Audition Flashcards
The tensor tympani and stapedius stiffen the ossicles in response to loud sounds.
Attenuation Reflex
Which frequencies are measured at base of cochlea? Apex?
Base: High frequencies
Apex: Low frequencies
Mechanical Sensitive Channels?
Tips of stereocillia are linked to the shaft of their neighbour and coupled to a K channel. When activated by sound, the stereocillia bend opening the K channel, and K from endolymph flows in.
Property of outer hair cells: they are shorter when depolarized and longer when hyperpolarized.
What is the order of information flow in the auditory pathway?
- ) CN8 brings frequency info to Dorsal cochlear nucleus, and intensity info to posterolateral and anterolateral cochlear nuclei.
- ) The superior olive.
- ) Inferior colliculus
- ) Medial geniculate (thalamus).
- ) Primary auditory complex.
- ) Dorsal and ventral streams
Where are inhibitory interneurons involved to localize sound?
Medial Nucleus of Trapezoid Body (MNTB)
Ventral stream? Used for what?
Primary auditory cortex to inferior frontal gyrus. Important for pitch.
Dorsal stream? Used for what?
Superior parietal cortex to superior frontal gyrus. Important for localization.
This is involved in motor control for the production of speech.
Broca’s Area
This area is important for the understanding of speech.
Wernicke’s area.
What is the white matter tract that connects Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas?
Arcuate Fasiculus
Important for matching sounds into phonemes
Supramarginal gyrus
Important for reading
Angular gyrus
When presented with an auditory stimulus and a visual stimulus that doesn’t match, this disconnect results in the perception of a 3rd, unrelated sound.
McGurk Effect
Loss of hearing in old age.
Extrasensitive to sounds.
Auditory agnosia
Can’t identify the meaning of a non-verbal sound.
Congenital Amusia
Tone deafness
Conduction deafness
Loss of conduction from outer ear to cochlea
Sensorineural deafness
Loss of hair cells or neurons.
Auditory perception without stimulus. “ringing in the ear.”
Acoustic Neuroma
Benign tumor of schwann cells in vestibular nerve.
Meniere’s Disease
Excess fluid in inner ear, swelling of endolymphatic sac.