AUA-2014 (Rechecked 2019) - Medical Management of Kidney Stones: AUA Guideline Flashcards
Is the use of fast and calcium load test recommended for distinguishing among the types of hypercalciuria?
If someone has recurrent calcium based stones and a normal work up but keeps forming stones what is recommended?
Thaizide diuretics and/or potassium citrate
Is allopurinol recommended as first line therapy for treatment of uric acid stones?
NO, it is primarily a disease of urine volume and pH.
What percentage of first time stone former will experience a second episode?
what is the prevalence of stone disease?
8.8% or 1 in 11
what did nurses health study and health professionals follow up study identify as risk for first time stone formation?
- low calcium intake
- low fluid intake
- sugar sweetened beverages
- animal protein
- men with a BMI>25
Name stone provoking medications or supplements
Probenecid some protease inhibitors lipase inhibitors triamterene chemotherapy vitC vitD calcium carbonic anhydrase inhibitors such as topiramate, acetazolomide, zonisamide
High VitD level can mask primary hyperparathyroidism
low vitD can mask it.
List diffrential Dx for nephrocalcinosis
RTA type 1
primary High PTH
medullary sponge kidney
primary hyperoxaluria
When should primary hyperoxaluria be suspected on 24 hour urine?
Oxalate urine > 75 mg/day
in the absence of bowel dysfunction
refer these patietns to genetic testing.
Should stone formers reduce sweetened beverages?
yes, studies show sweetened beverages increase risk. sodas partiuclarly ones with phosphproic acid seem to be worse.
what should be recommended to a patient with calcium stones and high urinary calcium
limit Na intake(<2300 mg/day)
1000-1200 mg calcium per day of dietary ca
What is DASH diet?
Does it help with stones?
diet high in fruits and vegetables, moderate in low fat dairy products, low in animal protein
yes, reduced risk of kidney stones
list 4 causes of hypocitraturia
chronic diarrhea states
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Any acidodic state
Does dietary citrate directly get excreted in urine?
No, It is converted to bicarb in vivo and the alkali load increases citrate excretion. only a small amount makes it to urine
which caox stone former should get allopurinol
recurrent cox stone former with normal urinary calcium and elevated urinary uric acid
Can you offer thiazide diuretics or K-citrate to recurrent calcium stones who had a negative work up but keep making stones
what is the urinary ph goal for treatment of uric acid stones as per AUA? and what is it for cystine?
both as per AUA. CUA says 7-7.5 for cystine
What is first line therapy for cystine stone formers?
Increased fluid intake
alkalinize urine
restrict na
limit protein intake
What are two side effects of acetohydroxamic acid?
hypercoaguable phenomenon
When should you follow up after initiation of medical therapy with repeat 24 hour urine?
6 months
and then annually thereafter
and then dc as you deem appropriate