Attachment Flashcards
B.mices innate and reciprocal
Programming for an infant and parent to be attached-caregiver is internally programmed to respond to infants needs
B.mices critical period
0-3yrs is when attachment can form
Emotional relationship bmices
Attachment with CG serves as an internal working model that is the basis of all later rules and expections in relationships
Strange situation findings-secure
Plays happily when CG is present, distressed when she’s gone;66%
Strange situation
Mary ainsworth designed a controlled observation to measure the type of attachment between infant and caregiver, it has a series of episodes to distress child
Strange situation findings-avoidant
Little or no concern when CG leaves, shows little preference for CG or stranger 22%
Classical conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus-> unc response (CG and child-no response)
Neutral stimulus-> no response (Kid likes food but not mum)
NS and US-> child likes food from mum)
Condition stim-> condition response(child now likes mum)
Bmices safety
Attachment results in a desire to retain proximity and therefore safety-distress if separated
Bmices secure base
Attachment provides a base for infants to explore their surroundings, a securely attached child is more likely to wander than an insecurely attached one
Monotropy Bmices
The bond with a care fiver is unique and differs from other attachments-tendency to only bond with 1 main person
Secure attachment definition
strong attachment from infant to care giver, comfortable with interaction and intimacy
4 types of bond disruption
Rutters research
Researched romain orphans from bad institutions adopted in UK-did longitude studies to find out how they were doing-shows attachment can be made by kids who never had one
Rutters findings
By age of 4 there were no significant differences between English and Romanian kids(b4 they had a lower IQ,were smaller)-kids adopted after 6 months didn’t grow as well and had trouble with attachments
Rutters evaluation
:)the English comparison so they could be correctly assessed. recently done (good temporal validity). Low demand characteristics
:( are the findings due to deprivation of caregiver or poor conditions. Ungeneralisable.
Failure to form an attachment (genie, Czech twins, hodges and tizard)
Hodges and tizard evaluation
:) suggests good quality care can make a difference to emotional development of children later on, especially if there’s a loving family to adopt. And shows effects can be reversed
:(adopted children had problems outside the family(suggests privation can have affect on children’s social development
Disadvantage to all privation studies
Small sample-hard to generalize
When children are looked after somewhere other than a home-lots of the time have many changes in carers so it’s hard to form attachment
Insecure attachment definition
Develops as a result of care givers lack of responding to infants needs
Attachment theory and learning theory psychological approach
Evolutionary and behaviorist
Attachment theory and learning theory processes
Innate(nature) and leaned (nurture)
Support for and against learning theory
For:feral children(food)
Against: too simplistic-doesn’t take emotions into account. Harlow (monkeys). Schaffer and Emerson (39% of infants weren’t attached to feeders
When attachment is broken
When they’re separated for a long time
Separation example
Robertson and Bowlbys