Avionics: AFCS, Flight Instruments, Pitot Static System, Flight Envelope Protection Flashcards
What unit within the avionics system controls the FD1 and FD2
FD1: Integrated Avionics Unit 1 (GIA 1)
FD2: Integrated Avionics Unit 2 (GIA 2)
Can the active flight director be removed with the AP engaged?
What pilot actions dis-engage the AP
1) AP Button
2) Quick Disconnect Button
3) Manual Trim Activation
4) Backup Pitch Trim Selected
5) TO/GA Button
What items are disabled when the Quick Disconnect button is pressed and held
1) AP
2) YD
3) Trim
4) Stick Pusher
What items remain disabled when the Quick Disconnect Button is depressed and released
1) AP
2) YD
Describe the function of the Ventral Rudder when:
1) Weight on Wheels below 60 KIAS
2) Above 60 KIAS, YD Off
3)YD Engaged
1) Centered
2) YD Mode
3) Streamlining Mode.
What actions occur when the TO/GA button is pressed
1) AP disengaged
2) AFCS lateral and vertical modes activated:
- ROL/TO Weight ON Wheels
- ROL/GA Weight OFF Wheels
3) Navigation leg sequencing past runway fix activated
4) Navigation source changed to GPS/FMS
What are some conditions that induce AP/YD failure
1) Integrated Avionics Unit (GIA) 1 or 2 failure
2) AHRS 1 or 2 failure/ mis-compare
3) ADS 1 or 2 failure/ mis-compare
4) Flight Control Electronics (FCE) 2 failure
5) Stall Warning.
How are pitch trim commands issued when the AP is engaged
The autopilot commands the Flight Controls Electronics (FCE) 2 which in turn commands the pitch trim actuator
Do AFCS servos control the aileron and rudder trim
No, Stabilizer trim only
How is the climb or descent rate controlled in FLC mode?
Using the thrust levers
Does the AFCS allow a climb or descent away from the selected altitude while in FLC mode?
In which vertical modes will the AFCS capture a selected lower altitude?
1) PIT
2) VS
5) FLC
In which vertical modes will the AFCS not capture a selected lower altitude?
1) GS
2) GP
Does GP capture when SUSP is annunciated on the HSI?
Does GP capture if the CDI is not centered?
Describe the lateral and vertical functions of ROL/TO and ROL/GA
ROL/TO is annunciated with weight ON wheels, ROL/GA with weight OFF wheels. The function is the same for both:
1) Lateral: Wings Level
2) Vertical: Flaps 1: Constant 10.5 pitch attitude
Flaps 2: Constant 8 pitch attitude
Is Low Bank mode available in both HDG and NAV (FMS/VOR/LOC)?
In HDG mode, are turns commanded in the same direction as selected heading bug movement, even if the bug is turned more than 180deg from the present heading?
Where are ADC processes located within each air data system
Within the respective IASP (smart) probe units for ADS 1 and 2 and within the IESI (Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument) unit for the standby system.
What is the data source for the following:
ADS Standby
1) IASP 1 probe unit
2) IASP 2 probe unit
3) Pitot Static (standby) probe and integrated Electronic Standby Instrument (IESI)
What is the normal air data source for the following display units:
1) ADS 1
2) ADS 2
What automatic air data source reversions occur for the following display units
ADS 2 (ADS standby if both ADS 1 and ADS 2 fail)
ADS 1 (ADS standby if both ADS 1 and ADS 2 fail)
What sensors are used by the AHRS units to compute attitude and heading information
1) Onside ADS
2) Onside Magnetometer Unit
3) Both GPS sensors
What is the normal attitude/ heading reference for the following display units
1) AHRS 1
2) AHRS 2
What automatic attitude/ heading reference reversions occur for the following display units
1) AHRS 2 (IESI attitude reference if both AHRS 1 and AHRS 2 fail)
2) AHRS 1 (IESI attitude reference if both AHRS 1 and AHRS 2 fail)
Give the following source information for the Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument (IESI)
Air Data
1) Power: Emergency Bus (Primary) DC Bus 1 (Secondary)
2) Attitude: Internal Gyro System (No Heading)
3) Heading: AHRS 1
4) Air Data: Pitot Static (Standby) probe and ADC processor internal to IESI unit
5) Navigation: ILS1/ ILS 2
Are ADC, Heading, or Attitude reversions available for the Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument (IESI)
Does the IESI contain or source a dedicated AHRS unit?
No, the IESI attitude reference contains its own internal gyro system but does not contain heading data
How may heading data be referenced for Navigation in the event of dual AHRS failure?
1) The GPS contains track information, any while this differs from heading depending on winds, is the most reliable reference
2) Standby Compass
What automatic display unit reversions occur when you have a PFD1, MFD and PFD 2 Unit failures respectively
1) PFD 1 Fail - MFD will be reversionary and PFD 2 will be the same
2) MFD Fail - PFD 1 will be reversionary with the G1000 and will be the same with the G3000, and PFD 2 will be reversionary with both units
3) PFD 2 Fail - PFD 1 and MFD will be the same.
What action occurs when the DISPLAY BACKUP button is pushed (G1000)
Audio Panel 1: PFD 1 and MFD display in reversionary mode
Audio Panel 2: PFD 2 and MFD display in reversionary mode
What action occurs when the PFD MODE switch is moved to the REV position (G3000)
PFD 1 Mode switch: PFD 1 and MFD display reversionary mode
PFD 2 Mode switch: PFD 2 and MFD display reversionary mode