Attachment - Paper 1 Flashcards
Paper 1
What was Lorenz’s aim?
To investigate imprinting in attachment formation
What was Lorenz’s procedure?
- Randomly split batch of grey goose eggs into two
- One group hatched by mum natural environment (control group). Other hatched in incubator first moving object they saw was Lorenz
- Behaviour was observed
- Observed effect of imprinting on adult mate preferences
What were Lorenz’s findings?
- Experimental group imprinted on Lorenz; followed him
- Control group imprinted on mother
- When two groups mixed, control group continued to follow mother and experimental followed Lorenz
- Imprinting only occurred within critical period (between 4 and 25 hours)
- Geese who imprinted on human later displayed courtship behaviour towards humans
What are the negative evaluation points against Lorenz’s study?
Crticial period questioned by Sluckin: replicated research using ducklings. Ducklings imprinted on him but he kept one in isolated beyond the critical period. Found it was still possible to imprint it and concluded it was actually a sensitive period
Imprinting can be reversed: Guiton found chickens who imprinted on yellow washing up gloves would try to mate with them as adults but eventually learned to prefer mating with other chickens suggest impact of imprinting on mating behaviour isn’t permanent
What was Harlow’s aim?
To find whether contact comfort was more important in attachment than food (Cupboard love)
What was Harlow’s procedure?
- Put baby rhesus monkeys with 2 surrogate mothers. One wire and one cloth, wire produced milks cloth didn’t
- Amount of time spent with each mother was recorded
- Monkeys deliberately frightened with loud noise to test mother preference during stress
- Long-term effects recorded e.g., behaviour in adulthood (sociability and relationship with offspring)
What were Harlow’s findings?
- Monkeys spent most of their time on the cloth mother even though she didn’t give milk because it provided contact comfort. Monkeys stretched across to wire mother to feed while clinging to cloth mother
- When rightened the monkeys clung to the cloth mother
- As adults, monkeys were abusive to their offspring, even killing them in some cases. The monkeys were more aggressive and less sociable
What was Harlow’s conclusion?
Contact comfort is of more importance to monkey than food when it comes to attachment
What are the positive evaluation points of Harlow’s study?
Profound effects on psychologist’s understanding of mother-infant attachment. He showed attachment doesn’t develop as the result of being fed as learning theory suggests but as a result of contact comfort. Harlow showed importance of quality of early relationships for later social development.
Practical applications: helped social workers understand risk factors in child neglect and abuse to intervene and prevent it
What are the negative evaluation points of Harlow’s research?
Ethical issues: monkeys suffered greatly, deliberately stressed and frightened. Rhesus monkeys closely related to humans suggesting these animals suffered more than geese. Unethical practices undermined credibility of psych as a science.
However: sufficiently important to justify negative effects
Not all extraneous variables controlled, faces of cloth and wire mother were different, cloth had more resemblance of monkey. Factors other than whether the mother provided food or contact may have influenced attachment formed. Validity effected, cause and effect can’t be established between contact comfort and attachment.
What is the process of classical conditioning?
Before conditioning:
Food (UCS) –> Happy baby (UCR)
During conditioning:
Mother (NS) + Food (UCS) –> Happy baby (UCR)
After conditioning:
Mother (CS) –> Happy baby (CR)
What is classical conditioning?
Infant learns to associated primary caregiver with food
What is operant conditioning?
Reinforcement produces attachment. Crying leads to response from caregiver. If caregiver provides pleasant response crying is positively reinforced so will be repeated
Caregiver receives negative reinforcement because crying stops
What is the positive evaluation point for learning theory (classical and operant)?
Provides valuable insight into how infants become attached and the key role food plays. Practical applications: providing advice that if feeding is important in attachment then anyone who wants to create attachment should be involved where possible (father). Helps to increase attachment between babies and caregivers
What are the negative evaluation points for learning theory (classical and operant)?
Many form attachments with people who DON’T feed them. Schaffer and Emerson found in 39% of cases primary attachment figure was not who fed them. Many infants attach to parents who abuse them so food isn’t the key factor weakening validity of the explanation
Harlow found that monkeys formed attachment with cloth mother (contact comfort) rather than wire who provided food suggesting attachment isn’t due to regular feeding contradicting the research
Bowlby’s monotropic theory is a more complete explanation as it looks at attachment as an evolutionary mechanism for survival processes
What is the monotropic bond?
