Attachment: Schaffer & Emerson's study of attachment Flashcards
Summarise the study! (why, when, what, where)
- 1964
- To study formation of early attachments
- Glasgow
- 60 babies (31M:29F) from working-class families
- Mother & baby observed in their homes for a year, then one final visit at 18 months
- Attachment quality measured by mothers keeping diary of separation behaviour
What were the findings??
- 50% of babies at 25-32 weeks showed separation anxiety towards a particular adult
- Reciprocity determined who they had an attachment to
- 80% of babies at 40 weeks had a specific attachment & 30% had multiple attachments
What are the 4 stages of attachment (According to Schaffer and Emerson)??
- Social stage (0-6 weeks)
- Indiscriminate attachments (6 weeks- 6 months)
- Specific (7+ months)
- Multiple (10/11+ months)
What happens during the asocial stage??
- Babies have similar responses to objects as they do people
- Preferences for: faces/eyes, familiar people & social stimuli
- Bonds start to form through reciprocity & interactional synchrony
What happens during the indiscriminate attachments stage??
- Preference for human company
- Able to distinguish people but comforted indiscriminately
- No separation anxiety
- Unlikely to show stranger anxiety
What happens during the ‘specific’ stage??
- Preference for one caregiver
- Display separation & stranger anxiety
- Baby looks for security from particular people
What happens during the ‘multiple’ stage??
- Attachment behaviours shown towards several different people
- Sensitive responsiveness (form attachments to people how respond to their signals more, not who’s more present)
Discuss the validity of the study! (AO3)
(Remember there’s a counterpoint for this)
High external validity
- Done in ordinary life
- No observer present to distract baby or create anxiety
- Likely babies acted naturally
Social-desirability bias -> Mothers kept diaries which are subjective. Even if babies acted naturally, behaviour may not have been recorded accurately
Discuss the evaluation point ‘Cultural Differences’! (AO3)
Unclear when infants form multiple attachments because it was done in a collectivist culture where this is the norm.
Discuss the evaluation point ‘Distress doesn’t mean attachment’! (AO3)
Just because a baby gets distressed when someone leaves the room, doesn’t mean they’re attached or that the individual is a ‘true’ attachment figure.
Bowlby (1969): Children gets distressed when playmate leaves the room