attachment - caregiver, stages of attachment Flashcards
reciprocity and interactional synchrony
- new-born babies have alert phases
- interactional synchrony mirroring
- interactional synchrony at two weeks old meltizof and more.
1) from birth babies spend a lot of time with their caregivers receiving interaction. babies have alert phases when they want interaction
2) two people carrying out the same actions simultaneously are said to be in synchrony. interactional synchrony can be defined as the coordination of micro level beheviour
3) meltizof and moore observed Interactional synchrony in infants as young as two weeks old. adults display 1 of three gesture and facial. Association was found
higher synchrony = better quality of attachment
Isabella study:
reciptory - one person responds to another bazzalaton;
baby is active
synchrony provides necessary foundation for the mother and infant connection which can be built upon years
Isabella studied 20 mothers and found better synchrony = better quality of attachment
from three months reciprocal interaction trends to be an increasingly frequent when each person responses to the other and gets a response. In involves close attention to each other signs.
- Bazalaton describes this as a dance.
additional views of childhood have baby as passive role receiving care. However seems baby takes an active role. Both mother and child innate interactions
limitation - hard to know what is happening when observing infants
limitation - synchrony and reciprocal does not tell us why
many studies into infants have shown same patterns of behaviour but what is observed is hand movements and gestures. It is difficult to be sure based on observations what is taking place from infants perspective.
Feldman points out synchrony and reciprocity simply describes the behaviour taking place. These are robust phenomena in the sense they can be reliably observed but does not tell us the purpose.
stegenth - uses well controlled procedures.
potential value to society
mother and infant interaction usually filmed in many angles and recorded. Also babies don’t know they are being observed so their behaviour does not change
identification of higher quality attachment has value to society. Crowell found that a 10 minute parent and child interaction improved synchrony in 20 low income mothers compared to infants in a controlled group. This could improve attachments.
limitation Is that is is socially sensitive
children disadvantaged due to particular child rearing practices. Specifically mothers who return to work shorty after child is born prevent opportunities for achieving synchrony this suggests mothers should not return to work.
stages of attachment
antisocial stage
indiscriminate stage;
behaviour towards human and object is similar, preference with a familiar adult, babies happier in presence of other humans
indiscriminate stage - preference for people, recognize familiar people, accept comfort from everyone, don’t show separation anxiety
stages of attachment
specific attachment
multiple attachments
displayed stranger anxiety towards one adult. Baby formed specific primary attachment, most cases those who respond to babies signals 65% of the time its mothers biological
secondary attachments with other person schaffer and emerson study 29% babies had secondary attachment by one multiple attachments
key study by shuffer and emerson on stages of attachment
procedure -
- 60 babies from Glasgow most from working class families, babies and mothers were visited every month for a year and at 18 months. Separation anxiety measured by asking mothers questions about their children’s behaviour during everyday separation. Stranger anxiety measured by asking mothers questions about their child’s anxiety responses to unfamiliar situation.
50% babies showed separation anxiety towards a particular adult between 25 and 32 weeks of age. Usually with mothers. Attachment tended to be with caregiver most interactive and sensitive to facial expressions and signals