Avionics & Instruments Flashcards
What type of instruments feed into the ADC?
The pressure based primary flight instruments (e.g. pitot, static).
What type of instruments feed into the Attitude & Heading Reference Selector (AHRS)?
The inertial reference instruments (e.g. gyro, compass).
What does GIA stand for?
Garmin Integrated Avionics
What components are lost if PFD 1 fails, indicated by a red X?
- Transponder;
- DME.
How are active COM or NAV frequencies coloured on the screen?
White or green.
How many intercom loops are there?
What does VFELRW (Victor Flies Every Landing Really Well) stand for?
Flight Plan
Engine Data
What must be pressed to return to the MFD splash screen?
The RH most soft key.
What are the pitch and roll limits for engaging the Auto Pilot?
- ± 25º pitch;
- 45º Angle of Bank.
What colour are Warnings in CAS messages?
What colour are Cautions in CAS messages?
What colour are Advisories in CAS messages?
What kind of alert is PULL UP?
A Warning.
What does NO TAWS mean?
The TAWS is malfunctioning or has been inhibited by pressing one of the 3 TAWS buttons.
Within each category of CAS messages (warning, caution, advisory), which items should be addressed as priority?
Golden messages.
What are the ASI indications of VMO and Low Speed Awareness?
A red & white ‘barber pole’ for VMO and red LSA band with a yellow band 3 kts above.
What are the major FMS page groups on the MFD?
Maps (MAP), waypoints (WPT), auxiliary (AUX), flight plan (FPL), systems (SYS), nearest (NRST).
What units are displayed in the the N1 & N2, and the engine temperature?
% and (ITT)ºC respectively.
How do you manually set the MFD to reversionary mode if PFD 1 fails?
On which screen will CAS messages appear when in reversionary mode?
The MFD.
What increments will be displayed on the Attitude Indicator when Synthetic Vision is on?
7.5º down, 10º up.
With the MFD in reversionary mode, from where does it receive data about the Primary Flight Instruments and NAV/COM?
ADC 1, AHRS 1, GIA 2.
What MFD page needs to be open to configure the map?
MAP ⇢ Navigation Map
What can be used to input alphanumeric data?
The FMS control knob or the FMS Control Unit.