attitude 4 Flashcards
Definition of attitude according to Allport, 1935?
attitudes are “social psychology’s most indispensable concept”
Features of attitudes?
-motivating forces
- relatively enduring in nature
- evaluative in nature
Components of attitudes? (ABC)
- beliefs/ cognitions
- behavioural/ response dispositions
Definition of attitudes according to Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975?
“a learned disposition to respond in a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner with respect to a given object.”
Definition of attitude according to Eagly and Chaiken, 1993?
“attitude is a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favour or disfavour”
Definition of attitude according to Bem, 1970?
“attitudes are likes and dislikes”
What is the history of the psychology of attitudes, McGuire. 1996?
spells of intense and waning interest
-1920’s and 30’s: concentration on attitude measurement and study of relationship to behaviour.
- 1950’s and 60’s: focus on dynamics of change in a person’s attitude
-1980’s and 90’s: focus on cognitive and social structure and functions of attitudes and attitude system
- 2000’s and 10’s: focus on strength of attitudes.
What is intra versus inter attitudinal structure? ATTITUDE STRUCTURE 1
within one attitude versus between attitudes
What did Pratkanis, 1989 research in their model? (intra) ATTITUDE STRUCTURE 2
- attitude- object category (e.g. skinheads)
- evaluative summary (e.g. unfavourable)
- supporting knowledge structure (e.g. skinheads are stupid, violent, fascist)
- bipolar versus unbipolar attitudes
What is the tri- dimensional view of attitude structure, Mario and Olson, 2000? (intra) ATTITUDE STRUCTURE 3
- affective
- behavioural
- cognitive
affective component= feelings and emotions towards the attitude object/ target, e.g. i don’t like goblins.
behavioural component= action tendencies towards the attitude object/ target, e.g. id run if i saw a goblin
cognitive component= ideas and beliefs about attitude object/ target, e.g. goblins are small and ugly
What is the balance theory by Heider, 1946, 1958? (inter) ATTITUDE STRUCTURE 4
related to cognitive dissonance ideas
balance and imbalanced cognitive triads
balanced triad example= peter appreciates opera, olivia appreciates opera, peter likes olivia
unbalanced triad example= peter likes olivia, he loathes dancing, olivia loves dancing
What are the four psychological needs? ATTITUDE FUNCTIONS
- utilitarian= liking your psychology degree because it will help you get a job in the future
- knowledge= liking your psychology degree because it provides you with useful info about dealing with people
- ego defensive= liking your psychology degree because you really wanted to become a vet but werent good enough
- value- expressive= liking your psychology degree because it illustrates your committment to helping people
What is the sociocognitive model of attitude structure and function?
based on Pratkanis and Greenweltz
this theory draws on research in social cognition and studies memory just as physical objects or ever people can be represented in memory so too can an attitude object.
What is attitudes guide decision making: approach/ avoid? DECISION MAKING AND ATTITUDES 1
for everyday decisions we do not engage in complete calculation of maximum utility, and we would look pretty silly if we did
What is attitude as the aggregate of underlying beliefs by Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975? DECISION MAKING AND ATTITUDES 2
Summative model of attitudes
adding and averaging models of belief integration
beliefs about the attitude object ‘regular excercise’ - leads to weight reduction - prevents heart disease- helps meet people- is painful- is boring
What is LaPierre, 1934 research regarding how attitudes relate to behaviour?
-visits over 250 establishments with chinese couple without ever being refused
-later writes to same establishments to ask: “will you accept members of the chinese races as guests in your establishment?”
- 128 replies: 1 yes, 9 depended, 118 n
What are 3 investigations into beliefs, attitudes, intentions and behaviour?
- theory of reasoned action= Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975
- theory of planned behaviour= Ajzen, 1985
- reasoned action approach= Fishbein and Ajzen, 2010
familiarity does not breed contempt
-mere exposure effect
-rated ‘goodness’ of meaning - higher for those seen most frequently
What is the mere exposure effect?
some attitudes are simply based on exposure
- we develop more positive feelings towards objects and individuals the more we are exposed to them
-Zajonc, 1969, exposure and liking: +ve correlation
- Mita et al, 1977, preference for visual image
- Brickman et al, 1972, preference for usual music
What are attitudes of learning?
-classical conditioning= Staats and Staats, 1958 pairing of words and nationalities
- operant conditioning= Insko, 1965, telephone interviews positive/ negative responses reinforced with respsonse “good”
- observational learning= Bandura, 1977, bobo doll, modelling
What is classical conditioning?
-pairing of conditioned stimulus with unconditioned stimulus
-pavlov- pavlov’s dogs
-Cacioppo et al, 1992- conditioning stronger for non-words (unfamiliar) than for words (familiar)
What are sources for forming attitudes?
- parents= important in early life
- peers= important in adolescence (Rettig, 1966)
-reference groups- newcome, 1943, 1967, Bennington Women’s College Study
-mass media and the internet- important in adulthood