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Psychology- A-level
> Attachment: Overall > Flashcards
Attachment: Overall Flashcards
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Psychology- A-level
(62 decks)
Social Influence: Types of Conformity and Explanations
Social Influence: Explanations for Conformity
Social Influence: Asch's Research
Social Influence: Conformity to Social Roles - Zimbardo's Research
Social Influence: Obedience - Milgram's Research
Social Influence: Obedience - Situational Variables
Social Influence: Obedience - Social-psychological factors
Social Influence: Obedience - Dispositional Explanations
Social Influence: Resistance to social influence
Social Influence: Minority Influence
Social Influence: Social influence and social change
Memory: The multi-store model of memory
Memory: The working memory model
Memory: Types of long term memory
Memory: Theories on forgetting
Memory: Eyewitness Testimony
Memory :Overall Revision
Attachment: Care-giver interactions (AO1)
Attachment: Evaluation of caregiver-infant interactions (AO3):
Attachment: Stages of attachment and multiple attachments (AO1):
Attachment: Stages of attachment and multiple attachments (AO1):
Attachment: Evaluation of Schaffer and Emerson’s study (AO3):
Attachment: The role of the father (AO1):
Attachment: Evaluation of the role of the father (AO3)):
Attachment: Animal studies of attachment – Part 1 (AO1 and AO3):
Attachment: Animal studies of attachment – Part 2 (AO1 and AO3):
Attachment: Explanations of Attachment – Part 1 (AO1):
Attachment: Evaluation of learning theory (AO3):
Attachment: Explanations of attachment – Part 2 (AO1):
Attachment: Evaluation of Bowlby’s monotropic theory (AO3):
Attachment: Ainsworth’s Strange Situation and types of attachment (AO1):
Attachment: Ainsworth’s Strange Situation and types of attachment (AO3):
Attachment: Cultural variations in attachment (AO1):
Attatchment: Evaluation of Van Ljzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s study (AO3):
Attachment:Additional examples of research into cultural variations in attachment (AO1 and AO3):
Attachment: Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation (AO1):
Attachment: Research into the effects of maternal deprivation (AO1)
Attachment: Evaluation of research into the effects of maternal deprivation (AO3):
Attachment: The effects of institutionalisation:
Attachment: Evaluation of Romanian research into the effects of institutionalisation:
Attachment: The Influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships (AO1):
Attachment: Research into the internal working model and later friendships/ relationships (Part 1):
Attachment: Research into the internal working model and later friendships/ relationships (part 2):
Attachment: Evaluation of the influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships (AO3):
Attachment: Overall
Approaches: The origins of Psychology (AO1):
Approaches: The origins of Psychology (AO3):
Approaches: The Behaviourist Approach (Learning Approach) (AO1):
Approaches: Evaluation of the Behaviourist Approach (AO3):
Approaches: Social Learning Theory (AO1):
Approaches: Evaluation of Social Learning Theory (AO3):
Approaches: The Cognitive Approach (AO1):
Approaches: Evaluation of the Cognitive Approach (AO3):
Approaches: The emergence of Cognitive Neuroscience:
Approaches: The Biological Approach (AO1):
Approaches: Evaluation of the Biological Approach (AO3):
Approaches: The Psychodynamic Approach (AO1):
Approaches: Freud’s Psychosexual Stages:
Approaches: Evaluation of the psychodynamic approach (AO3):
Approaches: The Humanistic Approach (AO1):
Approaches: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
Approaches: Evaluation of the humanistic approach (AO3):