Attitude Flashcards
- Attitude the UK’s best-selling and award-winning gay magazine
- The magazine focuses on the interests and lifestyle of gay men more than lesbians, bisexual transgender and queer identities – attempt to be more exclusive
- Similar demographic to GQ magazine (in terms of class)
- It features opinions, style, competitions, active, travel – not just about gay identity
Social and Cultural context:
- LGBT legalisation developments, The Equality Act
- Improvement in public attitude and positive mainstream representation have been demonstrated by the rise of events such as PRIDE festival.
- Many nations still outlaw homosexuality (death penalty punishment in Iran, Somali, Nigeria etc)
- ATTITUDE has a print circulation of 60,000.
- And many newsletter subscribers
- Attitude Awards – tweets sent to over 5 million followers and seen by 1.6 million readers.
- Most readers/consumers are active (25-55, 75% male, ABC1)
· Attitude denies Hesmondhalgh ideas that “the radical potential of the internet has been incorporated into large, profit orientated companies” – Attitude is truly independent and offers diversity and inclusivity for its readers linked to diverse sexuality
· Website and print magazine as main products reflecting brand identity - Funded by The Attitude Foundation (registered charity) and advertising revenue, plus subscriptions:
new technology + interactivity
· Website as central marketing hub
· Instagram as a stand alone platform links more with Attitude glossy photo shoots and awards ceremonies – limited number of followers relating to an older demographic
· Social media convergent links target a 25+ demographic (notable absence is links to TikTok and Snapchat)
· Twitter - significant amount of content updated regularly
· Shirky – opportunities to interact and speak back to the media via Twitter since the event of web 2.0
product context
- Described as ‘the gay Bible’ by the Sun newspaper.
- Marketing: celebrities, exclusive content, social and topical issues, gay agenda etc.
- International sales: print magazine, digital download for smartphones
- Narrowcasting to niche audience – targets audience through sexuality first and foremost
- Sponsorship/charity – black tie Attitude Awards dinner every October benefits
Historical context
How have things changed?
● Homosexuality is more socially acceptable = in a western society
● In 2014, gay marriage was made legal in the UK
● Less of a negative stigma (especially in the UK)
● Less of a stereotype that all gay men are ‘flamboyant’ and all lesbians are ‘butch’ or ‘manly’.
● More representations of homosexuality in the media = normalised.
Media language
- High image to text ratio – teaser headlines - Audience scan the images and can quickly identify articles that may be of interest =stereotypically men dont like to read
- Short paragraphing = look visually exciting and to minimise reading time
- Global story content
- Professional look and aesthetic
Conventions: - Features real people
- Fact-based news with LGBTQ= twist
- Subversion of heteronormative imagery.
- Exclusive interviews (star power)
- 25= year heritage
- This also makes it easier for the audience to quickly navigate their way around the articles by chunking text.
Website – brand identity:
- MASTHEAD: San serif – no capitals informal – challenging dominant ideologies of sexuality
- COLOUR PALETTE: Black and white colour palette – reliable source of information – quite ironic in a way. White space (crisp, clean layout). Topic colours (underneath stories) re all rainbow banner colours = many bright colours – represents the pride flag – freedom, liberation – pride in their sexuality
- WEBSITE FEATURES: navigation bar, search box, picture slideshow, hyperlinks, videos, social media links (convergence)
- MODE OF ADDRESS- serious/political. Informal on the whole, however more serious topics have formal language to connote serious nature of story
- MEDIATION + IDEOLOGY – most stories specifically linked to homosexuality, gay culture, things that affect gay people. (Homophobia, specific disease e.g. HIV). Ideology – left wing (although apolitical) and liberal
- MULTIMODALITY + hypermodality - uses a variety of mediam (text, images, videos + hyperlinks (both))
Postmodernism in Atitude
Postmodernism (Baudrillard):
Attitude Magazine creates an idealized version of a society that fully accepts LGBTQ identities, presenting a hyper-real world with progressive attitudes and promises of equality - however this is not always the case in reality
Simulacra (Baudrillard):
- Attitude’s vibrant, visually striking content blurs reality and imagination, presenting an idealized world dominated by beauty, fashion, and celebrity culture.
- The magazine’s glossy pages create a hyper-real environment -
escapism - By challenging and embracing anti-conformist themes, Attitude’s subversive nature aligns with hyper-reality.
