AV30 - Flight Planning Procedures - HS Flashcards
What must you do upon receipt of a completed FP or FI? (6)
- Inform the pilot of any inaccuracies or omissions and obtain the information
- Verify with the pilot the hours of operation of the ATS unit or the CARS with which the FP/FI will be closed.
- Request a contact number if there are stopovers where ATS or CARS is not located (or will be closed at ETA)
- Identify to the pilot the departure unit (FIC) and inform pilot that the FP or FI will be activated at ETD unless there is a cancellation or extension.
- Accept an abbreviated FP or FI provided a Master FP/FI is held with an ATS unit in Canada.
- Inform pilots of NORDO or RONLY AC that it is their responsibility to contact the appropriate agency when intending to operate into or from a controlled aerodrome or a MF area.
Who is responsible for ensuring that all required information is passed to the ATS unit accepting the FP or FI?
The pilot.
What is to be done if you cannot clarify any inaccuracies or omissions on a flight plan?
Process the FP or FI, but also include a note in the message concerning the error.
If someone files a FP or FI via the internet, they must be available for contact afterwards. For how long must they be available?
30 mins after they receive the acknowledgement message from NAV CANADA.
What are the requirements for accepting a consecutive IFR FP or FI?
-All proposed dep. times fall within one 24hour period
-The following info is obtained for EACH segment of the flight from the second and successive dep. points:
Point of departure
Proposed dep. time
Estimated elapsed time
Fuel on board
If required:
True airspeed
Number of persons on board
Method of filing arrival time
What are the requirements for accepting a consecutive IFR FP for a departure point within airspace controlled by the US?
- The procedures contained in 312.1 are followed
- The first flight originated in Canadian controlled airspace
- Only one flight plan for departure from US controlled airspace is accepted
- The flight plan information is passed to the ACC within whose FIR your station is located for input into the US appropriate computer.
What must you do if a pilot requests clearance less than 30 minutes after filing?
Advise the pilot that there may be some delay.
How much in advance must pilots file an FP for a transborder flight originating close to the border?
At least an hour.
What are the requirements when accepting a FP or FI for AC departing from a location with no ATS or CARS?
- Obtain contact number for departure location in case of questions regarding AC status
- Request the pilot inform an ATS unit if the flight will not depart within 60 minutes of the proposed time.
AFIL: Flight plan or flight itinterary information filed from an AC in flight, with respect to the current flight.
If a flight plan is filed over the radio for a subsequent flight, is it an AFIL?
No, it is a regular flight plan.
For an airfile, what is entered in the DEP field?
For an airfile, what is entered in the ATD field?
The current time
For an airfile, what is entered in the Route field?
It will begin with the current location of the AC
For an airfile, what is entered in the INFO field?
Which ATS unit has any supplementary data.
Controlled VFR- A flight conducted under visual flight rules within class B airspace and in accordance with ATC clearance.
For CVFR, when will clearance usually be given and why?
Upon receipt of a position report filed by the pilot upon reaching the last 1,000ft below the base of Class B airspace or before entering laterally unless the point of departure is within Class B airspace. This is to ensure the radio is working and to remind the pilot that separation is not provided before entering Class B so they must maintain a watch for traffic.
What shall a CVFR AC do if IMC are encountered?
- Request an amended ATC clearance which will enable the AC to remain in VFR weather conditions
- Request an IFR clearance if the pilot has a valid instrument rating and the AC is equipped for IFR flight
- Request SVFR if within a control zone.
If unable, must leave class B airspace.
What must the FIC do once they have filed a VFR flight plan?
Transmit it to the opening unit if the departure aerodrome is located within the FICs AOR
What must the FIC do once they have filed a CVFR flight plan?
Transmit is to the opening unit if the departure aerodrome is located within the FICs AOR
Transmit it to the ACC flight plan office within whose FIR boundary the departure aerodrome is located.
What must the FIC do once they have filed a composite flight plan?
Transmit it to the opening unit if the departure aerodrome is located within the FICs AOR