Automation Flashcards
What is automation and it’s purpose?
Replacement of methods & processes by automatic means.
Human limitations are the biggest threat to aviation safety, due to the fact we have limited attention capacity and our resources are liable to mistakes and errors
Benefits of automation?
Reduced workload, removes repetitive/unpleasant/difficult tasks, more capacity for decision making, increased fuel efficiency, more reliable, reduced training time and arguably increased safety
What are some issues with new technology?
Requires pilots to adapt and humans don’t like change very much.
Will take time to stomp out errors in system.
What are disadvantages of transitioning to a glass cockpit?
Difficult considering age, multi crew experience and crew coordination.
Errors can lie in the system and the database can be a source of confusion.
Loss of SA of time and a/c as working FMS.
Experience, training and young minds help reduce the errors.
What are faults of humans reactions to automation failure?
Hesitation taking over as “CPU knows best”.
Lacking knowledge.
Time pilot allows is much more leeway than if with colleague.
When automation failure is accepted, only shut off the single system.
These issues arise as pilot not involved in the design process
What is the philosophy behind automation?
Human centred
Pilot should remain in command.
Pilot must be actively informed, involved and able to monitor automation processes.
Automation must be predictable.
Automation systems must be able to monitor the human.
What is Airbus automation philosophy?
Automation must not reduce a/c reliability, but should enhance a/c & systems safety, efficiency and economy.
Must not lead a/c outside of flight envelope.
Should allow full extent of flight envelope.
When under normal flight envelope, must not work against operator inputs… unless absolutely necessary.
What is Boeing’s automation philosophy?
The pilot is the final authority of the a/c and ultimately responsible for the a/c.
Take priority of safety, pax comfort then efficiency.
Designs are error tolerant.
Design for crew operations is based on pilot training and operational experience.
Hierarchy of design alternatives is simplicity, redundancy and automation.
Automation is a tool not to replace the pilot.
Une nw tech when it results in clear/distinct operational efficiency advantages and there is no adverse effect to human machine interface.
What are some issues with automation?
Vigilance and monitoring issues Is the strong and silent partner Is dumb and dutiful Loss of job satisfaction Who commands who Lack of system knowledge or design not transparent Lack of design philosophy understanding Lack of crm coordination Loss of SA Loss of manual and cognitive skills Automation calibration Automation complacency and mistrust
What is automation induced complacency?
Reduced vigilance monitoring the a/c due to lack of stimulation and placing too much trust in system.
Boredom and complacency leads to failure to monitor system.
What is automation bias?
Assumption that automation reliability is so high that it is likely correct
What is automation dependency?
Depending too much on automation that you struggle without it. Results in a loss of proficiency and can be serious in the event of failure
What is automation disuse?
Not utilising automation to its full extent due to mistrust (often due to lack of understanding)
What is automation surprise?
Unexpected behaviour of automated system due to a lack of knowledge, action or transparency. Caused by being out of loop and complacency.
What is automation transparency?
Automated systems ability to clearly convey info regarding the status and actions of the system.
What is mode awareness?
Knowing which mode the AP is on and its limitations
What is mode awareness error?
Incorrect mode selection
Mis reading display
Assuming automation will do the job when not enabled
Not recognising automatic mode transitions
Not understanding system logic
Not keeping everyone in the loop.
How can safety be increased in regards to automation?
Have knowledge of automation system Mode awareness Scenario based training Reporting system (so others learn) LOSA (audits) Pilots consulted at design stage Pilots monitoring skills enhanced Manual flying skills enhanced Alertness to relieve boredom Improving SOP & regulations