Role of the first rescuer (medical action plan)
Assess the casualty and then determine the severity of the medical problem, stay with the casualty and call for help and medical equipment, provide first aid
Role of the second rescuer (medical action plan)
obtain the necessary equipment, assist the first rescuer
Role of the third rescuer (medical action plan)
Communicates w/ SCCM, flight crew and Medlink ; request aditional help support if needed and available
What is Medlink?
Medlink is a hospital based medical advisory service, providing emergency medical assistance to all etihad aircraft, available 24/7
Contacting Medlink, what should we do before? and inform who?
- Record information regarding the casualty on the Medical Assessment Checklist.
- Inform SCCM and flight crew.
What is MAC?
When we need to record information regarding the casualty we use Medical Assessment Checklist
When can cabin crew commence first aid treatment?
Cabin crew shall obtain the casualty ́s consent before commencing first aid
What is the most common cause of hypoxia during the flight?
reduced oxygen pressure in the aircraft cabin
Which medical advisory service can cabin crew contact for assistance during an onboard medical emergency?
Which form must be completed prior to contacting MedLink?
Medical Assessment Checklist
Who are considered as a medical volunteer?
Doctor of Medicine, Registered Nurse, Paramedic, midwife (childbirth or pregnancy related cases)
What can be used to safely dispose used needles?
Sharp Box (and after this in a specimen bag or bihozard bag)
Who should be informed if multiple casualties are suffering from suspected food poisoning?
The Commander
How often should cabin crew check the passenger and flow of oxygen when using Zero Two-Portable Oxygen Cylinder?
Cabin crew shall check the passenger and flow of oxygen every 15 minutes
What are some of the requirements for the carriage of a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC) onboard?
Etihad Medical certificate, the device should display a manufacturer ́s label that indicates it has been tested to meet the requirements, commander should be informed, weight and dimensions should not exceed cabin baggage limits
What medication should cabin crew administer to a casualty suffering from mild allergies?
What medication should cabin crew administer to a casualty suffering from nausea and vomiting?
What is an analgesic/antipyretic medication used for?
Pain, fever
What is an anti-acid medication used for?
What is an anti-spasmodic medication used for?
Abdominal cramps/renal colic
What is one of the precautions before administering any medication?
Ask question about:
Which equipment should be used to clean up any body fluid spillage?
What are cabin crew actions after a Universal Precaution Kit (UPK) is utilized?
To ensure any remaining item is discarded along with the box
Which medical kit is to be used as the first point of access when a crew member is dealing with a medical/minor injury situation?
First Aid pouch (FAP)
Where is the digital thermometer located?
What is one of the pre-flight checks of the First Aid Kit (FAK) ex Abu Dhabi?
One seal intact
Which medical kit is to be used as the second point of access when the First Aid Pouch (FA-P) does not contain items required?
In which medical kits can Aspirin/Jusprin be located?
Where is the delivery pack located?
. Where is the glucometer located?
Whose permission must be obtained prior to opening the Emergency Medical Kit (EMK)?
The commander
What is the pre-flight checks of the Emergency Medical Kit (EMK) ex Abu Dhabi?
CS + 2 Seals intact
When should the First Aid Pouch (FA-P) be sealed with a red seal?
if an item is fully depleted
When should the First Aid Kit (FAK) be sealed with a red seal?
When a medication is completely depleted
When should the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) be sealed with a red seal?
If unserviceable (battery depleted, all sets of pads are used, machine fails the BIT)
What is the pre-flight check of the Lifeline View Automated External Defibrillator (AED) ex AUH?
CS, one seal intact, active status indicator (ASI) shows a flashing GREEN light
When can adult pads be placed on a child/infant while operating an AED?
If pediatric pads are not available
What is one of the pre-flight checks of the Ambu Bag Kit (ABK)?
CS One seal intact
What is an anti-diarrhoea medication used for?
What is an anti-inflammatory medication used for?
Pain, has anti-inflammatory properties (severe pain)
What is a nasal decongestant used for?
