Assassins Creed Flashcards
Vertical integration
When an industry expands through its own means.
Assassins Creed 3:
Ubisoft > Assassisn creed franchise > 3: liberation
Horizontal integration
When an industry combines with others (at the same level)
E.G. Disney , Pixar = industry work together
economic contxt
The interconnectedness within society
The process by which business develop international influence
Global market games have expanded.
This benefits their franchise to grow use as they spend more disposable income in developed parts in the world
- japan and USA
Economic context
- Video games hold substantial cultural and financial importance in Japan, Europe, and the USA. = across these regions is valuable.
- The global video games market was valued at $140 billion in 2021, with mobile gaming experiencing rapid growth.
- Various revenue-enhancing strategies, such as production and distribution models, complement game sales.
Ownership also plays a crucial role in the financial success of a game franchise.
- coming together of two or more distinct entities .
- working together with another company, to achieve something that benefits all involved.
- Ubisoft have a synergistic relationship with Sony, producing the game.= presence in Asia.
- where a media company moves from producing (e.g. a TV company moving into film production)
They produce:
- video games
- books
- merch
- movie/films industry
A collective of companies.
- A spin off from assassins creed franchise
- Ubisoft are very large and powerful company that published AC3 = also made a lot of successful video games over the years. (meaning alot of resources, money and staff)
- Have plenty of money to spend on marketing and are able to distribute their market in a global competitive way
- promo for tv
- Use of convergent technology to allow wider access of additional content and to play the game on a variety of devices
- The convergence between social media platforms promotes gamer engagement and identification with the game across the fan community.
- filmic section in the trailer = to appeal more epic and to reach the wider audience
- variety of poster: lots of intertextual references to the other AC games (SIMILAR POSES & STYLES)
The game
- the game was released exclusively on the PSVita (a handheld console)
- increased demand for the other product
- handheld gaming has been a big indusrty over the years, so this would have been a good way to attract the gamers that wanted to be part of new technology
- unusual as it had a mix-raced female main character (Aveline) = women, particularly ethnic minority women, are either underrepresented or represented in stereotypical ways e.g. sexualised and objectified & often the ‘damsel in distress’.
Aveline - the character
- unusual as it had a mix-raced female main character (Aveline) = women, particularly ethnic minority women, are either underrepresented or represented in stereotypical ways e.g. sexualised and objectified & often the ‘damsel in distress’.
- Aveline is portrayed as strong, powerful and dominant = she just majority of the killing.
- this would appeal as a unique selling point for particularly female gamers who are making out a large part in the gaming market.
- they also released a range of video on YouTube that targets the audience that spend a lot of time online.
things like: - Gameplay
- tips and hints on how to play on AC Wiki
- social media content
- interviews from around the world
this maintains positive relationships with these fan communitiies = essential for the success and the mareting of the game.
Curran & Seaton supports this as AC company are trying to maximise their profit with new technology which means alot of dedicated fans will buy.
- Hesmondhalgh - Ubisoft is now also in competition with tech companies including Facebook, Google and Amazon who have recently become major players in the games industry backed by huge financial reserves.
gaming conventions
- Comicon, where you can meet up with fans
- AC3 obstacle course where fans can join in as if they are playing. = a good way for free marketing, fans will put it on YouTube.
violent players - Bandura & the Media effects
Banduras experiment can be applied to video games because a young player can imitate the violent behaviour/fighting as they may feel that this acceptable and rewarded.
Several games in the franchise have received an 18 rating from PEGI due largely to violent content
- audiences likely to imitate the behaviours portrayed in the games
However, his theory is outdated = Ubisoft regulated Assassin Creeds rated it 18+. hard for young gamers to play.
A useful discussion might be had in relation to the active role adopted by a player of video games. Question whether Bandura’s conclusions are invalidated or made more relevant if audiences are choosing to commit acts of violence in a video game rather than watching/imitating violent acts.
facts AC3L
- rated 18+ = lots of violence within the game, motiveless killing
- VSC - regulation board
- social interaction = people can play regularly with their friends
Narrative for AC3L
- BASED AROUND SLAVERY = AUDIENCE MAY FEEL ENGAGE/ INTREST AS IT MIGHT APPEAL TO AN ETHNIC MINORITY AUDIENCE or an Educated audience who are interested in politics and historical events)
fandom - jenkins
- Through the evolvement of video games and the development of the Internet, naturally players interact on many levels and thus, develops online material, such as ‘walk-throughs’ and reviews.
- the idea that fans are active participants in the construction and circulation of textual menings fans appropriate texts and read
them in ways that are not fully authorised by the media producers
(‘textual poaching’) the idea that fans construct their social and cultural identities through borrowing and inflecting mass culture images, and are part of a participatory culture that has a vital social dimension. - The Assassin’s Creed franchise has a strong and developed fan-base, which is also reflected in the use of ‘cos-play’ at franchise and games conventions, such as Comic-Con.
Uses and Gratification: With assassin’s creed
Blumler and Katz’
Information: Historical references, set in the 19th century, colonial America
Entertainment: action game, one of the most popular in the market. Also played on a handheld console (can play anywhere)
Social interaction: Multi-player functions allows for interacting with others.
Escapism: Engagement with extraordinary environments.
Personal identity: female protagonist, encouraging more females to purchase the game as they feel represented- uncommon in videogame industry.
End of Audience with AC
- UBISOFT nteract with fans on social media platforms like twitter by retweeting fan fanart.
- active Participation culture gives people the opportunity to adopt new identity. = reddit, streaming sites like twitch,
- The player can become characters
- The player can change or adopt a different identity when playing
- The engagement with fantasy or ‘alternative worlds’ - AC3: Liberation has ‘open world play’, which allows the player to have freedom to explore the virtual world
- The participation in gaming communities and forging relationships
theorist to consider
- Blumler and Katz – Uses and Gratifications
Audiences make active use of the media to fulfil certain needs - Bandura – Media Effects
Audience reflects behaviour taken from a media product - Jenkins - Fandom
Fans are active participants in production and circulation of media products - Livingston and Lunt – Media Regulation
The role of regulation on both product and audience
social and cultural context
- Profile of gamers has changed over time
- Gamers are diverse in age, demographic and gender
- Assumptions that the vast majority of gamers are young adult males is a myth
- In recent years there has been the rise of multi-player which broadens experience and brings audience together
- Gaming is now a global phenomenon
- Playing of computer games taken more seriously
- The representation of female characters, under- representation of women in video game development and an assumed minority of female video games players are areas that could be explored.
- The Assassin’s Creed franchise has made adaptations over the different versions of the game to address changes in society and culture and audience expectations.
- There are examples of female protagonists in the later games (Aveline and Kassandra).
How might audience interpretations may reflect social and cultural circumstances:
- The unique interactive and escapist experience provided by video games influences interpretations as gamers are part of a fan community made up of participants from diverse social and cultural backgrounds.
- Players may also make choices about video games selecting those that reflect aspects of their identity, for example in relation to the Assassins Creed franchise, those that feature a female avatar, or that take place in a particular historical setting that is of interest to the gamer.
- in relation to GENDER ISSUES
- Representation of female characters: often** sexualised and used as secondary characters e.g. gta**
- Represented through costume and body shape rather than personality.
- Through the character of Aveline, Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation were seeking to subvert the stereotype:
- Through costume
- Through action
- Through ethnicity
- the creators of the game are attempting to not only change the perception of a female character, but to also potentially make the game appealing to a female audience? This would, again potentially, **widen the demographic. **
A further gender issue to consider is the under-representation of females within the gaming industry. This may have some connection to the representation of female characters and players within the industry and wider gaming community