Attachment to one specific caregiver, usually the biological mother, monotropic bond is more important than any other attachments that the child may form
What is the internal working model?
Monotropic bond acts as. a template for all later relationships (internal working model) and has powerful effect on nature of a child’s future relationships. IWM affects child’s later ability to be a parent themselves, appears to be passed on through families. E.g., if a child is insecurely attached to parents, likely to have similar attachment to their own children
What is the critical period?
Bowlby said the first 2 years of life are the critical period for attachment to develop, if it doesn’t develop, it might seriously damage a child’s social and emotional development
What are the evolutionary principles?
His explanation of attachment is based on evolutionary principles and argues that humans have evolved a biological need to attach to a caregiver to increase their survival chances. Infants show innate behaviours like smiling and crying which make attachment possible. These are social releasers because they bring out caregiving behaviours from adults
What are the positive evaluation points for Bowlby’s monotropic theory?
Idea of internal working model is supported by evidence. Bailey et al assessed attachment of 99 mothers to their babies and their own mothers. Found the majority had the same attachment classifciation both to their babies and own mothers. Supports Bowlby’s view that an IWM is passed through families
What are the negative evaluation points of Bowlby’s monotropic theory?
It is a sensitive rather than critical period where attachments are most likely to be developed but argue that they could be formed at other times. Research has demonstrated even children raised in isolation can go on to form attachments with caregivers after the critical period
Monotropic bond not supported by research. Schaffer and Emerson found that by 10 months of age, most babies formed multiple attachments. May be that the primary attachment is just stronger not of greater importance
What is reciprocity?
Interactions involve both parties producing responses from each other. take turns. E.g., infant cries and caregiver responds by feeding baby, baby babbles and caregiver talks back.
What is interactional synchrony?
Takes place when the mother and interact in a way that their actions and emotions mirror each other
Isabella observed 30 mothers and infants and found high levels of interactional synchrony were associated with better quality mother-infant interaction
What is the positive evaluation point for caregiver-infant interactions?
EEvans and Porter studied reciprocity, synchrony and attachment quality in 101 infants and mothers for the first year after birth. Mothers and babies invited into the lab on 3 occasions. At 12 months, the quality of mother-infant attachment assessed. Babies judged to be securely attached tended to be those that had the most reciprocal interactions and most synchrony. Suggests caregiver-infant interactions play a vital part in forming attachments
Meltzoff and Moore found infants aged 2-3 weeks tended to mimic adults’ facial expressions and hand movements. This mimicking of behaviour has been observed in babies as young as 3 days old suggesting caregiver interactions are an innate ability used to aid in the formation of attachment
What is the negative evaluation point of caregiver-infant interactions?
E-Le Vine et al reported Kenyan mothers have little interaction or physical contact with their infants, but a high proportion of secure attachments. The majority of the research into this area may be criticised for being ethnocentric and ignoring how attachments may be formed within other cultures weakening support for the idea that caregiver interactions are necessary for attachment formation
What did Schaffer and Emerson study?
Stages of attachment. Proposed attachments develop over 4 stages
What was Schaffer and Emerson’s procedure?
- 60 babies from skilled WC Glasgow homes studied
- Babies were visited at home every month for the first year and again at 18 months
- Mothers were questioned about how the child behaved when they were separated (separation anxiety) and how they behaved with unfamiliar adults (stranger anxiety)
What were Schaffer and Emerson’s findings?
- Between 25032 weeks of age about 50% of the babies showed signs of separation anxiety towards a particular adult, usually the mother (specific attachment)
- By 40 weeks 80% of the babies had a specific attachment and almost 30% displayed multiple attachments
What were Schaffer and Emerson’s 4 stages of attachment?
Asocial, Indiscriminate, Specific and Multiple
What is stage 1 of attachment formation?
What is stage 2 of attachment formation?
What is stage 3 of attachment formation?
What is stage 4 of attachment formation?
What happens in the Asocial phase of attachment formation?
Birth - 3 months
Infants become attracted to other humans from 6 weeks old. They smile more at faces than objects
What happens in the Indiscriminate stage of attachment formation?