Article on Sex education
Converging Media
- Actor Asa Butterfeild discusses about how he ‘thinks its insance that people are still opposing LGBTQ lessons in schools
- Convergence - BBC Sounds Twitter link in the article to a feature from the cast of ‘Sex Education’ on LGBTQ+ rights
- Socially progressive gender representation -rights for all with LGBTQ+ identity,including non-binary, pansexual, transgender and queer.
- Heteronormative gender ideals subverted by celebrations of gay marriage, gender transitioning surgery and gay adoption.
- Peripheral reading demographic - ‘straight but supportive’ advocates.
- subversions of camp gay stereotype, (not the only version of gay men - there are hypermasculine gay men celeberated in the magazine)
- which challenges to the ‘victim’ representation of LGBTQ+ people, appeal to ‘gay gaze’ in photoshoots (hypersexualised), celebration of promiscuity but cautions of the dangers of online hook-ups on apps such as Grindr = represented as socially liberal.
- Criticising stigmatization of LGBTQ+ people with association to HIV/ AIDS.
Theoretical application
Intersectionality (bell hooks) on representation
Celebration of Black Pride
- Celebration of Black Pride which aims to bring queer BAME communities together - African-American trans women such as Laverne Cox (star of ‘Orange is the New Black’) are celebrity trailblazers who campaign for Black Trans rights.
- Attitude writes an article of a new ‘BAME LGBT Voice’s Documentary.
- Detailed representation of multiple sexual identities - egalitarian approach.
- Gilroy’s Postcolonial theory - some negative portrayals of ethnicities with associations to oppressive homophobic governments.
Representation (Hall)
- Traditionally underrepresented groups given a platform and voice to celebrate their sexuality - cultural stigmatization and marginalization frequently challenged - LGBTQ+ identity normalized through positive representation.
- ‘those with power represent those without power’ - keeps the status quo - keeps the dominat group in power
- Drag queen – experimental with makeup
- Feminine
- In the past, homosexuals have been represented as ‘other’ (similarly to ethnic minorities) and ‘dangerous’. This is partially linked to traditional ideologies created/reinforced by religion
- According to Wikipedia: “Historically, the portrayal of the LGBT community in media has been negative, reflecting the intolerance for the LGBT community seen in cultures’’
- There has been positive portrayal or increased presence of the LGBT community in media has served to increase acceptance and support for the LGBT community
Heteronormative Culture vs. Homosexual Culture
- mainstream media - stereotypically, camp, effeminate, theatrical or flamboyant
- it only offers signifiers to reinforce hegemony.
- Masculinity is often equated with heterosexuality in mainstream media, perpetuating the myth that in order to be masculine you have to be heterosexual.- reinforce and uphold hegemony
To what extent are traditional stereotypes around homosexuality and gender reinforced or challenged?
- more homosexuals og colour
- masculine gay men as opposed to femine gay men with heavy makeup
Jake shears - representations
text analysis - rep of masculinity
- In the Jake Shears magazine cover representation of masculinity is represented in a non-traditional manner, challenging conventional norms.
- His body language with his hand on his hips and serious facial expressions signifies confidence and self-assurance – challenging the notion that the traditional ideas about masculinity – confident in playing with gender identities
- In an army jumpsuit – connotations – dominant, strong, fearless – he’s wearing it with half bottom up – sexual, alluring – nudity.
- However, there is some elements of feminity with his hand gestures on his lips, makeup and painted nails embracing elements typically associated with feminity. – binary opposition of gender being fixed - playing around
- Anchorage – Breaking stereotypes, encouraging readers to reconsider preconceived notions about masculinity – subjective – ‘busting the myth around masculinity and race’ = coverline – links to intersectionality
Sell lines: ‘playing it straight - what is to be a man’ – gender performative – Butler – meanings can be different – socially constructed
– criticises how societal norms and expectations that dictate how gender should be performed - Also links to Guantlett: identity theory pick and mix theory:
- offers audiences a diversity of identities - resist the fixed identities that society constructed for us in the past
Semiotic analysis of the rainbow flag
- Prideful and happy
- The different rainbows in the flag could perhaps represent the different section within that community
- Diversity and inclusivity – feature blue and green – masculine colours
- It also connotes the struggle against oppression homosexuals have had to overcome to get to this point.
