Attachment - explanations of attachment: Bowlby's monotropic theory Flashcards
What is the acronym to help remember this theory?
M - monotropy
I - internal working model
S - social releases
S - survival
C - critical period
E - evolutionary
C - continuity hypothesis
I - innate
In what way was his theory an evolutionary one?
Believed attachment was innate as it has a survival advantage
Attachment seen as a two-way process (mother and baby seek proximity)
Argues attachment has evolved as a way of keeping the infant safe
What is monotropy?
Babies form one special attachment with their mother - special intense attachment
If mother isn’t available, infant could bond with another ever-present adult (‘mother substitute’)
What is the law of continuity?
The more constant and predictable a child’s care is, the better the attachment
What is the law of accumulated separation?
The effects of every separation from mother add up and ‘the safest does is a zero dose’
What is the internal working model?
First attachment forms a template (or schema) for future adult relationships
What is a schema?
Pattern of thought or behaviours that organises categories of info and relationships among them
What is the continuity hypothesis?
The template continues into adulthood and affects future relationships
Child who received continuous care from primary caregiver will develop a positive IWM and have positive expectations of relationships in future
Child who received lack of sensitive caregiving will develop a negative IWM and have negative expectations of future relationships