autonomic physiology Flashcards
what receptor does aceytcholine act on ?
cholinergic receptors
what are the 2 types of cholinergic receptors
-nicotnic receptors
-muscarinic receptors
explain sympathetic and parasympathetic functions on your body ( pupils , distance of sight ,heart rate and gut motitlity )
sympathetic - pupils dilate help see far away, heart rate becomes fast and gut motility decreases
parasympathetic -pupils constrict , can see closer, gut motility increases and heart rate decreases
parasympathetic postganglionic fibers release what neurotransmitter and act on what receptor
release aceytlcholine and act on cholinergic muscarinic receptors
sympathetic postgangilonic fibers release what type of neurotransmitters and act on what type of receptor ?
release noradrenanline or adrenaline and act on adrenergic receptors either alpha AND beta type
neurotransmitter adrenaline and noradrenaline act on what type of receptor?
act on adrenergic receptors
name the two types of adrenergic receptors
alpha (1 or 2) or beta(1 or 2 )
what does the autonomic NS consist of ?
parasympathetic and sympathetic & enteric
describe the myelination in the pre-ganglionic and post ganglionic fibers in the ANS/autonomic system
preganglionic - myelinated
postganglionic -unmyelinated
where do the nerves in the sympathetic nervous system leave the spinal cord?
thoracic and lumbar region
where are the ganglia located (paravertebral and prevertebral gangilia)
(sympathetic) trunk - paravertebral
anything else = prevertebral
White ramus is what kind of ganglionic fibre and why?
preganglionic due to its myelination
how to PREganglionic fiberes in the sympathetic nervous system work?
release aceytlcholine acting on nicotinic cholinergic receptor
where do nerves leave the spinal cord in the parasympathetic nervous system?
cranial and sacral
what do preganglionic receptors in the parasympathetic nervous system respond to?
aceytlcholine in the nicotinic receptor
(postganglionic is aceytlcholine in MUSCARINIC RECEPTOR)