adult congenital heart disease Flashcards
most common adult congenital heart disease
Bicuspid aortic valve
myxotmatous degeneration
how do you detect patent foramen ovale
bubble studies
bubble studies
inject w/agitated saline
can see bubbles cross R->L
if PFO is larger L->R shunt will clear bubbles on R side of septum
complications of ASD
atrial arrhythmias paradoxical embolus cerebral abscess (due to paradoxical septic embolism) right heart failure pulmonary HTN -> Eisenmenger syndrome
types of ASD
sinus venosus
secundum ASD
middele of septum, defects in foramen ovalis
70% of ASDs
more common in females
usually not associated w/other cardiac defects
primum ASD
almost always associated w/defects in AV valves or VSDs
AV canal or endocardial cushion defect is complete form
sinus venosus ASD
often associated w/anomalous pulmonary vein insertion (can see into RA)
2 types: superior (SVC), inferior (IVC)
surgical correction
scimitar syndrome
- partial anomalous venous return
- hypoplasia of a lobe of right lung
- throacic aorta -> pulmonary a collaterals
ASD size cut off for being asymptomatic
clinical manifestations of ASD
atrial arrhythmias 20% atrial fibrillation or flutter, increases w/age at risk for embolic events migraine cephalgia pulmonary HTN eisenmenger syndrome (>2.5:1)
atrial contraction contribution
normally 5% CO
can be up to 30% in elderly or CHF
PE findings dependent on
size and location of defect
size of shunt
pulmonary artery pressure (depend on resistance)
ASD typical PE findings
RV heave palpable PA at upper LSB wide fixed split S2 increased P2 w/pulmonary HTN S1 slpit w/increase in tricuspid involvement
paradoxical S2 split
severe aortic stenosis or RBBB
Murmurs in ASD
SEM upper LSB from increased flow
early DM, upper LSB from PI secondary to pulmonary HTN (if this present call cardiologist)
muscular VSD
overloads RV
less common
membranous VSD
dumps into base of PA missing RV -> lungs -> overloads LV
VSD murmurs
larger the hole quieter the murmur
holosytolic/pansystolic murmur at 3rd ICS, LSB
common in neonates bc small and loud, usually closes on its own, usually a thrill
types of VSD
below aortic and pulmonic valves, elading to progressive aortic regurg
av canal, Downs
small VSD
aka restrictive < or = 25% of aortic annulus diameter small L -> R shunt w/no LV volume overlaod no pulmonary HTN asymptomatic
moderate VSD
25-75% of aortic annulus diameter
mild-moderate volume overload of PA, LA, LV
no pulmonary HTN
usually gets smaller w/growth
Large VSD
> or = 75% of annulus
moderate to large L -> R shunt w/LV overload leading to PHTN w/pulmomary arterial obstructive disease
usually presents w/CHF in infancy or eisenmengers in late childhood/early adulthood
Eisenmenger complex
eisenmenger syndrome w/VSD
loud holosystolic LSB, 2-3 ICS
tests for VSD
EKG usually normal
Echo is test of choice
CT/MRI for complex lesions
cath-less important now due to other test
tetralogy of fallot
RVOT obstruction
aorta overrides IVS
Concentric RVH