Blocked nose, sinuses
How long should cabin crew flush the skin when managing the casualty who has suffered from a chemical burn?
at least 20 min
Influenza, tuberculosis, covid 19 are diseases getting from…
HIV/ AIDS, hepatite B and C are diseases getting from…
Hepatite A, Cholera and Typhoid are diseases getting from…
Food/ Water- Borne
Malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever are diseases getting from…
Vector- Born
What is PPE?
Personal Protective Equipment
What consists the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)?
gown, gloves, mask, visor and bihozard bag
Airbone illness, what should we do to prevent?
Use protective masks, tissues, cough/ sneezing etiquette
Before we use the UPK, we need the authorization of…
Cabin senior/ Cabin Manager
Food/ water borne illness, what should we do to prevent?
bottled water, boiled waiter, eat meat that is well cooked, use medlink as a resource
What is a aicraft disinsection?
disisection the a/c in the ceilings untill the bottle is finished, (do not trow, give to CM)
If a passenger is injured, who write the HSR?
The person who rescue this passanger
if you got injured, who write the HSR?
Secondary survey - take history
Secondary survey- vital signs
Pulse, Breathing, Temperature
Secondary survey, when do we do a head to toe examination? what does it consists of?
just when we have trauma cases.
BLEEDING (internal/external)
BRUISING (blue/purple)
When do we use Aspirin? where is it located?
we use aspirin when we suspect of an heart attack, it is located in FAK and in EMK.
When do we use analgesic/antipyretic? where is it located?
we use it for fever and pain, it is located in FA-P, FAK and galley
When do we use pediatric analgesic/antipyretic? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
We use it for pain/fever in infants and children, it is located in FA-P, FAK. We don’t need authorization.
When do we use anti-allergy? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
when a passanger have mild allergy, it is located in FA-P, FAK, and we don’t need authorization of medlink, however for child below 12 years old it is located in EMK, and we need permission of medlink to use it.
When do we use antibiotic cream? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
we use for skin infections, and we don’t need medlink permission. it is located in FAK.
When do we use glucogel? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
for low blood sugar level, EMK, we need medlink permission.
When do we use nasal-descongestant? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
for blocked nose or sinuses, it is located in FA-P and FAK, we don’t need permission of medlink
When do we use Epipen? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
severy allergy, anaphylaxis
location: EMK
We need MEDLINK permission if the pax doesnt know how to do it herself
When do we use antipasmodic? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
abdominal cramps, renal colic
location: FA-P, FAK
we don’t need medlink permission
When do we use antiemedic? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
we use for nausea and vomit, it is located in FA-P and FAK, we don’t need medlink permission. however for children <12 we need medlink permission, and it is located in EMK
When do we use Anti-inflammatory? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
we use for pain related to inflammation, it is located in FA-P and FAK, We don’t need medlink permission
When do we use anti-diarrhoea? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
for diarrhoea, it is located in FA-P and FAK
(below age 12 we need MEDLINK permission)
When do we use antiacid? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
for indigestion and heartburn, FA-P and FAK , we don’t need medlink permission
When do we use ativan? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
for anxiety and panick attack, it is on EMK, we need MEDLINK permission
When do we use buccastem? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
for severe nausea and vomiting, it is in EMK, we need MEDLINK permission
When do we use metoprolol? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
for cardiac emergencies, it is in EMK, we need medlink permission
When do we use GTN spray? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
for cardiac emergencies, it is in EMK, we need medlink permission
When do we use temgesic? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
for severe pain, it is in EMK, we need MEDLINK permission
When do we use ventolin? where is it located? do we need authorization from MEDLINK?
we use for asthma, it is in EMK, we need MEDLINK Permission unless the pax already use it before
what is ACARS?
Aircraft communication adressing report system
what are the questions we should ask if the person wants a anti-inflamatory?
are you pregnant?
did you drink alchool?
are you allergic?
do you have asthma?
do you have peptic ulcer or gastitis?
what are the acceptable forms of identification of a medical volunteer?
professional body registration card, and passaport
What is the average normal pulse rate for an infant?