3 - 7 months
Infants begin to recognise and prefer familiar faces; however will accept comfort from any adult. Attachment is said to be indiscriminate because all adults are treated the same
What happens in the Specific stage of attachment formation?
7 - 8 months
Infants begin to develop anxiety from strangers and become distressed if separated from one specific adult (in 65% of cases the mother) - primary attachment figure
What happens in the Multiple stage of attachment formation?
9 months +
Form multiple attachments with other people who they spend a lot of time with these are secondary attachments
What are the negative evaluation points of the stages of attachment?
Evidence from cross cultural research to show babies are capable of developing multiple attachments from birth not 9m+. This is more likely to happen in collectivist cultures therefore there is no agreement within psychology about when multiple attachments are formed
Very difficult to measure the behaviour of young children especially in asocial stage as babies aren’t very mobile so there is little behaviour to observe. A baby may be crying for a different reason which creates problems because it is difficult to determine from observation alone whether behaviour shown is due to the attachment figure or some other reasons.
What are the positive evaluation points of the stages of attachment?
Schaffer and Emerson’s study was carried out in the families’ own homes and most of the observations were done by parents during ordinary activities and reported to researchers later meaning that the behaviour of the babies was unlikely to be affected by the presence of observers. Big chance of natural behaviour while being observed increasing external validity
What did Bowlby think about the role of the father?
Children have one specific bond and this is usually the mother.
What was Karen Grossman’s study?
Carried out a longitudinal study and found that quality of adolescent attachment to the father is related to father’s play with infants. This suggest fathers have a different role in attachment - one that is more to do with play and stimulation and less with nurturing
What was Field’s study into fathers as primary caregivers?
filmed 4-month old babies in face-to-face interactions with their fathers. She found a difference in the interactions when the father was the primary rather than secondary caregiver; they spent more time smiling, imitating and holding their babies than the secondary caregivers. Seems fathers can be more nurturing attachment figure and key to attachment is the level of responsiveness not the gender
What are the negative evaluation points of the role of the father?
Many studies have found that children growing up without a father don’t develop any differently than those who grow up with a mother and father suggesting that fathers don’t have a significant impact on children’s development
Evolutionary psychologist argue that females rather than males are biologically pre-disposed to be more nurturing. Oestrogen leads to the caring behaviours seen more in females than males. This study supports the view that women are biologically predisposed to be the primary caregiver and that men have a lesser role to play in children’s lives
What are the positive evaluation points for the role of the father?
Fathers are important not just for children but mothers too. Supportive fathers provide mothers with much needed time away from childcare. This can help reduce stress in mothers, improve self-esteem and ultimately, improve the mother’s relationship with her children
What was the aim of Ainsworth’s strange situation?
To study attachment behaviours
What was Ainsworth’s strange situation behaviour?
Took place in an unfamiliar room with 1-way glass so covertly. Infants were between 12-18 months and 100 middle-class American families
- Proximity seeking: an infant with a secure attachment will stay fairly close to the caregiver
- Exploration: a secure attachment enables a child to feel confident to explore the room using caregiver as secure base
- Separation anxiety: does the child protest when separated from caregiver?
- Stranger anxiety: if the attachment is secure, you would expect the child to display anxiety when approached by a stranger
- Reunion response: this measures how the child reacts when finally reunited with caregiver
What are the seven episodes of the strange situation?
- Child encouraged to explore
- Stranger comes in and tries to interact with child
- Caregiver leaves the child and stranger together
- Caregiver returns and stranger leaves
- Caregiver leaves and child alone
- Stranger returns
- Caregiver returns and is reunited with child
What happens in episode 1 of strange situation?
Child encouraged to explore
Child tests exploration and secure base
What happens in episode 2 of strange situation?
Stranger comes in and tries to interact with child
Tests stranger anxiety
What happens in episode 3 of strange situation?
Caregiver leaves child and stranger together
Tests separation and stranger anxiety
What happens in episode 4 of strange situation?
Caregiver returns and stranger leaves
Tests reunion behaviour and exploration/secure base
What happens in episode 5 of strange situation?
Caregiver leaves child alone
Tests separation anxiety
What happens in episode 6 of strange situation?
