Attitudes to Empire - the role and influence of individuals - 2 Flashcards
Chapter 10 in Waller - NOT NEEDED FOR EXAM
Who was Joseph Chamberlain?
A radical British politician who worked on social reform and was an ardent imperialist.
What did Chamberlain care more about?
He was a constructive radical, caring more for practical success than party loyalty or ideological commitment.
What two roles did Chamberlain turn down in order to become Secretary of State for the Colonies and when?
Chancellor of the Exchequer and Home Secretary in 1895
What did Chamberlain believe about effective use of the Empire?
That it would sustain British prosperity and prestige
What years was Chamberlain colonial secretary?
What was Chamberlain interested in the most and what was his nickname?
He was most interested in expansion into Africa
His nickname was Joseph Africanus
What did Chamberlain oversee in 1900?
The acquisition of the territories of the Royal Niger Company which became formal British colonies
When did Chamberlain summon and chair two Colonial Conferences?
What two things did Chamberlain propose at the two Colonial Conferences?
- Imperial defence
- A customs union
They were rejected
What two things did Chamberlain believe in that prompted him to invest in less profitable areas of the Empire?
Promote tropical trade
Imperial duty
How was Chamberlain viewed when the Boer War of 1899 broke out?
A national hero
How did Chamberlain’s status of a national hero change as the Boer war went on?
He lost some of his glory, resulting in him losing the chance of PM and resigning as Colonial Secretary in 1903
What campaign did Chamberlain start to fight back against him missing the PM role?
A ‘tariff reform’
What was the tariff reform?
An attempt led by Chamberlain to convince the British public on the need for duties on foreign goods to give the colonies ‘imperial preference’ and access the British market.
What was Chamberlain convinced of?
That favourable trade between Britain and the colonies would benefit Britain and reduce unemployment