sacral promontory
top center edge of sacrum
drill tail bit
bigger plate on top of coccyx
Xiphoid process
bottom point bit of sternum
Jugular notch
top edge of manubrium
the knot of a tie part of the sternum