Stranger returns
Tests stranger anxiety
What happens in episode 7 of strange situation?
Caregiver returns and is reunited with child
Tests reunion behaviour
What were the findings of the strange situation?
Identified 3 types of attachment
A - Insecure avoidant
B - Secure
C - Insecure resistant
What is behaviour like in Type A Insecure Avoidant?
20-25% of infants
Exploration (mother present) - The child does not seek contact from the mother.
Separation anxiety - The child seems unconcerned when the mother leaves
Stranger anxiety - The child shows few signs of distress and ignored the or avoided stranger
Reunion behaviour - Child ignores the mother on her return.
What is behaviour like in Type B Secure?
60-75% of infants
Exploration (mother present) - Mother is seen as a safe base from which the child can explore
Separation anxiety - The child cries shortly after the mother leaves
Stranger anxiety - The child is wary of the stranger and maintains closeness to its mother
Reunion behaviour - Child seeks contact when mother returns and is easy to comfort
What is behaviour like in Type C Insecure Resistant?
Less than 10% of infants
Exploration (mother present) - The child is wary of their mother and don’t explore environment
Separation anxiety - The child show intense distress when mother has left
Stranger anxiety - The child is extremely distressed when left with the stranger
Reunion behaviour - Child is ambivalent (seeking and rejecting mother e.g., crying for mother then pushing them away)
What are the positive evaluation points of Ainsworth’s strange situation?
Is a reliable measure of attachment - takes place under controlled conditions and behavioural categories are easy to observe.
Bick looked at inter-rater reliability in a team of trained Strange Situation observers and found agreement on attachment type of 94% of tested babies. This means we can be confident that the attachment type of an infant identified in the Strange Situation doesn’t just depend on who is observing them
What are the negative evaluation points of Ainsworth’s strange situation?
Lacks ecological validity because of the unrealistic situation for both caregiver and infant. Attachment types may be stronger here than in the child’s own home e.g., may cry less in familiar environment. This reduces the ecological validity and limits its applicability
Based on American attachment behaviours and ignores how child rearing practices in other cultures may affect behaviour in the strange situation. Japanese infants are rarely separated from their parents so a child could be wrongly classified as insecure resistant reducing external validity and limiting applicability
What did Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg study?
Proportions of secure and insecure attachments across a range of countries
What was Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s procedure?
- Results from 32 studies on attachment that had used the Strange Situation were examined (18 were from USA)
- These studies were conducted in 8 countries with a total sample size of 1,990 infants
- Data for these studies were meta-analysed
What were Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s key findings?
Secure attachment: most common varied from 75% in Britain to 50% in China
Insecure avoidant: Most common in Germany and least in Japan
Insecure resistant: least common type ranged from 3% in UK to 29% in Israel
Variations between results of studies within same country were 150% greater than those between countries. In USA one study found only 46% securely attached compared to one sample which was 90%
Who also conducted a study to see proportions of babies of different attachment types?
Simonella et al
What was Simonella et al’s procedure?
Assessed 76 12-month olds using the Strange Situation in Italy
What were Simonella et al’s findings?
50% - Secure
36% - Insecure avoidant
This is a lower rate of secure attachment suggested this is because increasing number of others work long hours and use professional healthcare
What was Simonella et al’s conclusion?
Secure attachment seems to be the norm in a wide range of cultures. However research shows that cultural practices have an influence on attachment type
What are the positive evaluation points of cultural variations of attachment?
Van Ijzendoorn’s mate-analysis used a large sample, nearly 2000 mothers and babies. This reduces the impact of poor methodology therefore will be able to be generalised to large population
What are the negative evaluation points of cultural variations of attachment?
Van Ijzendoorn: limited number of studies in some countries e.g., 1 study in China, 18 in USA so cannot generalise from a limited sample to entire country
Culturally biased: Strange situation designed by American researcher (Ainsworth) and is based on British theory (Bowlby) and has been used to judge infants worldwide. Example of imposed etic.
In S.S lack of separation anxiety indicates insecure avoidant but in Germany independent behaviour is encouraged so lack of separation anxiety isn’t a sign of insecurity so cross cultural comparisons using the strange situation may lack validity
What are the economic implications of the role of the father?
