AV block Flashcards
major causes of AV block
increased vagal tone fibrosis and sclerosis of conduction system IHD cardiomyopathy and myocarditis congenital heart disease familial AV block
other causes of AV block
hyperkalemia inflitrative malignancies, neonatal lupus severe hypo or hyperthyroidism trauma degenerative neuromuscular disease
drugs that can cause AV block
digitalis CaCh blockers beta blockers amiodarone adenosine
other AV block latrogenic
cardiac surgery catheter ablation transcatherter VSD closure alcohol spetal ablation for HOCM TAVr (transcatheter AV replacement)
AV block
delay or interruption in transmission of an impulse from atria to ventricles due to an anatomic or fnxal impairment in conduction system
firborsis and sclerosis
acounts for 50% of cases of AV block
may be induced by several different conditions
frequently progressive to complete heart block
40% of AV block
conduction disturbances range from 1st degree to complete with both chronic IHD and acute MI
familial AV block
autosomal dominant
1st degree
2nd degree type I
2nd degree type II
3rd degree
2nd degree type I
mobitz I
progressive PR interval prolongation followed by non conducted p wave
Ist degree
pr interval >.2
2nd degree type II
mobitz II
PR interval remains unchanged prior to p wave that fails to conduct to ventricles
3rd degree
complete heart block
most common cardiac arrhythmia RR interval no pattern no distinct P waves atrial rate 300-600 more common in men
AF risk factors
RF in underdeveloped countries
paroxysmal AF
terminated spontaneously or w/intervention w/in 7 days
episodes may recurr
persistant AF
fails to self-terminate w/in 7 says
episodes often require pharmacological and electrical cardioversion
long-standind persistant AF
lasted more then 12 months
permanent AF
persistant with decision made to no longer try to treat
low risk AF
younger males
frequently familial, low risk of thromboembolus
recurrent AF
asymptomatic recurrent episodes lasting up to 48hrs
subclinical AF
detected asymptomatic w/o prior diagnosis
many have paroxysmal AF
palps syncope dyspnea fatigue precipitating events: exercise, emothional, alcohol
mitral valve disease, especially MS, CHF, findings etc
AF echo
chamber sizes and fnx, valvular fnx, pulmonary aa pressures
AF rate control
anti-coagulants and AV blockers
rhythem control
anti-coagulate and restore NSR via meds, electrical cardioversion
TEE may be used to rule out LA thrombus prior to cardioversion
CHADS2: C-CHF H- HTN A-Age (76+) D- diabetes S-stoke/tia (2) 2+ give anticoagulate
CHA2DS2vasc: C- CHF H-HTN A- 65-74 (1) 75+ (2) D- diabetes S-stoke/tia (2), also add 1 for female 9=15% chance of stoke, 3= 3% 3+ give anticoagulate
common cadio complaint present w/palpitatios syncope is an alarm that it is serious almost always of no significance often over emphasized by patient and occasionally by PCP
prognosis of PVC
dependent on severity of LV fnx, not frequency or complexity of PVC