Aviation interview Flashcards
Ignition Power For The Spark Plugs On The Rq-1’s Engine Is?
dual breaker-less capacitive discharge ignition system.
Which Valve In The F-16’s Hydraulic System Ensures
Emergency Power Unit (epu) Pump Flow Is Not Supplied To The
Ground Test Stand If Connected During Epu Operations?
ground test manifold pressure check valve in the F-16’s hydraulic
system ensures emergency power unit (EPU) pump flow is not
supplied to the ground test stand if connected during EPU
On The A-10’s Fire Extinguishing System, The Fire
Extinguishing Discharge Switch Is A?
three-position, double-throw, center-off toggle switch .
. On The F-15, How Does The Prca Control The Air?
Hydraulically through the pitch ratio controller.
The Component That Algebraically Adds Simultaneous Pitch
And Yaw Commands To Determine The Required Tail Positions
On The Rq-1 Is The…….?
primary control module.
What Is Fuselage Sump?
When refueling the U-2, the fuel tank filled first is the fuselage
. Where Would I Work When I Get My Ame Diploma/licence?
Airlines and Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO). You can
choose to work any where in the world with the internationally
acclaimed EASA licence.
What Is The Work Experience Required To Become A Fully
Licenced Ame?
After you graduate from an approved EASA part-147 training
centre, you would need to work in the aviation industry for up to 2
years before your licence is activated
Which Parts Of An Aircraft Would I Be Maintaining As An
Your role as an AME depends on the licence you obtain when you
complete the course. AME consists of 2 areas of study B1:
Mechanical, B2: Avionics. A B1 licenced engineer would work on
jet engines and aircraft systems such as electrical, flight controls,
hydraulics and pressurization. On the other hand, a B2 licenced
engineer would be responsible for the aircraft’s electrical,
instrument, communication and navigation systems. When
enrolling for your training, you may choose to enroll for either a B1
or B2 licence, or pursue a dual licence which is a combination of
B1 and B2.
Who Is Aircraft Maintenance Engineer?
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer is the sole responsible for the
maintenance and overhaul of aircraft, aero engine, instruments,
electrical and radio equipment and their accessories. Aircraft
Maintenance Engineer issues the certificate of flight release which
declares the aircraft airworthy and fit for flying.
Galvanic Corrosion Occurs When?
different metals are in contact with each other and an electrolyte.
The Purpose Of Valve Lead And Valve Lag In The Valve
Mechanism Used On The Rq-1’s Reciprocating Engine Is To ……?
Increase the volumetric efficiency and lower the temperature of
the cylinder .
What Is The Body Which Issues The Licences?
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is an agency of the
European Union (EU) with regulatory and executive tasks in the
field of civilian aviation safety. EASA will issue the licence upon
completion of training at an approved EASA part-147 training
centre and with sufficient work experience in the aviation industry.
The Ground Air Service Connector For F-16 Fuel Tank
Pressurization Is Located In?
n The Right Main Landing Gear
Wheel Well
The ground air service connector for F-16 fuel tank pressurization
is located in the right main landing gear wheel well.
What Is The Difference Between An Aircraft Maintenance
Engineering (ame) And Aerospace Engineering?
AMEs deal with maintaining the airworthiness of an aircraft and
also certifying that it is fit for flight. Aerospace Engineering is
concerned with designing and building an aircraft or spacecraft.
What Is The Importance Of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
In The Aviation Field?
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering is the key person who is
responsible for the upkeep of the aircraft and maintain it to the
standard of International Civil Aviation
why aircraft body is made of aluminum and Why
refrigeration is done inside aircraft?
Body of aircraft is made up of aluminum due to its good tensile
strength & good conductor.This is the combined effect low
pressure & speed of plane in sky.
What is ram jet?
A ramjet, sometimes referred to as a stovepipe jet, or an athodyd, is
a form of jet engine with no moving parts. Ramjets cannot produce
thrust at zero airspeed and thus cannot move an aircraft from a
What is SPICE? Where was it developed?
SPICE is Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis.
This is analog simulator which was developed at electronics
research lab of California University.
Galvanic Corrosion Occurs When?
different metals are in contact with each other and an electrolyte.
What Is Gust Control?
The U-2 flight control system that reduces the wing and
empennage structural loading during high speed or rough air
operation by shifting both aileron wing surfaces and wing flaps
upward is the Gust control.
Which is the most expensive maintenance check of all?
Clarification: D-check is the most expensive maintenance check to
be performed on an aircraft. This is due to the large amount of
manpower and equipment required to conduct a D-check.
Where do the heavier checks (C-check and D-check) take place?
Maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) company sites