AVMA guidelines for the euthanasia of animals Flashcards
Acid-sensing ion channel
Controlled atmospheric stunning
Drug Enforcement Agency
Electroencephalogram or electroencephalographic
Hypothalamic-pituitary axis
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
Penetrating captive bolt
AVMA: MS 222
Tricaine methanesulfonate
Nonpenetrating captive bolt
Panel on Euthanasia
Sympathetic nervous system
AVMA: Barbiturates are an AVMA acceptable form of euthanasia with what type of animal(s)?
Most Species
AVMA: What guidelines are set for euthanasia?
Appropriate euthanasia methods and agents, and
are intended to assist veterinarians in their exercise of professional judgment.
AVMA: What is the Panel of Euthanasia (POE) for?
To evaluate methods and potential methods of euthanasia for
the purpose of creating guidelines for veterinarians
who carry out or oversee the euthanasia of animals.
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Aquatic invertebrates.
A: Immersion in anesthetic solution (magnesium salts,
clove oil, eugenol, ethanol)
A w/ C: Adjunctive methods (second step) include 70% alcohol and neutral-buffered 10% formalin, pithing, freezing, boiling
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Amphibians
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Avians (also Poultry)
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Swine
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Cats
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Cattle
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Dogs
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Fish
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Small ruminants
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Equids
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Marine Animals
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Nonhuman primates
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Poultry
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Rabbits
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Reptiles
AVMA: Agents and methods of euthanasia (acceptable/acceptable with conditions- Rodents
AVMA Agent/Method- Air embolism
Air embolism may be accompanied by convulsions, opisthotonos, and vocalization. If used, it should be done
only in anesthetized animals.
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AVMA: What is Euthanasia?
Euthanasia is derived from the Greek terms eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death. The term is usually used to describe ending the life of an individual animal in a way that minimizes or eliminates pain and distress. A good death is tantamount to the humane termination of an animal’s life.
AVMA: The veterinarian’s duty in carrying out euthanasia includes these 2 things:
(1) their humane disposition to induce death in a manner that is in accord with an animal’s interest and/or because it is a matter of welfare.
(2) the use of humane techniques to induce the most rapid and painless and distress-free death possible.
AVMA: Is AVMA a regulatory body?
AVMA offers guidance to those who may apply
these Guidelines as part of regulatory structures
designed to protect the welfare of animals used for
human purposes.
AVMA: How are euthanasia methods classified in the Guidelines?
Acceptable, Acceptable with Conditions, and Unacceptable.
AVMA: What are the different methods of euthanasia?