Atreya CH1 - Samkhya Darshana Flashcards
literally “to see” - a way reality can be observed and studied (philosophy)
Three main qualities of Prakriti that form the basis of all creation:
- Sattva;
- Rajas;
- Tamas;
- Sattva
Enlightening and a cause for positive vibes;
Reflects knowledge.
Cosmic qualities: Purity, light, clarity, flexibility, harmony, virtue, luminous
Mental qualities: Creativity, flexibility, compassion, kindness, open, loving, caring, intelligent, humanitarian.
- Rajas
Represents all movements and activities which occur in the body. Has to be in balance - if disturbed it can lead to outrageous thoughts and emotions like anger, over-anxiety and aggressiveness.
Cosmic qualities: Active, movement, dynamic, force, abrupt, distraction, impulse, turbulence, dispersing
Mental qualities: Direct, aggressive, motivated, goal seeking, angry, controlling
- Tamas
Balances and controls Rajas. Reflects slowness and calmness.
Cosmic qualities: Inertia, darkness, obscurity, rigid, fixed, dull, heavy, solid, obstructing, matter
Mental qualities: Delusion, dullness, stupidity, manipulating, violent, deceiving, dishonest, depression.
Six systems of Indian “Philosophy”
Nyaya Darshana
Shaddarshana - 1
School of logic and epistemology (theory of knowledge) that defined the rules of debate, the canons of proof and accepted means of acquiring knowledge.
Vaisesika Darshana
Shaddarshana - 2
Atomist school - analyzed reality into six categories: substance, quality, activity, generality, particularity and inherence. The universe is made up of nine kinds of substance:
Causative factors or substances in the universe according to Vaisesika
1 - Akasha (ether); 2- Vayu (air); 3 - Tejas/Agni (fire); 4 - Apa (water); 5 - Prthivi (earth); 6 - Atman (individual soul, jivatman); 7 - Manas (mind); 8 - Kala (time); 9 - Dig (direction, space).
Samkya Darshana
Shaddarshana - 3
Based on two basic metaphysical principles:
Purusha (Pure Consciousness) and Prakriti (Latent Matter)
Main vision used in Ayurveda
Yoga Darshana
Shaddarshana -4
By Patanjali - accepts Samkhya metaphysiscs and Ishvara (individualized or personal God). Yoga defined as ‘cessation of consciousness or Moksha’ achieved through eight-stage discipline called Ashtangayoga.
Purva Mimamsa Darshana
Shaddarshana - 5
Basis of Hindu ritualistic practices and pumas.
Uttara Mimamsa / Vedanta Darshana
Shaddarshana -6
Concentrates on philosophical teachings of the Upanishads. Vedanta is a form of Jnana Yoga - it deals with individual who seeks path of discrimination.
Element or aspect of reality
Samkhya - Tattva’s 24
0x Purusha - Pure consciousness
1x Prakriti - Latent matter - gives form to all things
1x Mahat - Cosmic mind
1x Ahamkara - Sense of I. in humans: Buddha
1x Manas - Individual mind
5x Tanmatra - potentials of matter
5x Panchamahabuhta - form comes into being - 5 elements
5x Jnanendriya - 5 Şenses
5x Karmendriya - 5 Expressions, motor organs
Samkhya philosophy
Pure Consciousness is the origin of all creation and stays within the created manifestation all through the process of creation. Thus, all creation has a fragment of this Pure Consciousness and is therefore conscious. Creation is a continual process, perpetual movement and therefore not static or fixed.
Purusha - Latent Consciousness + Primal qualities (3)
Rises from the unknowable substratum for no reason. Other name = 'Atman' or 'Brahman'. Existing as pure potential, unknowable. Primal qualities: Satcitanand 1. Sat (Beingness) 2. Chit (Consciousness) 3. Ananda (Blissfulness
Prakriti - Latent matter + Main qualities (3)
Causal. Purusha needs a partner to manifest. Actual source of the material manifestation. Feminine in nature (Nature itself).
Other name = Shakti
Main qualities - TriGunas - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas
Non-reality or illusion; what Prakriti is and Purusha rules
Mahat - Cosmic Mind
Union of pure consciousness (Purusha) with pure creative energy (Prakriti) gives birth to the universal mind. the cosmic principle of intelligence. Mahat is born from the three Gunas of Prakriti, spec. rajas. No concept of individual, only unity.
Ahamkara - Sense of “I”
Development of the individualized concept - the individual comes into being. Human development through Buddhi.
Buddhi, or intellect, does not exist in other forms of life. It is the Buddhi, or reasoning mind, which separates the human being from the animal kingdom.
Manas - Individual Mind
Manas is comparable to our whole psychology. Influenced directly by the senses and outer environment.
‘Primal measure’ or ‘Root cause’
Five-fold division of subtle matter - subtle form comes into existence.
Division of Prana as it becomes more dense or solid