100-120 bmp
what is the average normal respiratory rate for an adult?
10-20 respirations per minute
From what age is a casualty considered to be an adult for resuscitation?
From the start of puberty and above
From what age is a casualty considered to be an infant for resuscitation?
From birth to 1 year
What are cabin crew actions if an unconscious casualty stops breathing?
CAB – Compressions Airway Breathing (CPR)
What are cabin crew actions if there is no response and no breathing on an infant casualty when conducting the primary survey?
CAB – Compressions Airway Breathing (CPR)
In what position should cabin crew place the casualty who is experiencing chest pain?
Comfortable sitting position
What could a casualty complaining of chest pain be suffering from?
Heart attack
What shall cabin crew ensure before administering Aspirin/Jusprin?
Ask question about:
Pregnancy/nursing mother (if applicable) Asthma
Bleeding tendency Gastritis/peptic ulcer
What may result if a casualty is suffering from severe bleeding?
In what position should cabin crew place the casualty who is in shock?
Lay the casualty down and support the feet with bulky items such as pillows to improve the blood supply to the brain and heart
In what position should cabin crew place the casualty who has fainted?
Assist them to lay flat. Raise the legs above the level of the heart to improve the blood flow to the brain
How should cabin crew manage a casualty who is feeling faint?
Assist them to lay flat. Raise the legs above the level of the heart to improve the blood flow to the brain. Give oxygen
What are cabin crew actions if a casualty is suffering from motion sickness?
Offer cool, damp towel to place on the forehead. Advise casualty not to read, look down or look out the windows, instead advise them to look towards the from of the A/C. Offer clear liquids to drink and avoid alcohol + oxygen. Administer an anti-emetic as per instruction on the packet
Where in the cabin are Pocket Masks (PMs) located?
Minimum cabin crew seats on LHS
Which safety equipment should be obtained when managing a collapsed casualty?
What are your actions when an infant is choking and not coughing?
alternate between up to 5 back slaps and up to 5 chest thruts
What position will you place a casulty who has fainted?
Lay him flat, elevate his legs
What are your actions when a pregnant pax is chocking and cannot cough?
give chest thruts
When you will seal FAK with a red seal?
the red seal is applied when an item is depleted and another kit is opened for the same item
When you will seal AED with a red seal?
If the machine is unserviceable
How long should you continue CPR, on a casualty if diversion is not possible, no medical volunteer and medlink are not contactable.
30 min after last shock given or 30 min from the time the AED prompts “no shock advised”
whilst conducting the primary survey on a infant, you find no response and no breathing. what is your immediate action?
What should you do if the first rescue breath is ineffective during cardiopulmonary ressuscitation (CPR)?
Attempt a second rescue breath followed by compressions
During primary survey, what is your action when you observe agonal breathing or gasping during breathing check?
Start CPR
Which age group would an infant be considered for ressuscitation?
birth~12 months
You’re conducting CPR on an adult casualty, you used FAK, EMK,oxygen and AED, you notice there is no sign of life, what documentation is required to be completed?
Health and Safety report, MAC, FAK checklist, EMK form, AED form, Cabin Maintenance Log, Death onboard form
What are the signs of an heart attack?
Central chest pain, pale skin, difficulty in breathing
How do we care for the body in case of a death onboard?
Cover the body with a blanket up to the neck and don’t remove medical attachements ( AED pads, catheters etc), place on the last row of seats in economy
What is the management of the tooth when a a tooth has been knocked out?
wearing gloves, gently rinse the tooth in drinking water, place in clean container and hand to the casualty.
What is the difference between a heart attack and a sudden cardiac arrest?
when a casualty is having a heart attack, they are breathing, a sudden cardiac arrest there is either NO or abnormal breathing.
When can a medical volunteer perform Chest compressions during CPR?
NEVER, it is the crew responsability