Avigayil Vocab Test #6 Flashcards
What does ‘Apropos’ mean?
Fitting the occasion; suitable or apt.
What is ‘Ascendancy’?
Controlling influence; domination.
What does it mean to ‘Assess’?
To analyse and determine the nature, value, or importance of.
What does ‘Aver’ mean?
To declare positively; to state as the truth.
What does it mean to ‘Concede’?
To admit to be true; to grant or let have.
An unproven principle or belief held to be true
To put an idea into a form that can be seen
To make known; to bestow
The art of public speaking
What does ‘Propagate’ mean?
To reproduce
What is a ‘Proponent’?
Someone who proposes or supports an idea
What does ‘Rudimentary’ refer to?
Not yet fully developed
What is a ‘Sojourn’?
A visit or a temporary stay
What does ‘Vociferous’ mean?
Making one’s feelings known in a loud way