Attitude and Attitude Change Flashcards
Define Attitude
Way we think/feel about and act towards some aspect of our environment.
Factor which affect attribute
- Favourability
- Strength
- Intensity
- Confidence
What does the Tri-component attribute model consist of?
- Cognitive (beliefs) - reflect knowledge
- Affective (feelings) - vague feeling, w/o cognitive info. Changes depending on situation
- Behavioural (response tendencies)
Define Principles of Cognitive Consistency
all 3 attitude components are consistent with each other.
List the 7 factors that can reduce consistency between the 3 components.
- favourable attitude requires motive/need (problem recog.)
- Ownership requires ability
- Trade offs within/between product category
- c/a is weak = additional info whilst shopping will give way to new attitudes
- oth household members
- items purchased for/in specific situations
- not all aspects of attitudes are manifest
Measurement of attitude components
C: lack/inaccuracy of product knowledge could hinder attitude
A: how C feel about product
B: strength of intention
Define Social Marketing
Designed to change societal attitudes to enhance public health and wellbeing.
Changing Cognitive Component.
- Change beliefs about attributes of brand
- Change relative importance of these beliefs
- Adding new beliefs
Changing Affective Component.
- Classical Conditioning
- Affect towards ad
- Mere exposure
Changing Behavioural Component.
- based primarily on operant/instrumental/conditional
- induce ppl to purchase/consume product/ try it out
Explain ELM
Elaboration Likelihood Model: how attitudes form/change under different conditions of involvement
- high
- low
Define Source Credibility
degree to which source message is viewed as credible/believable
- trustworthiness (friends)
- expertise (sales staff)
Define Sleeper effect
Influence is easier when source is viewed as highly credible
Risk of celeb sources
- ensure response is favourable to spokesperson
- future event/behaviour of celeb may affect credibility
Appeal Characteristics
Value-expressive vs. Utilitarian appeals
- Personality of product
2. functionality/benefits of product
One-sided vs. Two-sided messages
- benefits of product only
- good and bad points of product
- > ability to change strong attitudes
- > highly edu consumers
What can non-verbal components do?
- can be affective in producing attitude change
- can affect cognition about product
Define benefit segmentation.
Consumers grouped into segments on basis of their similarity/difference regarding the attribute benefits they look for.
Explain the process of Product development.
- Construct profile segment of consumers’ ideal level of performance
- Create product concept that closely matches ideal profile (write/pic/actual prototype)
- Translate concept into an actual product