An ADULT casualty is CHOKING and NOT coughing. What is your next action?
Administer abdominal thrusts
If you require further medical advice, your primary medical advisor will be:
A casualty is complaining of chest pain and difficulty in breathing; what will you treat the casualty for?
A suspected heart attack
An UNCONSCIOUS casualty has STOPPED BREATHING. What’s your next action?
what is the most important piece of equipment to use during a Cardiac Arrest?
What is an EpiPen used for?
Severe Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis)
An INFANT is choking and NOT coughing. What are your actions..
Alternate between 5 Back slaps and 5 chest thrusts
In what position will you place a casualty experiencing chest pain?
Comfortable sitting position
Which equipment should be used to clean up any body fluid spillage?
What vital signs will you monitor during secondary survey?
Pulse, breathing, temperature
A casualty has fainted; what position will you place him into?
Lay him flat, elevate his legs
During resuscitation, an adult is.. (What age??)
Puberty and above
An Asthmatic casualty has forgotten his Ventolin, what are your actions?
Retrieve Ventolin from EMK, give 2 puffs 30-60s apart
Low-volume shock can develop after..
Severe vomiting and diarrhea
CONSCIOUS casualty suffered a stroke, what position will you place him into?
A comfortable position with head and shoulders raised
How do you manage a burn?
Flush the affected area with copious amounts of water
When will you place a casualty into the recovery position?
When unresponsive and breathing normally
Which of the following applies when using the Tourniquet?
Do not release once applied
The ratio of chest compressions to rescue breaths is:
When should chest discomfort be treated as a cardiac emergency
- All the time
While a casualty is having a seizure you should..
Protect the casualty from injuring themself and contact MedLink immediately
Your casualty is suffering from nose bleed, your management will be..
- Advise to lean forward and pinch the soft part of the nose for a total of 20min
Your casualty has sprained his ankle, your management will be:
RICE procedure
Which of the following is CORRECT regarding Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction)?
MedLink should be contacted when a casualty suffers this reaction
A PREGNANT pax is CHOKING and CANNOT cough. You will administer..
Chest thrusts
When will you seal a FAK with a Red seal?
A Red seal is applied when an item is depleted and another kit is opened for the same item
When would you seal the AED with a RED seal?
If the machine is unserviceable
Where is the delivery pack located?
A pax becomes very anxious and starts to hyperventilate, your management will be:
Reassure and encourage slow, regular breathing
After a seizure a casualty is UNCONSCIOUS and BREATHING, which position would you place him in:
Recovery position
What medication can crew administer for a suspected heart attack?
Aspirin / Jusprin
What is the correct position for a casualty in shock?
Lying down with the legs elevated
A casualty is having a stroke. How will you assess him?
Use the FAST assessment
In what position would you place and Asthmatic casualty?
A comfortable position - usually sitting upright and leaning forward on a tray table
If you are confused whether a diabetic casualty is experiencing high or low blood sugar, you should:
Offer a sweet drink
The management of a casualty who is feeling faint is to..
Lay casualty flat; raise the legs
You have a child in Cardiac Arrest and ONLY Adult pads were available. Can you use Adult Pads on a child?
Yes,mid pediatric pads are not available
Where can you find Aspirin / Jusprin onboard?
It is necessary to monitor a burns casualty for signs of..
Who must be informed immediately in all cases where the aircraft catering is the suspected cause of food poisoning?
Sharp items should ideally be discarded in?
Sharp Box
A casualty has an object embedded in the eye, what are your actions?
Stabilize the object to prevent movement by padding around the object
How would you manage a guest suffering from motion sickness?
How long should you continue CPR on a casualty if diversion is not possible, MedLink and Medical volunteer are not contactable?
The first piece of equipment to be accessed for a medication that is available in all kits is…
What is the most effective method of controlling severe external bleeding?
Apply direct pressure and elevation
Whilst conducting the primary survey on an Infant, you find no response and no breathing. What is your immediate action?
- Chest compressions
What is the management of an open fracture?
