Ama Flashcards
Koshta Bheda
Types of digestive tract - sutra AH Cher 1:
- Kroora Koshta - hard bowels
- Mrudu Koshta - soft bowels
- Madhyama Koshta - normal bowels
Effects of Ati Matra Ahara
food taken in excessive quantity
Sutra AH Cher 8:
- quickly vitiates all three doshas;
- ingested food doesn’t get digested properly;
- Ama is formed;
- vitiated doshas are contaminated by ama;
- Alasaka due to the blockage of the channels of the body;
- Visuchika by expelling the indigested food from lower (anal) and upper (oral) passages.
Sama dosha lakshanas
Symptoms of doshas associated with ama
Sama dosha lakshanas 1/10 - Srotorodha
Obstruction of the channels, pores
Sama dosha lakshanas 2/10 - Balabhramsha
Loss of strength
Sama dosha lakshanas 3/10 - Gaurava
Feeling of heaviness of the body
Sama dosha lakshanas 4/10 - Anila Moodata
Inactivity of Anila (Vata)
Sama dosha lakshanas 5/10 - Alasya
Laziness, latitude
Sama dosha lakshanas 6/10 - Apakti
Loss of digestive power
Sama dosha lakshanas 7/10 - Nishteeva
Person spits saliva frequently, more of expectoration
Sama dosha lakshanas 8/10 - Malasanga
constipation or low frequency of urination leading to accumulation of wastes
Sama dosha lakshanas 9/10 - Aruchi
Anorexia, loss of appetite, lack of taste
Sama dosha lakshanas 10/10 - Klama
Exhaustion, tiredness, loss of libido
Ushmano alpa bala
lack of digestion strength
Adya dhatu
first dhatu i.e. Rasa Dhatu, i.e. Kapha