Audience Effects Flashcards
Hypodermic syringe model/magic bullet theory
Audience passively accepts messages injected into them.
They do not engage with media, just simply accept it
The Murder of James Bulger
Children act more aggressively when given the opportunity to do so
BOBO doll experiment- children imitated violence
Children’s exposure to media violence has desensitising effect - more likely to commit acts of violence in reality
Grand Theft Auto, crime spree
Fesbach and Singer
Screen violence provides safe outlet =
watching an exciting film releases aggressive energy = audience won’t act aggressive in real life as have been satisfied through media
Two step flow model: (Katz and Lazarsfeld)
Opinion leaders seen as experts in specific matters and their interpretations are then passed on to other members of social circle
media messages go through 2 steps before reaching audience:
1. Opinionleaderexposedtomedia content/message
2. thosewhorespectopinionleader internalises their interpretation of that content and transmits these messages
Marxist cultural effects model
Media = powerful ideological influence transmitting capitalist cultural values and norms
strong ruling class ideological messages reflecting the values of those who own,control, and reduce media
‘DRIP DRIP’ effect model
Over time norms changed by viewing certain media content
keep viewing violence= view of violence more acceptable= desensitised
Use and Gratifications model
Audience= active agent
‘what people do with the media’
Coding/Decoding model (Hall)
Audience = active not passive
coding and decoding
3 diff ways of reading media messages
1. Dominant/hegemonicreading-
audience takes message that was intended by media professionals
2. Negotiatedreading-audiencemix’s original message with edition all ideas
3. oppositionalreading-construct meaning completely diff to its intended meaning