Apply indirect pressure and immobilization
A casualty who has suffered a serious open fracture must be also be treated for..
During Choking management abdominal thrusts are delivered to..?
Adults/ Children
After bandaging the arm, how would you check for circulation?
Press one of the nails until it turns pale, then release the pressure. Color should return within 2s.
Which of the following is NOT a feature of Stroke?
Chest pain radiating into jaw
Whenever the use of the Body Fluid Clean-Up Kit is necessary, cabin crew shall:
Gain the approval of the CM/CS and fill out a Health & Safety Report (HSR)
Whenever the Zero Two Cylinder (oxygen) is in use, Cabin crew shall check on the guest every:
15 min
In case of chemical burn, for how long would you flush the affected area with water?
at least 20 min
What medication from the FAP and FAK is used to treat mild allergies?
Anti allergy tablets
Which is the primary location to check the pulse of an adult?
Radial (wrist)
When must a pregnant pax present a medical certificate to fly?
beggining of 29th- 36 weeks
The signs & symptoms of shock include..
Pale, cold clammy skin, rapid / weak breathing
Which of the following statements regarding CONSENT is CORRECT?
If the casualty is unconscious, cabin crew can assume consent and commence First Aid
When taking a history, what does the acronym SAMPLE stand for?
Signs and Symptoms, Allergies, Medication, Previous History, Last Meal, Events
When there is a need for a seated / ambulance pax to receive therapeutic oxygen on a flight, the following will be provided
ZERO TWO portable oxygen cylinder
Portable Oxygen Concentrator carried by Paxs are subject to the following..
The most common cause of hypoxia in-flight is..
The reduced oxygen pressure in the aircraft cabin
What is the use of anti-emetic medication?
To treat nausea and vomiting
What is the use of analgesic / antipyretic medication?
To treat pain and fever
What is the use of anti-acid medication?
To treat indigestion, heart burn
What is the use of anti-spasmodic medication?
To treat abdominal cramps
What is the use of anti-diarrhea medication?
To treat diarrhea
What is the use of anti-allergy medication?
To treat mild allergies
What is the use of anti-inflammatory medication?
To treat pain associated with inflammation
If a crew is injured or becomes unwell on a flight, can the FAP be utilized as required?
Whose permission must be obtained prior to opening the EMK?
If during CPR, the first rescue breath is ineffective what should you do?
Attempt a second rescue breath followed by compressions
You have bandaged an arm and after pressing one of the nails to check for circulation, you have noticed that the nail color returned slowly, what is your next action?
Loosen the bandage
If you’re unsure whether a casualty has sustained a fracture, dislocation, strain or sprain, how would you manage?
Treat it as a fracture and immobilize
How would you manage a needle stick injury?
Encourage bleeding, wash hands thoroughly under running water, sanitize and cover with a Band Aid
Which of the following are considered to be medical volunteers?
Doctor of medicine, registered nurses and paramedics, midwife (for births)
During Primary Survey, what is your action when you observe Agonal breathing or gasping during breathing check?
start CPR
During resuscitation, which age group would be considered as Infant?
0 to 12 months
Are crew allowed to inject Epipen?
Only with Medlink’s permission
FAST assessment is used to assess a casualty with a possible stroke; what does FAST stand for?
Facial weakness, Arm weakness, Speech problems, Time to call MedLink
What is the nasal decongestant used for?
to treat a blocked nose or sinuses
Which is the second point of access when the FAP does not contain items required?
Is it acceptable to open the FAK for the purpose of familiarizing yourself with the contents?
No, the FAK is to be opened only when the need arises due to a medical condition
A casualty with nosebleed has been given First Aid measures, but the bleeding has not stopped in 20min. What is your next action?
Call medlink
What does the acronym RICE stand for in the management of strains and sprains?
Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
Where would you find the Digital Thermometer?
Before administering any medication what are the questions we need to ask?
Allergy to the medicine, Alchool, pregnancy
What form must be completed prior to contacting MedLink?
