Autonomic-Cholinergic Pharmacology Flashcards
Cholinergic recptors
Muscarinic and nicotinic
Muscarinic Receptors
M1, M2, M3, M4, M5
Neural areas- CNS, PNS, gastric parietal cells
Cardiac, bladder, lung
Glandular- exocrine glands, smooth muscle, bladder, and eye
M1, M3, M5 coupled to G-Proteins
Activate second messenger systems responsible for the stimulation of phospholipase C
M2 and M4 coupled to G proteins
Responsible for adenyl cyclase inhibition and K+ channel activation
Nicotinic receptors
N2 and Nn- autonomic ganglia
N1 or Nm- Neuromuscular junction (NMJ)-somatic motor end plates.
Responses mediated by muscarinic receptors - Heart (AV node and Atria)
Decreased heart rate
Decreased AV nodal conduction
Responses mediated by muscarinic receptors - Eyes
Contraction of sphincter muscle of iris and ciliary muscles
Response mediated by muscarinic receptors- Gastrointestinal
Increased tone, mobility, and secretion
Response mediated by muscarinic receptors- Urinary bladder
Relaxation of sphincter
Response of muscarinic receptors- secretory glands (sweat, bronchial, salivary)
Increased secretion
Pharmacological properties of choline esters on the Cardiovascular system
Vasodilation, decreased cardiac rate, decreased conduction rate, and decreased force of cardiac contraction
Pharmacological properties of choline esters on GI
Increase tone, amplitude of contraction, peristaltic activity of stomach and intestines, enhanced secretory activity, and enhanced mobility (accompanied by Nausea, vomiting, belching, intestinal cramping, and defecation)
Pharmacological properties of choline esters on urinary tract
Increased ureteral peristalsis, contract of the detrusor muscles of urinary bladder, increased maximal voluntary voiding pressure, and decreased capacity of the bladder.
Bethanechol- cholinergic agonist
Acts on receptors M1, M2, M3
Poor substrate for AchE
Sites- smooth musculature of the bladder and GI
Actions- increased intestinal motility and tone, and stimulates detrusor muscles of the bladder while the trigone and sphincter are relaxed causing expulsion of urine.
Therapeutic action- stimulates atonic bladder in postpartum or postoperative urinary renention.
Bethanechol side effects
sweating, salivation, flushing, HPOTN, N/D, abd pain and bronchospasm.
Carbachol (carbamylcholine)
Poor substrate of AchE with DOA of as long as 1hr
Action- M1, M2, M3 and wak nicotinic agonist-CV and GI systems- may first stimulate then depress, can also cause release of epinephrine for adrenal medulla by its nicotinic acitons.
Therapeutics- used seldomly, sometimes as miotic for gluacoma
Carbachol (Carbamylcholine) adverse reactions
Little to no side effects when used in the eye
Receptors- M1, M2, M3
Used as diagnostic challenge for bronchial hyperreactivity and asthmatic conditions
Cholinomimetic natural alkaloids and synthetic analogs
Pilocarpine, muscarine, and arecoline
acts almost exclusively at muscarinic receptor sites
acts at nicotinic receptor sites