Augustan Society Flashcards
1.To which century does the Augustan period relate to?
18th century.
2.Why was it called Augustan?
It was called so after period in roman history where political achievements and flourishing of the arts were achieved.
3.What was considered important during this age?
-elegance,,traditionalism, wit
-politeness, rationality and moderation were praised
-materialistic society, pragmatic,wordly and responsive to economic pressure
-also very heirarchicall,hereditary and privileged.
-people tended to focus on their own personal gain
- How was the political environment like ?
-Elections were controlled by the local landowners
-politicians bribed the electorate
5.How were they more “progressive”?
-seizing opportunities in the economic environment that brought individuals to find scope for initiative, enterprise and enrichment.
-it was quite free and open and thanks to these characteristics it distinguished England from other countries with more of a oppressive regime.
6.What kind thought did they reject and what did they lean the most towards?
-Most enlightened philosophers like Locke and Addison rejected the values of puritanism ,like the original sin and the depravity of men.
-liberal thought was more popular= free will, salvation for all, belief in the goodness of mankind and its capacity for progress.
- Optimism made people wanting to test their capabilities: Reason and common sense which made them different from animals.