MAC-Medical Assessment Checklist
Secondary survey comprises of:
History taking; Vital Signs; Head-to-toe examination in cases of trauma
A guest is coughing and you suspect a contagious disease. What would you offer to prevent the spread of infection?
Face mask
A guest is having an Asthma attack; you have identified that he DOES NOT normally use Ventolin. What is your next action?
Contact MedLink immediately for further advice
The treatment of small cuts and abrasions includes..
Flushing the wound with water to remove any dirt
A casualty is bleeding severely and disputed several attempts to stop the bleeding through direct pressure and elevation you are still unable to stop the bleeding. What would you consider next?
Applying a tourniquet
After using the Sharp Box, where will you place it?
Placed inside the clear specimen / biohazard bag and placed back to the original stowage.
What is the pre-flight check of the Lifeline View AED?
Correct location, Active Status Indicator green light flashing, green seal intact
When can cabin crew commence first aid treatment?
Cabin crew shall obtain the casualty ́s consent before commencing first aid
What is the First Rescuer’s responsibility in a medical situation?
Assess the casualty and then determine the severity of the medical problem
Stay with the casualty and call for help and medical equipment
Provide immediate First Aid
What is the Second Rescuer’s responsibility in a medical situation?
Obtain the necessary medical equipment for assessment and treatment, such as medical kits,
Tempus IC, oxygen and/or AED
Assist the first rescuer in providing First Aid and care for the casualty
What is the Third Rescuer’s responsibility in a medical situation?
Communicates with the SCCM, flight crew and MedLink
Requests additional medical assistance on board the aircraft if needed and available Supports and communicates with any family members or travelling companions of the casualty
Which medical advisory service can cabin crew contact for assistance during an onboard medical emergency?
What is one of the actions when managing an ill traveler with suspected contagious respiratory illness?
Personal protection
If advised by Medlink – carry out quarantine measures onboard
Targeted clean up
Properly dispose of contaminated items
What are cabin crew actions when managing a needle stick injury?
Encourage bleeding to flush dirt or infectious organism out of the tissues as much as possible. Wash the area with soap and running water. Dry the wound with a clean paper towel and dress the wound.
What does a secondary survey comprise of?
History Taking
Vital Signs
Head-to-toe examination in cases of trauma
What is the average normal pulse rate for an infant?
100-120 bmp
What is the average normal respiratory rate for an adult?
10-20 respirations per minute
What are cabin crew actions if an unconscious casualty stops breathing?
CAB – Compressions Airway Breathing (CPR)
What are cabin crew actions if there is no response and no breathing on an infant casualty when conducting the primary survey?
CAB – Compressions Airway Breathing (CPR)
When should cabin crew place the casualty into the recovery position?
When the casualty is unresponsive but have normal breathing
What are cabin crew actions if the casualty is gasping/ agonal breathing when conducting breathing check during the primary survey?
In what circumstances can cabin crew stop resuscitation?
When the casualty is breathing, if crew is too exhausted to continue, if it ́s unsafe to continue (severe turbulence, forecasted difficult landing).
When diversion possible crew will stop when medical personnel comes to take over
How long should cabin crew continue Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on a casualty if medical volunteer and MedLink are not contactable and a diversion is not possible?
30 minute after the last shock has been given or 30 minutes from the time the AED prompts “No shock advised”
What are cabin crew actions if a pregnant woman is choking and cannot breathe?
Chest Thrust
What are cabin crew actions if an asthmatic casualty is having difficulty in breathing and has forgotten his Ventolin?
Cabin crew can provide the Ventolin Inhaler from the EMK and administer up to 2puffs 30 to 60 seconds apart. Wait 15 minutes and call MedLink if no improvement
. In what position should cabin crew place an asthmatic casualty who is having difficulty in breathing?
Sitting upright and leaning forward on a tray table. Loosen tight clothing
what are cabin crew actions if a casualty displays anxiety and starts to hyperventilate?
