Aviation instructor responcibilities Flashcards
A. Helping learners
i. Learning should be enjoyable and interesting
ii. Standards & measurements against standards are key to helping learners
B. Providing adequate instruction (4 points)
i. Carefully and correctly analyze each learner’s personality, thinking, and ability
a. The same instructions may not be equally effective for each learner
ii. Learners experiencing slow progress due to discourage,emt/lack of confidence should be assigned sub-goals which are easier to attain.
iii. Fast learners may assume correcting errors is unimportant since they make few mistakes
a. constantly raise the standards of performance for these students
iv. People learn when they are made aware of their errors, but deficiencies should not be invented
C. Standards of performance (1 point)
i. Instructors fail when they permit their learners to get by with substandard performance
a. Teach to the ACS
D. Emphasizing the positive (3 points)
i. The instructors behavior contributes to the formation of either positive or negative impressions by their students
ii. Instruction should be given under the most favorable conditions
iii. Positive instruction results in positive learning
E. Minimizing learner frustration (8 points)
i. Motivate learner so that they want to learn
ii. Keep learners informed (of progress)
iii. Approach learners as individuals when in a group
iv. Give credit where credit is due, but not so much that the praise becomes meaningless
v. Criticize constructively
vi. Be consistent
vii. Admit errors, covering them up destroys student confidence
viii. Be well prepared