- links to BAUDRILLARD
Identity (Gauntlett)
- Diverse and complex intersecting representations/identities in the magazine
- range of ethnicities and intersections of class within those platformed within the magazine - dominant representation of gay men with tokenistic reportage on Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer identities.
- in the past the media tended to convey singular, straightforward messages about ideal types of male and female identities, the media today offer us a more diverse range of stars, icons and characters from whom we may pick and mix different ideas.
Articles that highlight the LGBT representation within the Online Magazine - links to Judith Butler Gender oerfomativuty and bell hooks intersectionality
Gay Representation:
- Articles featuring Sam Smith’s desire to open a gay bar in his hometown and Thomas Beattie’s experience as a gay football star reflect Judith Butler’s theory of gender performativity, challenging traditional norms of masculinity and contributing to the construction of their gay identities.
- These narratives also intersect with bell hooks’ theory of intersectionality, acknowledging the interconnected nature of social identities and the unique challenges faced by individuals like Beattie, whose experience as a gay football star intersects with his identity as a professional athlete.
Transgender Representation:
- The article showcasing Chiyu Gomes, Mr. Gay England’s first trans finalist, illustrates Judith Butler’s concept of gender performativity within the transgender community, challenging traditional notions of gender and beauty.
- Gomes’ experience also aligns with bell hooks’ intersectionality theory, highlighting the significance of recognizing and addressing intersecting forms of oppression and discrimination faced by transgender individuals, particularly those of color.
CONTER POOINTS ON Gender critical
- Gender Metaphysics - Argument: trans women are biologically men.
- stereoypw:Argument: claiming womanhood for yourself without living any of the struggle that entails.
- Reproductive Oppression-Argument: you don’t know what it’s like to be shamed for your periods, fear unwanted pregnancy, fight for right to abortion, bear the pain of childbirth
Applying Hall’s Reception Theory
The Trans identity debate according to reading by public media figures
Preferred audience:
- Mr Gay England’s First Trans Finalist Chiyo Gomes: ‘TERFs genuinely want to destroy the Trans existence’
- Asa Butterfield says it’s insane that people are still opposing LGBTQ inclusive lessons in schools
Negotaited audience:
- Young Teenagers sceptical about same-sex marriage and Trans rights
Oppisitional audience:
- JK Rowling doubles down on anti-Trans views in fear-mongering essay
- Mediating between catering for niche audience means publication walks between compelling content creation and marketing effectively.
- Attitude Advertising Policy - use behavioural advertising for digital platforms (uses cookies/IP) - targeted marketing. = resonates with its readership while also meeting the needs of advertisers seeking exposure to a targeted demographic
- Prices vary for advertising rates (insider front cover double page spread = £9,000, full page).
- Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity in Advertising: Adverts sometimes adapted to remove heteronormative paradigms (such as Virgin Holidays males holding hands). = aligning with its ethos as an LGBTQ+ publication.
Regulation (Livingstone/Lunt)
- Internet Watch Foundation - blocks illegal content (abuse images) - online content can attract vast users and
- comments where algorims and online moderators find virtually impossible to regulate and censor successfully.
- Algorithms and online moderators - limited opportunities for commenting and audience interaction - controlling offensive content from homophobic
- Element of ‘self-regulation’ - avoid becoming a tarnished brand.
Demographics and Psychographics
Gay males (26-55) - social media savvy - emphasis on social media distribution makes more sense that print media - ABC1 audiences dominate readership - consumers with affluent lifestyle associated with disposable incomes in line with promoted activities (such as gym membership).
Generation X and Millennial audiences - mature enough to remember time without ‘smart technology’ - active left-leaning/Liberal audience - activists for social change, dispelling myths generated by under-represented minority groups.
Bachelor/married - gay men are stereotypically less likely to have children, although numbers of those who are parents/guardians and married are growing.
Activities - gay culture, fashion, film, travel, fitness - emphasis placed on entertainment as core leisure activity - editorial mix consists of soft news stories dominated by celebrity led content with harder issues covered.
Young & Rubicam’s 4 Consumers -
Reformers/Aspirers - narratives are political - LGBTQ+ orientated with material that deals with homelessness, voting rights and women’s rights - campaign-based journalism that tries to effect social change - aspirational feel - reference to premium fashion brands, material acquisition,