Move casualty to a quiet area of the aircraft. Reassure the casualty and advise them to breath normally, suggest that he/she mimic your breathing and breathe slowly and regularly. Give oxygen on a high flow, call MedLink
In what position should cabin crew place the casualty who is experiencing chest pain?
Comfortable sitting position
What shall cabin crew ensure before administering Aspirin/Jusprin?
Ask question about:
Pregnancy/nursing mother (if applicable) Asthma
Bleeding tendency Gastritis/peptic ulcer
What may result if a casualty is suffering from severe bleeding?
How should cabin crew manage a casualty who is suffering from Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?
Assess the casualty ́s legs – there may be obvious swelling, redness, tenderness and/or warmth when compared to the unaffected leg. Raise the affected leg and support with pillow. Consult MedLink
In what position should cabin crew place the casualty who is in shock?
Lay the casualty down and support the feet with bulky items such as pillows to improve the blood supply to the brain and heart
In what position should cabin crew place the casualty who has fainted?
Assist them to lay flat. Raise the legs above the level of the heart to improve the blood flow to the brain
How should cabin crew manage a casualty who is feeling faint?
Assist them to lay flat. Raise the legs above the level of the heart to improve the blood flow to the brain. Give oxygen
What are cabin crew actions if a casualty is suffering from motion sickness?
Offer cool, damp towel to place on the forehead. Advise casualty not to read, look down or look out the windows, instead advise them to look towards the from of the A/C. Offer clear liquids to drink and avoid alcohol + oxygen. Administer an anti-emetic as per instruction on the packet
in what position should cabin crew place a conscious casualty who has suffered a stroke?
Comfortable position with the head and shoulders raised. Support weak areas of the casualty ́s body with a blanket and pillows. Wipe away any fluids from the mouth using a cloth
How should cabin crew evaluate if a casualty is suffering from a possible stroke?
By using FAST system as a guide
What are the recognition features if a casualty is suffering from stroke?
Confusion or altered level of consciousness, headache, dizziness, dropping of one side of the face, slurred speech, difficulty finding the correct words, difficulty swallowing – drooling, slow noisy breathing, weakness or paralysis of one side of the body
What are cabin crew actions if the casualty is experiencing a seizure?
Protect the casualty from injury by placing pillows and blankets around the casualty, do not try to restrain the casualty. If in seat and not slipping out – loosely fasten seat belt, do not place anything into mouth. Once seizure is over, start primary survey
In what position should cabin crew place an unconscious and breathing casualty who has suffered a seizure?
Recovery position and give oxygen on a high flow
What is the EpiPen used to treat?
What is one of the cabin crew actions when managing a casualty suffering from anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction)?
Administer oxygen, encourage casualty to take his/her own medication. Advise casualty of EpiPen in the EMK, obtain AED but to be kept out of sight, contact MedLink
When can cabin crew administer the EpiPen?
Only if instructed y MedLink and there is no medical professional on board to administer this injection
When would an expectant mother require a medical certificate to fly?
29-36 weeks (29-32 if multiple pregnancy)
What is the validity of the medical certificate required for women travelling during pregnancy?
21 days, 3 weeks
Which items from the delivery pack can be used by cabin crew?
scissors & umblilical cord clamps
What is one of cabin crew actions when managing external severe bleeding?
Put on gloves. Apply direct pressure firmly over the wound with a clean dressing, secure dressing/s with a bandage. While continuing to apply pressure, elevate..
What is one of cabin crew actions when managing small cuts and abrasions?
Put on gloves. Put the wound under running water in order to flush out any dirt. Using gauze pads gently dry the skin around the wound. Apply a dressing and secure it with adhesive tape (or plaster if small wound). Elevate
What must cabin crew ensure after applying a tourniquet?
Don’t cover the tourniquet or the limb. Once tourniquet applied, do not release. Mark the casualty ́s forehead with a “T” to alert medical professionals
What is one of cabin crew actions when a casualty’s bleeding cannot be controlled by pressure and elevation?
Apply tourniquet
What are cabin crew actions when managing an open fracture?
