Attention Flashcards
Attention definition
consideration to one object/idea and withdrawal from another
involves: focus, consciousness, concentration
Selective attention
allocate resource to different tasks
intentional or involuntary
Selective attention: intentional
purposely focus on one thing while blocking out other
Selective attention: involuntary
response to external stimuli
Stroop effect
congruent vs incongruent
neutral word, name color of print vs colored word, name color of print
Cocktail party effect
2 messages simultaneously
unattended stim processed in parallel with attended stim
Inattention blindness
failure to see certain visual stim because of engagement to another
Limitations of selective attention
unattended stimuli processed in parallel
Divided attention
decreased ability to simultaneously attend to 2 tasks
structural vs capacity
Structural interference
physically doing to 2 things at once is impossible
Capacity interference
cognitively interfered
Mental effort
automatic or controlled processing
automatic (parallel/fast) is not subject to interference as much controlled processing (serial/slow) is subject to interference
Theories of Attention
Single channel filter theory
Flexible allocation of capacity theory
Multiple resources theory
Action-selection theory
Single channel filter theory
attention=single resource allocated to a single operation of IP
serial processing in nature, fixed capacity of IP
bottle neck thoery
Flexible allocation of capacity theory
allocation of capacity is not fixed
parallel processing in all stages
acknowledges divided attention/capacity changes with task
Multiple resource theory
pools or resources, with each pool handling specific kinds of IP
attention- allocated to input/output simultaneously
Action selection theory
selection is the fundamental process of attention
parallel processing in early stages of IP, selects action then prevention of other action
Double Stim paradigm
SOA- if <50ms 2 responses together= increased RT
SOA 50-300, more overlap interference begins
Conclusion of Double stim paradigm
single channel exists
single channel in later stages
bottle neck at response selection/programming stage
attention during movement
doesn’t always require attention
diverted to the environment
diverted to the response programming of IP
Secondary Task Technique
discrete (attention strongest in beginning/end or continuous (dual task)
decrease in speed/quality of either task 1 task 2 task 1 and task 2 failture to complete secondary task
Dual task
Distracted driving= 4x increase in accidents
structural vs capacity interference
depends on:
driving environment
driving characteristics
nature of conversation
Focus of attention
intrinstic- benefits beginners/novices
extrinstic- benefits experts