Increasingly, fathers remain at home so contribute less to the economy consequently more mothers may return to work and contribute to the economy
What is Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation?
Caused by prolonged separation from attachment figure. Deprivation during critical period (first 3 years) is harmful resulting in irreversible long term negative consequences.
What are the negative consequences of maternal deprivation?
Effects on intellectual development and effects on emotional development
What are the effects of maternal deprivation on intellectual development?
Cognitive delays and low IQ. Goldfarb found maternally deprived children in orphanages had lower IQ than those who were fostered
What are the effects of maternal deprivation on emotional development?
Affectionless psychopathy - Bowlby suggested these children would develop an inability to show affection or concern for others, acting on impulse with little regard for the consequence of their actions
What was the aim of Bowlby’s 44 thieves theory?
This study examined the links between affectionless psychopathy and maternal deprivation
What was Bowlby’s 44 thieves procedure?
44 criminal teenagers accused of stealing - sample. They were interviewed for signs of affectionless psychopathy. Families also interviewed in order to establish whether the thieves had suffered prolonged early separation from their mothers. Control group of 44 non-criminal but emotionally disturbed teens was set up to see how often maternal deprivation occurred in children who weren’t delinquent.
What were the results of Bowlby’s 44 thieves study?
Thieves: 14/44 affectionless psychopaths. Of this 14, 12 had experienced prolonged separation in first 2 years of life
Control group: 2/44 suffered maternal separation but 0/44 were affectionless psychopaths
What was the conclusion from Bowlby’s 44 thieves study?
Prolonged separation/deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy
What were the positive evaluation points of Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation?
Supporting evidence from Harlow. The monkeys suffered maternal deprivation and as adults were abusive to their offspring supporting the view that maternal deprivation has a detrimental effect on development
What were the negative evaluation points of Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation?
Contradictory evidence: cross-cultural research from Kagan who studied Guatemalan Indians and found although children experienced deprivation due to being kept in windowless huts with little contact with their primary caregiver and didn’t experience any social and intellectual impairment showing that maternal deprivation doesn’t produce irreversible negative consequences
Lewis replicated Bowlby’s 44 thieves study with 500 young people and found that early deprivation didn’t predict future criminality or difficulty with relationships.
Sensitive rather than critical period. Koluchova did a case study on Czech twin boys isolated from 18 months by being locked in a cupboard. Later they were looked after by two loving adults and appeared to fully recover. This shows severe deprivation can have positive outcomes. Cases like this demonstrate that the period identified by Bowlby may be a sensitive but not critical period
What was Rutter et al’s aim?
To investigate if good care could make up for poor early experiences in an institution
What was Rutter et al’s procedure?
Followed a group of 165 Romanian orrhans adopted in Britain. Physical, cognitive and emotional development was assessed at ages 4,6,11 and 15 years. A group of 52 British children adopted around the same served as the control group
What were Rutter et al’s findings?
When they first arrived in the UK, 1/2 the adoptees lagged behind their British counterparts on all 3 measures of development. At age 11, recovery depended on the child’s age at adoption.
6 months - mean IQ 102
6 months - 2 years IQ86
After age 2 - IQ77
What was seen in Romanian orphans adopted after 6 months?
They had impaired social skills and showed signs of disinhibited attachment. - This is when the child shows equal affection to strangers as they do people they know well
What was the Bucharest Early Intervention Project?
Zeanah et all assessed 95 children aged 12-31 months who had spent 90% of their lives in Romanian orphanages. These children were compared to a control group of 50 children who had never lived in an institution. They used the strange situation to measure their attachment type and asked caregivers to describe any unusual behaviours.
What were the findings in the Bucharest Early Intervention Project?
74% of the control group were identified as securely attached compared to 19% in institutionalised group and 65% were classed as having disorganised attachment and more likely to have a disinhibited attachment style.
What are the positive evaluation points of the Romanian Orphan Studies?
Real life application - Orphanages and children’s care homes no avoid having large numbers of caregivers and try to ensure that each child is assigned a key worker. This means that the children have the chance to develop normal attachments and helps avoid disinhibited attachment
Romanian orphans allowed psychologists to have a unique opportunity to study the effects of institutionalisation. Due to it having less extraneous variables than pervious orphan studies which had used samples of children who were neglected or abused. It was therefore hard to identify which specific factors were affecting their emotional and intellectual development. In the case of the Romanian orphanages there weren’t as many confounding variables so the research has higher internal validity
What are the negative evaluation points of the Romanian Orphan Studies?
