Autoclave Flashcards
3 parts of autoclave
3,heating heater
Conditions for sterilisation
121degree c
15lb per sq inch pressure
15 min holding time
*Surgical ,anaesthetic, gloves,rubber materials
*materials which withstand at low temp
*biomedical waste
Biological indicator of sterilisation
Spores of geobacillus stearothermophilus
Holding period is counted when
On opening the safety valves, the steam escapes
-Moist temp above 100oC
-load to saturated steam
-pressure Greater than atmospheric pressure
Principle of autoclave
Vapour pressure of h20 =surrounding atmosphere
-pressure inside the vessel^,temp of h20^
-steam to the cooler surface-condense to h20-gives up latent heat to that surface
Components of autoclave
-steam jacket
-discharge tap consists of pressure gauge safety valve
Vertical /horizontal gunmetal or stainless steel in iron case
Lid closed by screw clumps and washer makes it air tighter
On lid ,a discharge tap for steam and air
Working of autoclave(for sterilization)
-sufficient h20 in cylinder
-material put in the tray and autoclave is heated
-in lid with opening of discharge tap screw it tight
-safety valve to required pressure
-until all the air is displaced, mixed steam air is allowed to escape (to test, pass steam air through pale water)
-if no more air bubble, close the discharge tap
-safety valve opens, when steam inside reaches desired level
-excess steam escape
-holding temp and temp calculated
-heater turned off ,allow autoclave to cool
When pressure inside=atmospheric pressure
Precautions of autoclave
-not used to sterilize waterproof materials (oil,grease,glove powder)
-materials loaded Ina way thatefficient steam must be penetrated
-materials should not touch the top and side of chamber
Typed of autoclave
-simple laboratory
-transportable bench top
-large simple-horizontal and door at one side
-downward displacement
-multipurpose laboratory -to sterilize heat labile media ,glassware ,other equipments,lab coat contaminated discarded materials
-High security -to sterilize high risk organism
-porous load -hospital service, surgical theatre