Put on gloves, control any bleeding and cover any wounds. Cover the bone with non-stick sterile dressing. Place 2 roller bandages on either side of the wound, secure roller bandages in place. Immobilization + immobilization sling
What are cabin crew actions in case of a suspected fracture or dislocation?
Suspected fractures and dislocations should be treated in the same way as obvious fractures
What are cabin crew actions when managing the casualty who has suffered from a sprain?
What does the acronym RICE stand for in the management of strains and sprains?
R – Rest
I – Ice
C – Compression
E - Elevate
What could a casualty suffer from after sustaining severe burn?
Hypovolaemic shock
What is the initial action of cabin crew when managing a casualty with a foreign object such as eyelash, dust etc. in the eye?
Pour the eye irrigation solution or water in the inner corner of the eye, allowing the fluid to run across the eye
What should cabin crew do if a casualty has an object protruding from the eye?
Put on gloves. Stabilize the object to prevent movement by padding around the object. Cal MedLink immediately if there is loss of vision/bleedin/penetrating eye injury or severe pain
What should cabin crew do if a casualty has an object protruding from the eye?
Put on gloves. Stabilize the object to prevent movement by padding around the object. Cal MedLink immediately if there is loss of vision/bleedin/penetrating eye injury or severe pain
What should cabin crew do if a casualty has complained of a loose tooth?
Monitor for bleeding. Offer sterile dressing for the casualty to provide pressure on gums to control any bleeding. Offer pain relief. Advise casualty to seek dental assistance upon landing. Call MedLink
What are some of the requirements for the carriage of a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC) onboard?
Etihad Medical certificate, the device should display a manufacturer ́s label that indicates it has been tested to meet the requirements, commander should be informed, weight and dimensions should not exceed cabin baggage limits
What is an anti-inflammatory medication used for?
Pain, has anti-inflammatory properties (severe pain)
What are cabin crew actions after a Universal Precaution Kit (UPK) is utilized?
to ensure any remaining item is discarded along with the box
Which medical kit is to be used as the first point of access when a crew member is dealing with a medical/minor injury situation?
Where is the digital thermometer located?
What is one of the pre-flight checks of the First Aid Kit (FAK) ex Abu Dhabi?
One seal intact
Where is the glucometer located?
What is one of the pre-flight checks of the Emergency Medical Kit (EMK) ex Abu Dhabi?
CS + 2 seals intact
When should the First Aid Pouch (FA-P) be sealed with a red seal?
If an item is fully depleted
When should the First Aid Kit (FAK) be sealed with a red seal?
When a medication is completely depleted
When should the First Aid Kit (FAK) be sealed with a red seal?
When a medication is completely depleted
Where in the cabin are Pocket Masks (PMs) located?
Minimum cabin crew seats on LHS, FAK, EMK
Which safety equipment should be obtained when managing a collapsed casualty?
What are the pre-flight checks of the Philips FR2+ Automated External Defibrillator (AED) ex-AUH?
CS, One seal intact, Status indicator shows a flashing BLACK hour glass
When should the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) be sealed with a red seal?
If unserviceable (battery depleted, all sets of pads are used, machine fails the BIT)
What is one of the pre-flight checks of the Ambu Bag Kit (ABK)?
CS One seal intact
What is the correct radio of chest compressions to rescue breaths?
30 chest compresssions, aproximately 5cm
You’re conducting CPR on an adult casualty; you used FAK, EMK, oxygen and AED.
You noticed there is no sign of life. What documentation is required to be
Health and Safety Report (HSR), Medical Assessment Checklist, First Aid Kit Checklist, EMK form, AED form, Cabin Maintenance Log, Death Onboard form
A casualty suffering from Asthma for the first time, what is your management?
Administer Oxygen and call MedLink
A casualty suffering from Asthma for the first time, what is your management?
Administer Oxygen and call MedLink
You have delivered a baby onboard, where would you cut the umbilical cord?