It is possible that conditions in the orphanages were so bad that the results cannot be applied to children in other types of institutional care. They had particularly poor standards of care and extremely low levels of intellectual stimulation. This is a limitation of the Romanian orphanage studies because the unusual situational variables that exist in these studies may prevent this research from being generalised to other groups of adopted children
Long-term effects not known: it may be that the children who spent longer in institutions and currently lag behind or display attachment difficulties will eventually ‘catch up’ as adults. Equally, early-adopted children who appear to have no issues may experience emotional problems as adults suggesting that long term effects of early institutionalisation are unknown
How does the internal working model influence adult relationships?
The monotropic bond acts as a template for all later relationships. (internal working model) has a powerful effect on the nature of a child’s future relationships
A child whose first experience is of a loving relationship with a reliable caregiver will assume that this is how relationships are meant to be and will thus seek out fulfilling relationships in the future
How does insecure avoidant childhood attachment style effect adult behaviours?
I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others. I am nervous when anyone gets too close. Romantic partners want me to be more intimate
How does securely attached childhood attachment style effect adult behaviours?
I find it relatively easy to get close to others and am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me
How does insecure resistant childhood attachment style effect adult behaviours?
Others are reluctant to get close as I like. I want to merge completely with another person and this can scare them away. I worry my partner does not really love me
What did Youngblade and Belsky investigate?
Attachment type and relationships in later childhood
What did Youngblade and Belsky find?
Found that 3-5 year old securely attached children were more self-confident, got along better with other children and were more likely to form close friendships/
What did Myron-Wilson and Smith look into?
Relationship between attachment type and bullying
What did Myron-Wilson and Smith find?
Used questionnaires in 196 children aged 7-11 from London. Secure children were unlikely to be involved in bullying. Insecure avoidant children were more likely to be victims and insecure resistant children were more likely to be bullies
What did Kerns find?
Securely attached babies tend to go on to form the best quality childhood friendships whereas insecurely attached babies later have friendship difficulties
What did Hazen and Shaver investigate?
The relationships in adulthood with romantic partners
What was Hazen and Shaver’s aim?
Wanted to find out if the type of attachment that a person had infancy has an effect on the type of romantic relationships they would form in the future
What was Hazen and Shaver’s procedure?
Analysed 620 replies to a ‘love quiz’ printed in an American local newspaper. It had 3 sections.
Section 1: Assessment of their current or most significant relationship
Section 2: Assessment of their love life e.g., number of partners
Section 3: Assessment of their attachment type
What were Hazen and Shaver’s findings of secure attachment types?
56% - Secure
Had happy, friendly and trusting relationships and are happy being close to others.
Average length of relationship 10 years
What were Hazen and Shaver’s findings of avoidant attachment types?
25% - Avoidant
Had jealousy and fear of intimacy, they are uncomfortable depending on or being close to others
Average length of relationship 6 years
What were Hazen and Shaver’s findings of resistant attachment types?
19% - Resistant
Were obsessive in romantic relationships, desire for intense closeness
Average length of relationship 5 years
What does research from Bailey show us about relationships in adulthood?
Assessed attachments of 99 mothers to their babies and their own mothers. Majority of women had the same attachment classification both to their babies and their own mothers. This supports the importance of early relationships in one’s ability to parent successfully
What are the negative evaluation points of theories about adult relationships?
Link decreases with age: insecurely attached children do not always become insecurely attached adults; the link tends to decrease with age. This seems to be because the average person will participate in several different relationships which may alter their internal working model. Most of the research is purely correlational which means there are no controls over extraneous variables so we cannot make conclusions from research alone
Methodological issues: much of the research is from self-report studies which are retrospective so rely on the memory of the participant which can be unreliable and also social desirability bias lowering internal validity
Free will vs Determinism: Must be other factors which contribute to formation of adult relationships. We have the cognitive ability to reflect on our past and recognise what unhealthy relationships look like so we can avoid these in the future