Attachment: Animal Studies Flashcards
Who is covered under animal studies?
Lorenz’s imprinting and Harlow
Why are animal studies used?
Psychologists are intrested in this because attachment is common to a range of species and animal studies can help us link to humans.
What is imprinting?
Lorenz’s research suggests that organisms have a biological propensity to form attachment to one single subject.
What was Lorenz’s study?
- Divided goose eggs, half to hatch with mother (natural enviorment), half with Lorenz..
- The behaviour of the goslings was recorded.
What was Lorenz’s findings?
Once hatched the goslings follow the first moving object seen between 12-17hrs after hatched. (Critical Period)
-Half followed Lorenz, the other half followed the mother.
What view is supported by Lorenz’s findings?
Supports the view that having a biological basis for an attachment is adaptive as it promotes survival.
What happens if the animal sees no moving object during critical period?
It will not imprint. Means its unlikely any attacment will ever develop.
What does critical period suggest?
This process suggests that attachment is innate and programmed genetically.
What is sexual imprinting?
Where a young animal learns the characteristics of a desirable male.
What are the AO1 points of Lorenz’s imprinting?
Lorenz’s study + findings (imprinting)
Critical period
Sexual imprinting
What are disadvantages of Lorenz’s imprinting?
- Generalisability to humans
- Impact of imprinting on mating behaviour may not be permanent.
What study supports Lorenz’s findings?
Guiton 1966: found chicks imprinted onto glove. Also try to mate with it. Supports sexual imprinting. Found it can be reversed by spending time with own species.
What was Harlows aim?
To demonstrate that attachment is not based on the feeding bond between mother and infant.
What was the method of Harlows study?
16 monkeys seperate from mother after birth. Placed in cages with two surrogate mothers- one made of wire and one covered in soft cloth. Wire one had food.
What was the results of Harlows study
Both groups spent most time with cloth mother, even if she had no milk. Would only go to wire mother when hungry. If frightened it would go to cloth monkey.
What were the findings after the monkeys were released into the wild?
Monkeys left for 90 days or more: Problems of socialisation, aggressive or timid, females were inadequate mothers.
Left less than 90 days: effects could be reversed.
What does Harlows research support/show?
Supports the importance of bonding between mother and baby.
Affection has a large impact on a child’s development.
What are evaluation of Harlows research?
-Ethical issues
+Practical value: can be applied to situations (e.g. child abuse)