Clamp the cord 4 fingers from the baby’s abdomen and then again, clamp the cord an additional 2 fingers from the first clamp.
A casualty has used the onboard Ventolin, what is the procedure for the Ventolin after its use?
place in a biohazard bag and return to the EMK
A casualty has used the onboard nasal decongestion spray, what is the procedure
for the nasal decongestion spray after its use?
Place in a biohazard bag and dispose of biohazard bag
A casualty has used the onboard nasal decongestion spray, what is the procedure
for the nasal decongestion spray after its use?
Place in a biohazard bag and dispose of biohazard bag
Which lavatory would you block for a guest, you suspect of COVID-19 in flight?
You are preforming CPR, which of the following statements is correct?
Crew must not perform Rescue Breaths under any circumstances
After landing, when would a passenger displaying COVID- 19 symptoms be allowed
to disembark?
Last and only when all other passengers have disembarked
What is the precaution before administering ANTI-INFLAMMATORY medication?
Allergies, Alcohol consumed, Pregnant, Asthma, Peptic ulcer/gastritis
What are the Sign and Symptoms of heart attack?
Central chest pain, pale skin, difficulty breathing
What are the Sign and Symptoms of heart attack?
Central chest pain, pale skin, difficulty breathing
Which of the following is part of your management during a seizure?
Remove nearby objects that may cause injury
What is your management of a suspected Stroke?
Reassure, support the weak parts with pillows while keeping the head and shoulder elevated, give
oxygen, take history and vital signs and call MedLink
What is your management of a suspected Stroke?
Reassure, support the weak parts with pillows while keeping the head and shoulder elevated, give
oxygen, take history and vital signs and call MedLink
What is the crew management when dealing with body fluids, e.g. vomit?
Protect yourself with gloves and use all the appropriate equipment on board to clean the body
fluids, inform your senior crew
If the casualty is unconscious consent is assumed as given. true/false?
Which is the correct chain of communication in case of in-flight Medical
Onboard Leader / Commander / Medlink / Medical Volunteer
What can you do to prevent the spread of Blood borne disease?
Use gloves and dispose all used dressing and bandages into a bio-hazard bag
A conscious guest is feeling unwell during boarding. What is your action?
Start the Secondary Survey to gather more information about the guest’s condition
A guest has slipped over and states they have pain in their ankle. It is swollen and
bruised. You suspect a strain, what would be your actions?
Use the R.I.C.E procedure and contact Medlink
How would you manage external bleeding?
Apply pressure firmly over the wound (direct pressure) and apply elevation sling
A child has burnt her groin area with hot chocolate. What would be our actions?
Flush the area with copious amounts of water, once cooled apply burn dressing and contact
or which cases of BURNS must you contact Medlink?
If the burnt area covers more than 1% of the body (seize of the palm)
In case of resuscitation, which the following documents would need to be
completed? Note that Oxygen, pocket mask (from FAK) and AED were used?
ED form, FAK checklist, Cabin Maintenance Log (CML), Health and Safety Report (HSR), Medical
Assessment Checklist
What is the pre-flight check of the Zero Two Oxygen Cylinder?
Adult / Pediatric cannula and oxygen mask present, pressure gauge is on FULL
What is your action if communication with Medlink couldn’t be established?
Make a PA for medical volunteer while still trying to contact Medlink
How do we care for the body in case of a death onboard?
Cover the body with a blanket up to the neck and don’t remove medical attachments (AED pads,
Catheters, etc.), place on the last row of seats in economy
What is the management of the tooth when a tooth has been knocked out?
Wearing gloves, gently rinse the tooth in drinking water, place in clean container and hand to the
You suspect a casualty is having an asthma attack; it is the first time for the casualty. What are your actions?
Medlink must be contacted without Delay
What is the difference between a Heart Attack and a Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
When a casualty is having a Heart Attack, they are breathing, a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, there is either NO or abnormal breathing
When can a Medical Volunteer perform chest compressions during CPR?
Medical volunteers must never perform chest compressions during CPR. It is a crew responsibility