2018 CUA GL preoperative DVT prophylaxis Flashcards
what is major bleeding as per CUA guideline?
bleeding requiring reoperation, embolization or causing death
When they talk about use of VTE prophylaxis in CUA GL when do you start and finish?
morning after surgery for 28 days
How does CUA GL define patient level risk stratification for DVT?
Age>75, BMI>35, VTE in first degree relative. ( moderate risk, if someone has 2 of those they are high risk . Personal history of VTE also high risk
What is recommended for patients undergoing cystectomy?
Strong for medical PPX
Weak for mechanical PPX
What do CUA consider to be a standard LND for radical prostatectomy?
node of cloquet, along the external iliac vein upto the bifurcation of ext and internal and obturator fossa
What does CUA consider extended LND for prostatectomy?
Standard + going above bifurication of ext and internal, precaval, preaortic, presacral
Someone having an open RP + no LND or standard LND. what DVT PPX?
Use medical DVT PPX
Use mechanical DVT PPX
Someone having an open RP + extended LND. what DVT PPX?
Strong for medical DVT PPX
Use mechanical PPX
Someone having a robotic/ lap RP + no LND. what DVT PPX?
NO medical DVT PPX
No mechanical DVT PPX ( unless they are moderate or high risk)
Someone having a robotic/ lap RP + standard LND. what DVT PPX?
low/moderat risk no medical DVT ppx
high risk weak suggestion for medical ppx
mechanical ppx for all
Someone having a robotic/ lap RP + extended LND. what DVT PPX?
low risk: no medical DVT PPX
moderate: Medical DVT PPX
High: strong for DVT PPX
Mechanical PPX for all
What is recommended for patients having open renal surgery?
Weak evidence for DVT PPX and mechanical PPX
What is the recommendation for patients having lap radical NX?
Low/moderate: weak against
High risk: weak for medical
Mechanical PPX for all
What is the recommendation for patients having lap partial NX?
low/moderate risk: weak against
High risk: strong FOR!
mechanical for all
What is the recommendation for patients having robotic partial NX?
low risk: weak against
moderate risk: weak for
high risk: strong for
mechanical for all
What is the recommendation for patients having RPLND done?
Weak for medical
mechanical ppx
What is recommended for patients having day surgery done?
NO medical or mechanical DVT PPX
What is recommended for patients having TURP?
NO medical or mechanical DVT PPX
What is recommended for donor nephrectomy, benign nephrectomy?
low/moderate risk: no medical or mechanical
High risk: medical and mechanical
What is recommended for patients having prolapse or continence surgery done?
against use of
Describe 6 groups of patients who are at very HIGH risk of thrombosis?
Drug elutting stent last 6 months, Bare metal stents last 6 weeks, TIA last 30 days, NEW VTE last 30 days, severe thrombophilia ( antithrombin def, antiphospholipid antibody), Cage ball mechanical heart valve
What do you do if someone is on antiplatelet coming for surgery?
if not very high risk stop 7 days before and restart 4 days after, no bridging needed
What is recommended for use of anticoagulants prior to surgery?
if not very high risk, stop before(DOACs: 3 days, LMWH 12 hours if BID, 24 hours if OD, Fondaprinux: 24 hour, warfarin: 5 days) and restart 4 days after
What do you do for patients at very high risk of thrombosis coming for surgery?
delay surgery, if you cant get other specialties involved.